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Japanese culture and Toyota system ; Японская культура и Тойота системa

dc.contributor.advisorMarković, Ljiljana
dc.contributor.otherVeraldi, Roberto
dc.contributor.otherTričković, Divna
dc.creatorRašković, Marijana A.
dc.description.abstractU ovom radu bavimo se sociokulturološkom i istorijsko-ekonomskom analizom japanske kulture i poslovne filozofije kompanije Tojota. Dati vremenski okvir izabran je zbog specifičnih socioekonomskih okolnosti i japanskog nacionalnog karaktera, koji su neminovno uticali na samu kulturu i radni moral svakog člana društva. U prvom delu rada, bavimo se dubljom analizom istorijske pozadine poznate pod nazivom sakoku (zemlja u lancima) i zemlje, koja je uprkos geografskoj i socioekonomskoj izolovanosti uspela da se integriše u najsavremenije tokove društva i zauzme zavidno drugo mesto na ekonomskoj svetskoj sceni. Ovaj istorijski paradoks je zapravo odgovor na pitanje kojim su se bavili stručnjaci iz raznih oblasti, antropolozi, psiholozi, lingvisti – Zašto je Japan uspeo? Upravo spoj tradicionalnog i modernog je Japanu omogućio socioekonomski procvat. Japan se poput feniksa iz pepela izdigao iz ratom devastirane države i postao moćna ekonomska velesila. U drugom delu rada, analizirali smo proizvodne principe kompanije Tojota, uočivši implicitnu vezu sa bušido kodeksom koji predstavlja nepisani skup moralnih pravila samurajskog društva. Na temelju ovih principa, japansko društvo je u gotovo potpunoj izolaciji opstalo 250 godina tokom duge vladavine dinastije Tokugawa. U skladu sa tim, Tojota je, primenivši gotovo ista pravila stvorila proizvodnu imperiju opstajući preko 80 godina, sa konstantnom tendencijom razvoja i usavršavanja step by step, što čini osnovu kaizen filozofije. Na osnovu o v i h rezultata sugerišemo da je neophodno sinergetsko izučavanje kulturoloških, sociolingvističkih i ekonomskih veza i odnosa, jer se jedino u međuspletu svih tih analiza mogu shvatiti prava značenja osobenosti nacionalnog karaktera jedne zemlje, koja direktno utiču na društvo u celini, način života, kao i poslovanja. Ovo je jako važno i praktično, kako bi se lakše shvatila kulturološka različitost ove daleke zemlje, ali i kao sugestija i inspiracija za poboljšanje poslovanja u zemljama koje su počivaju na drugačijoj kulturološkoj matricisr
dc.description.abstractIn the present paper we conduct a socio-cultural, historical and economic analysis of Japanese culture and Toyota company business philosophy. The given time frame has been chosen due to the specific social and economic circumstances and Japanese national character, which inevitably affected the culture itself and the work ethic of every member of society. In the first part of the paper, we present a deeper analysis of the historical background known as sakoku (enchained country) and of a country that, despite geographical an socioeconomic isolation managed to integrate itself into the contemporary social streams and to take enviable second place in the economic world scene. This historical paradox is actually the answer to the question, that experts from various fields, anthropologists, psychologists, linguists were dealing with – Why has Japan succeeded? It is the combination of both traditional and modern that made socio-economic prosperity of Japan possible. Japan, like a phoenix from the ashes, rose from the war-devastated country and became a powerful economic superpower. In the second part, we analyze Toyota Production System, noting the implicit connection to the bushido code, which represents an unwritten set of samurai society moral rules. Based on these principles, Japanese society survived 250 years long isolation under the Tokugawa dynasty. Applying almost the same principles, Toyota has created an empire that has been lasting for more than 80 years with a constant tendency of growth and development step by step, which forms the basis of kaizen philosophy. Based on these results, we propose that there should be a synergetic study of cultural, socio-linguistic and economic connections and relations, since it is only in the interaction of all these analyses that the real meanings of peculiarities of one country national character can be understood. Those peculiarities directly affect society as a whole, way of life and way of doing business. This is very important both practically, in order to make it easier to understand cultural diversity of this distant country, and theoretically, as a suggestion and inspiration to improve business operations in countries that are based on different cultural matrixen
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филолошки факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectbusiness philosophyen
dc.subjectproduction principlesen
dc.subjectposlovna filozofijasr
dc.subjectproizvodni principisr
dc.titleJapanska kultura i Tojota sistemsr
dc.title.alternativeJapanese culture and Toyota system ; Японская культура и Тойота системaen
dcterms.abstractМарковић, Љиљана; Тричковић, Дивна; Вералди, Роберто; Рашковић, Маријана A.; Јапанска култура и Тојота систем; Јапанска култура и Тојота систем;

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