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Morphological, chemical and pharmacological characterisation of selected Veronica L. species (Plantaginaceae)

dc.contributor.advisorMaksimović, Zoran
dc.contributor.advisorJanković, Teodora
dc.contributor.otherRažić, Slavica
dc.contributor.otherLakušić, Branislava
dc.contributor.otherĆebović, Tatjana
dc.creatorŽivković, Jelena Č.
dc.description.abstractU okviru doktorske disertacije izvršeno je morfološko, hemijsko i farmakološko ispitivanje tri taksona roda Veronica L.: V. urticifolia Jacq., V. jacquinii Baumg. i V. teucrium L., široko rasprostranjenih na teritoriji Srbije. Odabrane vrste su do sada samo delimiţno hemijski ispitivane, dok nema podataka o njihovom farmakološkom delovanju. Sa ciljem utvrŤivanja mikromorfoloških obeleţja kao i anatomske graŤe, sprovedena je mikroskopska analiza sprašene herbe, i popreţnih preseka lista i stabla odabranih Veronica vrsta. Histohemijska analiza ukazala je na prisustvo lipida, alkaloida, skroba i fenolnih jedinjenja u ispitivanim vrstama, dok je primenom fluorescentne mikroskopije pokazano da su fenolna jedinjenja lokalizovana u kutikularnom sloju, trihomima i lignificiranim šelijskim zidovima ksilema listova i stabla. Analizom sadrţaja teških metala primenom plamene atomske apsopcione spektrometrije (FAAS) i atomske apsorpcione spektrometrije sa grafitnom kivetom (GF-AAS) u biljnim uzorcima nije pokazana znaţajna razlika izmeŤu testiranih Veronica vrsta sa istog lokaliteta, ukazujuši na to da obrazac preuzimanja teških metala nije karakteristika vrste. Na osnovu sadrţaja Cr u herbi vrsta V. jacquinii i V. urticifolia raslih na serpentinskom zemljištu, zakljuţeno je da one predstavljaju potencijalne hiperakumulatore ovog teškog metala. U okviru preliminarne hemijske analize, primenom kolorimetrijskih metoda, u metanolnim, vodenim i 70%-nim acetonskim ekstraktima nadzemnih delova ispitivanih biljaka u cvetu odreŤen je sadrţaj ukupnih polifenola, fenilpropanoida i iridoida. Obzirom da je spektrofotometrijska analiza izdvojila 70%-ne acetonske ekstrakte kao najbogatije pomenutim klasama sekundarnih metabolita, oni su odabrani za dalju hemijsku i farmakološku analizu. Tenikama visokoefikasne teţne hromatografije (HPLC) i visokoefikasne tankoslojne hromatografije (HPTLC), uz primenu standardnih supstanci, odreŤen je sadrţaj aukubina i akteozida u 70%-nim acetonskim ekstraktima ispitivanih taksona. Za razliku od akteozida koj je prisutan u sve tri ispitivane vrste, aukubin je identifikovan samo u ekstraktu nadzemnog dela vrste V. urticifolia. Primešena razlika u sadrţaju jedinjenja odreŤenih primenom HPLC-DAD i HPTLC tehnika nije imala statistiţku znaţajnost. Kvantitativna analiza ispitivanih taksona roda Veronica izvršena je primenom teţnog hromatografa kuplovanog sa detektorom sa diodnim nizom i masenim spektrometrom. U ekstraktima herbi V. urticifolia i V. teucrium glavnu frakciju ţinili su flavoni (derivati apigenina, luteolina i izoskutelareina), dok su pored njih bili zastupljeni i derivati hidroksicimetnih kiselina (kafene, p-kumarinske i protokatehinske). U ekstraktu herbe V. jacquinii dominirali su derivati fenolkarbonskih kiselina, kafene i protokatehinske kiseline, a osim njih bili su prisutni i flavonoli (derivati kvercetina) i flavoni (derivati luteolina i izoskutelareina). Dok je akteozdi najzastupljenije jedinjenje u ekstraktu vrsta V. jacquinii i V. urticifolia, u herbi V. teucrium je to izoskutelarein 7-O-(6‟‟‟-O-acetil)-β-alozil-(1‟‟‟→2‟‟‟)-β-glukopiranozid...sr
