Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji

Socio-economic benefits of urban gardens and opportunities for their integration into the system of green areas of Belgrade : doctoral dissertation

dc.contributor.advisorTomićević-Dubljević, Jelena
dc.contributor.otherZlatić, Miodrag
dc.contributor.otherJelić, Sreten
dc.contributor.otherRadić, Boris
dc.contributor.otherOcokoljić, Mirjana
dc.creatorČepić, Slavica
dc.description.abstractUrbane bašte su prostori u gradu u kojima pojedinci ili grupe građana uzgajaju voće, povrće, začinske biljke i/ili cvetne kulture, na površinama u javnoj ili privatnoj svojini, za sopstvene potrebe ili, ređe, za prodaju. Predmet istraživanja su tri tipa urbanih bašta u Beogradu i to privatne bašte, baštenske kolonije i bašte zajednice. Disertacija prati dva pravca istraživanja. Prvi pravac ima za cilj da se ispitaju društvene i ekonomske funkcije urbanih bašta iz perspektive korisnika i to percipirani benefiti boravka i rada u bašti, motivi za bavljenje baštom, profili korisnika i proizvodno-ekonomski značaj bašta. Drugi pravac istraživanja se odnosi na sagledavanje mogućnosti integracije zajedničkih urbanih bašta u sistem zelenih površina grada. Kroz primere nekoliko modela organizacije i upravljanja zajedničkim baštama u gradovima Malmeu, Zagrebu i Beogradu, ispituju se izazovi i faktori uspeha koji utiču na dugoročno održivo upravljanje zajedničkim baštama. U osnovi drugog dela istraživanja je ispitivanje mogućnosti transfera znanja na lokalni
dc.description.abstractUrban gardens are open green spaces in the city where individuals or groups of citizens grow fruits, vegetables, herbs, and/or flowers, on publicly or privately owned land, for their own use or less frequently - for sale. The research examines three types of urban gardens in Belgrade: private gardens, garden colonies, and community gardens. The dissertation follows two lines of research. The first line aims to examine the social and economic functions of urban gardens from the perspective of users, namely the perceived benefits of gardens, motivations for gardening, users’ profiles, and the productive and economic relevance of gardens. The second line of research refers to the opportunities for the integration of collective urban gardens into the system of green areas of the city. Through several examples of different models of organization and governance of collective gardens in cities Malmö, Zagreb, and Belgrade, we examine the challenges and success factors that affect the long-term sustainable management of collective gardens. The second part of the research aims to examine the possibility of knowledge transfer to the local context.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Шумарски факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectpejzažna arhitektura, urbana hortikultura, urbane bašte, urbana poljoprivreda, usluge ekosistema, participacija, upravljanje zelenim prostorima u gradusr
dc.subjectlandscape architecture, urban horticulture, urban gardens, urban agriculture, ecosystem services, participation, urban green space governanceen
dc.titleSocio-ekonomski značaj urbanih bašta i mogućnosti integracije u sistem zelenih površina Beogradasr
dc.title.alternativeSocio-economic benefits of urban gardens and opportunities for their integration into the system of green areas of Belgrade : doctoral dissertationen

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