Приказ основних података о дисертацији

Computer modeling and optimization of stents design

dc.contributor.advisorFilipović, Nenad
dc.contributor.otherRanković, Vesna
dc.contributor.otherDavidović, Lazar
dc.contributor.otherJovičić, Gordana
dc.contributor.otherSavić, Slobodan
dc.creatorNikolić, Dalibor D.
dc.description.abstractStentovi se danas koriste kao rešenje za lečenje brojnih poremećaja i bolesti. Najviše primene stentovi pronalaze u lečenju kardio-vaskularnih oboljenja. Prema izveštajima svetskih zdravstvenih organizacija, kardio-vaskularne bolesti predstavljaju najveći zdravstveni problem ljudi u razvijenom svetu. Trenutno se u Evropi izvodi oko 500 000 procedura ugradnje kardio-vaskularnih stentova godišnje. Prema statističkim podacima u našoj zemlji ove bolesti su među najčešćim uzrocima smrti- u preko 50% umrlih. Ovako poražavajuća statistika zahteva brži i bolji razvoj u industriji stentova. Numeričke simulacije statičkog i dinamičkog opterećenja modela stentova mogu mnogo pomoći u procesima dizajniranja stentova. Osnovni metod koji je korišćen u ovom radu jeste metod konačnih elemenata (MKE). Za rešavanje MKE u radu je korišćen softver razvijeni u Istraživačko razvojnom centru za bioinženjering PAK, a za pojedine probleme i komercijalni softver Simulia Abaqus. Osnovni cilj teze je da se primenom numeričkih simulacija odrede naponi i deformacije u modelima stenta, tokom razvojnog procesa stenta. Zatim optimizacija modela stenta kao i pronalaženje najoptimalnijeg dizajna na osnovu ovih rezultata, kako bi se procedura dizajna i izrade stenta pojednostavila i ubrzala. Virtuelne simulacije pružaju u uvid ponašanje modela stenta tokom njegovog životnog ciklusa. Otkrivanje mesta sa kritičnim naponom i deformacijama, koja bi mogla da izazovu lom stenta tokom ekspoatacije, u ranoj fazi dizajna, kao i sama mogućnost promene modela u ovoj fazi, prilično pojednostavljuju izradu i skraćuju vreme razvoja modela stenta. Procedura modeliranja i optimizacije prikazana je kroz primer jednog jednostavnog modela stenta, a dobijeni rezultati ovih metoda ukazuju na veliki potencijal za širu primenu u budućem razvoju stentova.sr
dc.description.abstractToday stents are used as a solution for treating a number of health disorders and diseases. They find their major application in treating cardiovascular diseases. According to the reports of world health organizations, cardiovascular diseases represent the greatest health problem of people in developed countries. Currently, around 500 000 of coronary stent implantation procedures are being conducted in Europe. According to statistics, these diseases are among the most common causes of death in our country – more than 50% of deaths. Such devastating statistics requires a faster and better development of stent industry. Numerical simulations of static and dynamic loads on stent models can be very helpful in the processes of stent design. The basic method used in this thesis is the finite element method (FEM). For solving problems using the FEM, software developed in the Research and Development Centre for Bioengineering was used while Simulia Abaqus, commercial software, was also applied for specific problems. The main aim of the thesis is to determine stress and strain in stent models by using numerical simulations, during a stent development process. Furthermore, it is stent model optimization as well as finding the most optimal design on the basis of these results in order to simplify and speed up the procedure of stent design and manufacturing. Virtual simulations provide an insight into the behavior of a stent model during its lifecycle. Identification of the points of critical stress and strain, which could cause stent fracture during exploitation in an early phase of its design, as well as the possibility of modifying the model in this phase, to a high extent simplify and shorten the time needed for the stent model development. The procedure of modeling and optimization is demonstrated by an example of a simple stent model and the results obtained using these models indicate a great potential for its wider application in the area of stent development in the future.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Крагујевцу, Факултет инжењерских наукаsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/174028/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Крагујевцуsr
dc.subjectstent designen
dc.subjectendovascular prosthesisen
dc.subjectcoronary arteriesen
dc.subjectnumerical analysis FEAen
dc.subjectmechanical stent testingen
dc.subjectdizajn stentasr
dc.subjectendovaskularna protezasr
dc.subjectnumeričke analize MKEsr
dc.subjectkoronarne arterijesr
dc.subjectmehanička testiranja stentovasr
dc.titleKompjutersko modeliranje i optimizacija dizajna stentasr
dc.title.alternativeComputer modeling and optimization of stents designen
dcterms.abstractФилиповић, Ненад; Ранковић, Весна; Давидовић, Лазар; Савић, Слободан; Јовичић, Гордана; Николић, Далибор Д.; Компјутерско моделирање и оптимизација дизајна стента; Компјутерско моделирање и оптимизација дизајна стента;

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