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Increasing the energy efficiency of small hydropower plants

dc.contributor.advisorKaramarković, Rade
dc.contributor.otherBožić, Ivan
dc.contributor.otherGordić, Dušan
dc.contributor.otherJovović, Aleksandar
dc.creatorNikolić, Miloš
dc.description.abstractREZIME: U disertaciji su analizirane mogućnosti povećanja energetske efikasnosti malih hidroelektrana. Fokus je na rešavanju problema: (i) niske efikasnosti proizvodnje električne energije pri protocima koji su manji od granice do koje proizvođač garantuje efikasnost turbine i (ii) neefikasnog izdvajanja sedimenata usled nejednakih protoka kroz komore višekomornih taložnika. Drugi problem se rešava originalnom metodologijom, koja predstavlja nadgradnju tradicionalnog korišćenja CFD i analitičkih modela. U njenoj primeni leži najveći naučni doprinos, u koji spadaju:  metoda iterativnog traženja optimalnog tehničkog rešenja korišćenjem CFD i pomoćnog analitičkog modela, koji služi kao vodilja složenog i tromog modela ka optimalnoj geometriji,  metoda određivanja lokalnih otpora složenih geometrijskih oblika sa višedimenzionalnom strujnom slikom korišćenjem CFD simulacija, regresione analize i posredne validacije,  primena savremenih računarskih alata na projektovanje, optimizaciju, modeliranje i rekonstrukciju MHE, i  originalno rešenje za istovremeno izjednačavanje i umirenje protoka u ulaznoj zoni višekomornih taložnika. Nabrojani rezultati su primenjeni na dve elektrane sa instalisanim snagama 1,220 MW i 1,327 MW, koje rade u linijski spregnutom sistemu sa zajedničkim vodozahvatom, i rezultirale su tehničkim rešenjima za:  određivanje optimalne konfiguracije pri postojećim uslovima (bruto pad, turbine, prečnici cevovoda) korišćenjem nove(ih) turbina i nezavisnog ili spregnutog rada kaskadnih derivacionih MHE-a,  izjednačavanje protoka i umirenje struja (prigušenje turbulencija) ugradnjom usmerivača u ulaznoj zoni višekomornih taložnika, i  izjednačavanje protoka i umirenje struja korišćenjem tablastih zatvarača i umirujućih šipki na ulazima komora taložnika. Rešavanjem (i) problema povećana je EE obe elektrane za 4.8%, dok se rešavanjem (ii) problema smanjuju gubici nastali u eksploataciji za 8%. Rezultati disertacije su primenjivi na svim postojećim i novoprojektovanim MHE-ma sa bočnim vodozahvatima, dok predložene metodologije prevazilaze oblast MHEa.sr
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT: The core of the dissertation is to improve energy efficiency of small hydropower plants (SHPPs). The focus is to solve the problems of (1) decreased electricity production during low water flows and (2) inadequate functioning of multi-chamber settling basins because of an uneven flow distribution among the chambers. The latter problem has been solved by an original methodology, which is an upgrade on the traditional usage of CFD and analytical models. The methodology is among the scientific contributions that are:  a method for the iterative finding of a technical solution by the use of a CFD and an ancillary analytical model, which is a guide for a complex and slow CFD model towards an optimal geometry;  a method for the determination of local pressure drops (minor losses) for complex geometrical shapes with multi-dimensional flow patterns using: CFD simulations, regression analysis, and indirect validation;  the application of modern software for the design, optimization, modeling, and modernization of SHHPs.  a novel solution for simultaneous equalization of flows among the chambers of a multi-chamber settling basin and the dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy. These results were implemented on a case study, which includes two cascade SHPPs with a common side water intake and nominal installed capacities of 1.220 MW and 1.327 MW. The solving of both problems resulted in technical solutions for:  the determination of an optimal configuration under existing conditions (gross head, turbine types, pipeline diameters) by the use of new turbine(s) and independent or coupled operation of two run-of-the-river SHPPs;  the equalization of flows among the chambers of a multi-chamber settling basin and the dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy by the use of: (a) pillars with vanes in a common inlet zone and (b) sluice gates with tranquilizing racks. The solution of the (1) problem increased the electricity production by 4.8% and the solution of the (2) problem reduced the total loss by 8%. The results are applicable to all new and existing SHPPs with side water intakes, whereas the developed methodologies exceed the field of SHPPs.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Крагујевцу, Факултет за машинство и грађевинарство, Краљевоsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Крагујевцуsr
dc.subjectmale hidroelektranesr
dc.subjectsmall hydropower plantsen
dc.subjectenergy efficiencyen
dc.subjectsettling basinen
dc.subjectCFD modelingen
dc.subjectmathematical modelingen
dc.subjectturbulent flowen
dc.subjectflow controlen
dc.subjectregression analysisen
dc.subjectenergetska efikasnostsr
dc.subjectCFD modeliranjesr
dc.subjectmatematičko modeliranjesr
dc.subjectturbulentno strujanjesr
dc.subjectregulacija protokasr
dc.subjectregresiona analizasr
dc.titlePovećanje energetske efikasnosti malih hidroelektranasr
dc.title.alternativeIncreasing the energy efficiency of small hydropower plantsen

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