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Illusztráció és szövegintermediális kapcsolatajanikovszky évagyermekprózájában(intermedial correspondencebetween text and illustrations in childrenss

dc.contributor.advisorHoža, Eva
dc.contributor.otherBence, Erika
dc.contributor.otherČanji, Eržebet
dc.contributor.otherHorvat-Futo, Hargita
dc.contributor.otherVirag, Zoltan
dc.contributor.otherHoža, Eva
dc.creatorУташи, Анико
dc.description.abstractDoktorska teza pod naslovom Illusztráció és szöveg intermediális kapcsolata Janikovszky Éva „gyermekprózájábanˮ(Intermedijalna povezanost ilustracije i teksta u „prozi za decuˮ Eve Janikovski) se bavi proznim stvaralaštvom za decu Eve Janikovski (Janikovszky Éva). Ova spisateljica svetsku slavu postigla je prvenstveno sa svojim „slikovnicamaˮ, preveli su ih čak na trideset i pet jezika, pa ipak, stručne literature i detaljnih analiza o njenim delima praktično nema. Dakle, kritička recepcija njenog opusa je veoma oskudna, a i monografija o njenom stvaralaštvu je objavljena tek 2014. godine. Autorka doktorske disertacije smatra da ove „slikovniceˮ zauzimaju posebno mesto u opusu Eve Janikovski. One su stvorile jedan novi tip, novi žanr knjige u mađarskoj književnosti; u ovim knjigama za decu tekst i ilustracija čine jednu nerazdvojivu celinu. Tako da one svakako zaslužuju našu posebnu pažnju. Rad sa jedne strane pokušava da žanrovski odredi pojedina dela napisana za decu Eve Janikovski. U okviru toga smatra se potrebnim i da se pronađe mesto „slikovniceˮ u njenom celokupnom opusu, a i da se ukaže na to zašto se koriste navodnici za ovaj termin, za ovu vrstu knjige. Nadalje, doktorska teza skreće pažnju i na glavnu izražajnu formu ove spisateljice, a to je monolog, te na večitu temu njenih knjiga, na međusobni odnos deteta i odraslih. Sa druge strane doktorska teza posebno se bavi i Laslom Reberom (Réber László), isključivim ilustratorom knjigâ Eve Janikovski. Autorka teze je ubeđena da bez poznavanja umetnosti, grafičkog sveta ovog crtača, bez razumevanja dinamike njegovih ilustracija, ni „slikovniceˮ ne možemo da tumačimo i analiziramo na adekvatan način. Ako je i sama umetnost diskurs, onda u ovom slučaju možemo govoriti u susretu dvaju diskursa, književnog teksta Eve Janikovski i ilustracije Lasla Rebera. U centru pažnje autorke disertacije, dakle, stoji intermedijalni odnos između ovih, verbalnih i vizuelnih, diskursa. Uzimajući u obzir najznačajnije i najsavremenije teorijske radove o intermedijalnosti, one teorijske diskurse koje analiziraju međusobni odnos verbalne i vizuelne reprezentacije u knjigama, oslanjajući se na rezultate istoričara umetnosti i naučnih radova koji se bave istraživanjem ilustracije, autorka doktorske teze vrši analizu „slikovnicaˮ prema sopstveno izrađenom, posebnom metodičkom pristupu. Naposletku vrši se i analiza jezika Eve Janikovski, te komparativna analiza originalnog teksta „slikovnicâˮ i prevoda istih. Posmatra se i to kakav će biti intermedijalni odnos teksta u nemađarskom jezičkom okruženju i crteža Lasla Rebera, pošto se i prevodi ovih knjigâ uvek se objavljaju sa originalnim
dc.description.abstractThe doctoral dissertation entitled Illusztráció és szöveg intermediális kapcsolata Janikovszky Éva „gyermekprózájábanˮ (English translation: Intermedial correspondence between text and illustrations in „children's proseˮ by Éva Janikovszky) deals with fiction prose for children written by Éva Janikovszky. This writer has become world famous primarily thanks to her „picturebooksˮ. They have been translated into as many as thirty-five world languages and yet there is practically no scholarly research or detailed analysis of her works. Obviously, her literary opus has not been paid enough critical attention and even the first monograph on her work appeared only in 2014. The author of this doctoral dissertation believes that these „picturebooksˮ have a special place in the literary opus of Éva Janikovszky. Namely, with her „picturebooksˮ she has created a completely new and unique literary genre in Hungarian literature. In these books for children, text and illustrations make one inseparable whole. As such, they certainly ought to be given special attention. On the one hand, this doctoral dissertation attempts at determining the genre of selected prose works for children by Éva Janikovszky. In line with that, it is considered as necessary to analyze and evaluate the importance of „picturebooksˮ among all other works by this author, as well as to explain the usage of inverted commas when referring to this type of books. Furthermore, this doctoral dissertation also addresses monologue as the main narrative form of Éva Janikovszky and finally analyzes the relationship between children and adults, as the predominant topic in all of her books. On the other hand, this doctoral dissertation gives special attention to the work of László Réber, as a single illustrator working exclusively on Éva Janikovszky's books. The author of this thesis strongly holds it that without knowing Réber's artistic expression and dynamics of his illustrations, we cannot even fully and correctly analyze and discuss the „picturebooksˮ. If we consider art to be a special discourse, then in this case we can talk about the interplay between two discourses- literary text by Éva Janikovszky and Réber's illustrations. Hence, the focal part of this doctoral dissertation is the intermedial correspondence between these two discourses: verbal and visual. Based on the most influential and most contemporary theoretical studies on intermediality, in particular such theoretical discourses that analyze the peculiar interplay between verbal and visual representations in books, while at the same time relying on findings of art historians and scholarly papers dealing with illustration, the author of this thesis analyzes „picturebooksˮ according to her own, specially created methodological concepts. Finally, the author also touches upon language used in Éva Janikovszky's works, making a comparative analysis of original text in her „picturebooksˮ and their translation counterparts. Considering the fact that translated versions of her books always appear with original illustrations, this dissertation also observes the intermedial correspondence between László Réber's drawings and translation equivalents in languages other than Hungarian, which is the source language of Éva Janikovszky's literature.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Филозофски факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectknjiževnost za decuhu
dc.subjectchildren's literatureen
dc.subjectLászló Rébeen
dc.subjectEvaJanikovski (Janikovszky Éva)hu
dc.subjectLaslo Reber(Réber László)hu
dc.titleIllusztráció és szöveg intermediális kapcsolata Janikovszky Éva „gyermekprózájában” (Intermedijalna povezanost ilustracije i teksta u „prozi za decu” Eve Janikovski)hu
dc.title.alternativeIllusztráció és szövegintermediális kapcsolatajanikovszky évagyermekprózájában(intermedial correspondencebetween text and illustrations in childrenssen
dcterms.abstractХожа, Ева; Бенце, Ерика; Чањи, Ержебет; Хорват-Футо, Харгита; Вираг, Золтан; Хожа, Ева; Utaši, Aniko;

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