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Modulators of arachidonic acid metabolism in inflammation: effect of polyphenols on prostaglandin E2 and thromboxane A2 production

dc.contributor.advisorBeara, Ivana
dc.contributor.otherMimica-Dukić, Neda
dc.contributor.otherBeara, Ivana
dc.contributor.otherTorović, Ljilja
dc.contributor.otherČetojević-Simin, Dragana
dc.contributor.otherLesjak, Marija
dc.creatorМајкић, Татјана
dc.description.abstractInflamacija predstavlja imuni  odgovor organizma na povredu i rezultuje oporavkom  organizma. Ukoliko se naruši mehanizam imunog odgovora, inflamacija postaje hronična, a kao takva, doprinosi patogenzi nekih od najtežih bolesti današnjice. Usled nedovoljne aktivnosti i/ili kontraindikacija postojećih anti-inflamatornih lekova, intenzivno  se traga za novim terapeuticima, a prirodni proizvodi predstavljaju jedne od potencijalnih, bezbednih anti-inflamatornih agenasa. Sa druge strane, eikozanoidi, proizvodi metabolizma arahidonske kiseline, imaju važnu ulogu u fiziološkim i patofiziološkim procesima, a naročito u inflamaciji. U fokusu ovih istraživanja, bila su dva eikozanoida: prostaglandin E2  i tromboksan A2, jedni od najvažnijih proizvoda ciklooksigenaznog puta metabolizma arahidonske kiseline. Naime, ispitivan je potencijal polifenolnih jedinjenja, ekstrakata bokvica  i uzoraka  Merlo  vina (kao bogatih izvora polifenola) da inhibiraju produkciju prostaglandina E2  i tromboksana A2  u procesu inflamacije, kao i uticaj ispitivanih uzoraka na ekspresiju  mRNK  enzima koji su uključeni u sintezu prostaglandina E2  i tromboksana A2. Kao model sitem korišćena jekontinualna ćelijska linija humanih monocita i makrofaga (U937). Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da modulacija ciklooksigenaznog puta metabolizma arahidonske kiseline može da bude jedan od mehanizama anti-inflamatornog  delovanja  bokvica i vina. Tokom homeostaze, luteolin i luteolin-7-O-glukuronid su bili najpotentniji inhibitori produkcije prostaglandina E2  i tromboksana A2. U ranim fazama inflamatornog procesa, kao najbolji inhibitor  produkcije prostaglandina E2  izdvojio se pterostilben, dok su galna  i ursolna kiselina, apigenin, luteolin-7-O-glukozid i rezveratrol najviše inhibirali  sintezu tromboksana A2. Takođe, polifenolna jedinjenja mogu da  moduliraju  metabolizam arahidonske kiseline i na nivou ekspresije  mRNK  enzima uključenih u sintezu prostaglandina E2  i tromboksana A2. U model sistemu kasnije faze inflama tornog odgovora, fenolne kiseline najbolje inhibiraju produkciju prostaglandina E2, a rezveratrol, galna i kafena kiselina tromboksana A2.  Različiti nivoi i mehanizmi  aktivnosti ispitanih polifenola ukazuju na potrebu za daljim ispitivanjima potencijalnog sinergističkog delovanja polifenola u cilju povećanja efikasnosti inhibicije produkcije prostaglandina E2 i tromboksana A2 u procesima inflamacije .sr
dc.description.abstractInflammation  is  immune response to damage, which results in the recovery of organism. If the mechanism of immune  response is dysregulated, inflammation becomes chronic. Chronic inflammation is involved in som e of the most severe diseases of the modern age. Numerous anti-inflammatory drugs are currently approved, but due to their low activity or contraindications an intensive research on new drugs is ongoing, and natural compounds are one of the possible, safe anti-inflammatory agents. On the other h and, eicosanoids, products of arachidonic acid  metabolism, have an important role in physiological and pathophysiological processes, particularly inflammation. In the focus of this study were prostaglandin E2  (PGE2) and thromboxane A2 (TXA2), one of the most important products of the cyclooxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid metabolism. Namely, the potential of polyphenols, as well as Plantago  extracts and  Merlot  wine (a rich sources of polyphenols), to inhibit the production of PGE2 and TXA2 in infammation processes was investigated, followed by determination of their effect on expression of mRNA of the enzymes involved  in synthesis of PGE2  and TXA2.  In vitro  model system, U937 monocytes and macrophages were used. Obtained results showed that modulation of  cyclooxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid metabolism could be one of the mechanism of anti-inflammatory action of  Plantago  species and wine. During homeostasis, luteolin and luteolin-7-O-glucuronide were the most potent inhibitors of PGE2  and TXA2 production. During the initial  phase of inflammation, pterostilbene showed the best potential in reduction of  PGE2 production, while apigenin, luteolin-7-O-glucoside, resveratrol, gallic and ursolic acid were the most powerful  inhibitors of TXA2  synthesis. Moreover, polyphenols modulate arachidonic acid metabolism at the mRNA expression level related to enzymes involved in the production of PGE2 and TXA2. In the late phase of inflammation,  PGE2  production was greatly suppressed by phenolic acids, while resveratrol, gallic, and caffeic acid were the best modulators of TXA2  production. Polyphenols could exert influence on PGE2 and TXA2  production on different levels and through different mechanisms. Therefore, in order  to obtain more effective inhibitors of PGE2  and TXA2 production in inflammation, further studies on potential synergistic effect of polyphenols are necessary.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Природно-математички факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/172058/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectProstaglandin E2sr
dc.subjectarachidonic aciden
dc.subjectprostaglandin E2en
dc.subjecthromboxane A2en
dc.subjectplantains (Plantago L.)en
dc.subjectMerlot wineen
dc.subjecttromboksan A2sr
dc.subjectbokvice (Plantago L.)sr
dc.subjectMerlo vinasr
dc.titleModulatori metabolizma arahidonske kiseline u procesu inflamacije: uticaj odabranih polifenola na produkciju prostaglandina E2 i tromboksana A2sr
dc.title.alternativeModulators of arachidonic acid metabolism in inflammation: effect of polyphenols on prostaglandin E2 and thromboxane A2 productionen
dcterms.abstractБеара, Ивана; Беара, Ивана; Мимица-Дукић, Неда; Торовић, Љиља; Четојевић-Симин, Драгана; Лесјак, Марија; Majkić, Tatjana; Модулатори метаболизма арахидонске киселине у процесу инфламације: утицај одабраних полифенола на продукцију простагландина Е2 и тромбоксана A2; Модулатори метаболизма арахидонске киселине у процесу инфламације: утицај одабраних полифенола на продукцију простагландина Е2 и тромбоксана A2;

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