Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji

Women's movement in post-Dayton B&H: initiatives, achievements and controversies

dc.contributor.advisorPavlović, Vukašin
dc.contributor.otherDuhaček, Gordana Daša
dc.contributor.otherKuljić, Rajko
dc.creatorPopov Momčinović, Zlatiborka Z.
dc.description.abstractOvo doktorsko istraživanje je nastalo s ciljem sticanja dubljeg uvida u domete, inicijative, i kontroverze delovanja ženskog pokreta u kontekstu bh. društva kao postsocijalističkog i postratnog. Pošli smo od okvira da je supstancijalna demokratizacija društva nemoguća bez rodne ravnopravnosti i proliferacije društvenih pokreta kao kolektivnih aktera civilnog društva (u ovom slučaju ženskog pokreta). Imajući u vidu da u načinu delovanja ali i istraživanjima civilnog društva u BiH dominiraju atomističke pretpostavke kao i orijentacija ka projektnom načinu delovanja i rada ženskih grupa, smatralo se bitnim artikulisati važnost i značaj društvenih pokreta kao takvih. Naglasak je bio na kvalitativnim metodama istraživanja koje su participativne i emancipatorske, imajući takođe u vidu da su društveni pokreti složeni fenomeni koji izmiču strukturaciji i kvantitativnim tehnikama istraživanja. Istraživanje je pokazalo da ženski pokret još nije dovoljno profilisan kao takav imajući u vidu trendove projektizacije, „nvoizacije“, elitizma i fragmentacije, nauštrb normativnih ideala civilnog društva i društvenih pokreta kao što su solidarnost, autonomija, antihijerarhija. No, imajući u vidu da se poslednjim teži i da same aktivistkinje kritički reflektuju postojeći trendove, i da se u društvenom diskursu referira na bh. ženski pokret, on zauzima vidljivo i značajno mesto u postojećim oblicima razvoja civilnog društva u Bosni i Hercegovini. Pri tome svakako treba imati u vidu i globalne okvire u kojima ženski pokret gubi svoju kontrakulturnu oštricu usled dominacije neoliberalne ideologije, kao i uspona različitih „regresivnih“ ideja i pokreta, a što se reflektuje i na bh. ženski pokret. Ono što je takođe uočeno je da bh. aktivistkinje imaju ambivalentan odnos prema feminizmu, i da pokušavaju da stvore poveznicu sa nekadašnjim socijalisti_kim periodom, insistirajući na kontinuitetu, samodefiniciji i autonomiji. Na taj način se prevladavaju donatorske politike „agenda setting“ (nametanje dnevnog reda) i ujedno prevazilaze etnonacionalne i druge razlike unutar pokreta i/ili njegovog okruž
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this doctoral research is to gain a deeper insight into achievements, initiatives and controversies of activism of women’s movement in the context of B&H as a postsocialistic and postwar society. It was conceived within the framework which proposes that substantial democratization of society is not possible without gender equality and proliferation of social movements as collective actors of civil society (in this case of women’s movement). Taking into account that the atomistic perception and project-driven way of working predominates in the way civil society (as well as research) in B&H operates, it was perceived as important to articulate the significance of social movements as such. The stress was on qualitative research methodology, which is participatory and emancipatory, considering the fact that social movements are complex phenomena that escape structuring and precise scientific measurement. The findings show that women’s movement in B&H has not been profiled yet, considering the trends of project-driven approach, „ngoization“, elitism and fragmentation, at the cost of normative ideals of civil society such as solidarity, autonomy, and anti-hierarchy. Yet, taking into account that the female activists strive toward these normative ideals, critically reflect the current trends, and that female activism is present in significant part in public discourse, women’s movement in B&H takes visible and significant place within the current streams of civil society development. At the same time, what also needs to be taken into account are global trends in which women’s movement loses its counter-cultural features due to the domination of neoliberal ideology, as well as the rise of different “regressive“ ideas and movements, which is also reflected on B&H women’s movement. It is also perceived that female activists in B&H have ambivalent attitudes toward feminism, and they strive to make connection with previous socialistic period, insisting on continuity, selfdefinition and autonomy. In that way, donor’s policies of agenda settings are overcome as well as ethno-national and other boundaries within the movement and/or its environment.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет политичких наукаsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectženski pokretsr
dc.subjectWomen’s movementen
dc.subjectBosnia and Herzegovinaen
dc.subjectcivil societyen
dc.subjectBosna i Hercegovinasr
dc.subjectcivilno društvosr
dc.titleŽenski pokret u postdejtonskoj BiH : inicijative, dometi i kontroverzesr
dc.titleWomen's movement in post-Dayton B&H: initiatives, achievements and controversiesen
dcterms.abstractПавловић, Вукашин; Куљић, Рајко; Духачек, Гордана Даша; Попов Момчиновић, Златиборка З.; Женски покрет у постдејтонској БиХ : иницијативе, домети и контроверзе; Женски покрет у постдејтонској БиХ : иницијативе, домети и контроверзе;

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