dc.description.abstractMorphological, chemical and pharmacological characterization of three taxa from genus Veronica L: V. urticifolia Jacq., V. jacquinii Baumg. i V. teucrium L., was performed. The selected species were only scarcely chemically investigated so far, while there is no information regarding their pharmacological effects. To determine micromorphological and anatomical characteristics, microscopic analysis of pulverized aerial parts was conducted together with cross-sections of leaf and stem of selected Veronica species. Histochemical analysis revealed the presence of lipids, alkaloids, starch and phenolic compounds in selected species, while the application of fluorescence microscopy demonstrated that phenolic compounds are located in cuticle, tirchomes and lignified cell walls in xylem of leaves and stems of investigated species. Analysis of heavy metal contents by flame and electrothermal absortion spectroscopy techniques after microwave-assisted acid digestion of samples showed no significant differences in heavy metal concentrations between the tested plant species from the same location, indicating that their heavy metal uptake pattern was not species specific. The results of Cr content in aerial parts of V. jacquinii and V. urticifolia grown on serpentine soil confirmed that these species are promising Cr hyperaccumulator plants. In the preliminary chemical analysis of methanolic, 70% aqueous acetone and water extracts of flowering aerial parts of investigated plant species, total contents of phenolics, phenylethanoids and iridoids have been determined using colorimetric methods. Since the spectrophotometric analysis revealed that aqueous acetone extracts are the richest with abovementioned classes of secondary metabolites, they were selected for further chemical and pharmacological investigation. The content of aucubin and acteoside in aqueous acetone extracts of investigated taxa was determined using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC). Contrary to acteoside which was detected in all of the investigated extracts, aucubin was identified only in V. urticifolia extract. No significant differences between the conducted methods were observed. Phenolic compounds in tested Veronica species were tentatively identified by HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS. In V. urticifolia and V. teucrium extracts flavones (apigenin, luteolin and isoscutellarein derivatives) provided a dominant fraction and derivatives of hydroxycinnamic acids were also observed (caffeic, p-coumaric and prorocatechuic acid). Derivatives of caffeic and protocatechuic acids prevailed in extract of V. jacquinii aerial parts, while flavonols (quercetin derivatives) and flavones (luteolin and isoscutellarein derivatives) were also present. While acteoside was the most abundant compound in V. jacquinii and V. urticifolia extracts, in V. teucrium extract it was isoscutellarein 7-O-(6‟‟‟-O-acetyl)-β-allosyl-(1‟‟‟→2‟‟‟)-β-glucopiranoside. Further information on qualitative composition of selected species was obtained using liquid chromatograph coupled with tripl quad tandem mass spectrometer with electrospray ion source. The content of quinic acid and 44 selected phenolic compounds (14 phenolic acids, 25 flavonoids, 3 coumarins and 2 lignans) was investigated in aqueous acetone extracts...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Фармацеутски факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31089/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectVeronica jacquiniisr
dc.subjectVeronica jacquiniien
dc.subjectV. teucriumen
dc.subjectV. urticifoliaen
dc.subjectmorphological characterisationen
dc.subjectchemical charactersationen
dc.subjectpharmacological characterisationen
dc.subjectV. teucriumsr
dc.subjectV. urticifoliasr
dc.subjectmorfološka karakterizacijasr
dc.subjecthemijska karakterizacijasr
dc.subjectfarmakološka karakterizacijasr
dc.titleMorfološka, hemijska i farmakološka karakterizacija odabranih vrsta roda Veronica L. (Plantaginaceae)sr
dc.titleMorphological, chemical and pharmacological characterisation of selected Veronica L. species (Plantaginaceae)en
dcterms.abstractЈанковић, Теодора; Максимовић, Зоран; Лакушић, Бранислава; Ражић, Славица; Ћебовић, Татјана; Живковић, Јелена Ч.; Морфолошка, хемијска и фармаколошка карактеризација одабраних врста рода Вероница Л. (Плантагинацеае); Морфолошка, хемијска и фармаколошка карактеризација одабраних врста рода Вероница Л. (Плантагинацеае);

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