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Eco-energetic analysis and simulation of cogeneration plants at oil fields

dc.contributor.advisorBera, Oskar
dc.contributor.advisorGovedarica, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherIkonić, Bojana
dc.contributor.otherBera, Oskar
dc.contributor.otherGovedarica, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherPavličević, Jelena
dc.contributor.otherĐaković, Damir
dc.creatorRajović, Vuk
dc.description.abstractPrvi deo doktorske disertacije sadrži uvid u procenu ekološkog uticaja proizvodnje električne i toplotne energije u Srbiji. Kao najčešći energent koristi se lignit, pa su poređeni eko-energetski uticaji lignita i rastvorenog naftniog gasa. Rastvoreni naftni gas je razmatran kao potencijalni energent u tri scenarija: • na bakljama, • u kotlovima na naftnim poljima, • u kogenerativnim postrojenjima na naftnim poljima. Ispitana je ekološka isplativost tri pomenuta scenarija kroz analizu materijalih tokova i procene uticaja na životnu sredinu pomoću LCA (life cycle assessment) metodoligije i podacima koji su prikupljeni na osnovu merenja na naftnim poljima. Koristiće se parametri koji ukazuju na uticaj globalnog zagrevanja, GWP (global warming potential) i iscrpljivanje energetskih resursa, CED (cumulative energy demand) uz osvrt na osetljivost sistema na iskorišćenje toplotne energije. Detaljna ekonomska analiza i gubici koji proističu od emisija gasova koji izazivaju efektat staklene bašte su procenjeni Maihach-ovom metodom. Metoda omogućava određivanje troškova tj. uštede nastale smanjenjem emisije CO2 i drugih gasova koji izazivaju efekat staklene bašte usled sagorevanja lignita i rastvorenog naftnog gasa u tri scenarija. Drugi deo disertacije bavi se uspostavljanjem simulacije kogenerativnih postrojenja u softveru ASPEN PLUS kako bi se stekao uvid u energetske i materijalne bilanse procesa što će omogućava precizniju procenu ukupne efikasnosti sistema. Ukupna efikasnost sistema isključivo zavisi od uspešnog iskorišćenja toplotne energije što je usko vezano za ekonomsku isplativost izgradnje postrojenja. Uspešna računarska simulacija kogenerativnih postrojenja pruža uvid u variranje procesnih parametara pomoću kojih je moguće izvršiti optimizaciju kogenerativnih postrojenja na naftnom polju u odnosu na sastav gasa. Rezultati ove doktorske disertacije daju detaljan uvid u rad kogenerativnih postrojenja, što doprinosi daljem razvoju tehnologije kogeneracije na naftnim poljima.sr
dc.description.abstractThe first part of the doctoral dissertation contains an insight into the assessment of the environmental impact of electricity and heat production in Serbia. Lignite is used as the most common energy source, so the eco-energy effects of lignite and dissolved petroleum gas are compared. Dissolved petroleum gas was considered as a potential energy source in three scenarios: • on torches, • in boilers in oil fields, • in cogeneration plants in oil fields. The ecological viability of the three mentioned scenarios was examined through the analysis of material flows and environmental impact assessment using LCA (life cycle assessment) methodology and data collected on the basis of measurements in oil fields. Parameters indicating the impact of global warming, GWP (global warming potential) and depletion of energy resources, CED (cumulative energy demand) will be used, with reference to the sensitivity of the system to the use of thermal energy. Detailed economic analysis and losses resulting from greenhouse gas emissions were estimated by the Maihach method. The method enables the determination of costs, ie. savings resulting from reduced emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases due to the combustion of lignite and dissolved petroleum gas in three scenarios. The second part of the dissertation deals with the establishment of simulation of cogeneration plants in the software ASPEN PLUS in order to gain insight into the energy and material balances of the process, which allows a more accurate assessment of the overall efficiency of the system. The overall efficiency of the system depends exclusively on the successful use of thermal energy, which is closely related to the economic profitability of plant construction. Successful computer simulation of cogeneration plants provides insight into the variation of process parameters by which it is possible to optimize cogeneration plants in the oil field in relation to the gas composition. The results of this doctoral dissertation provide a detailed insight into the work of cogeneration plants, which contributes to the further development of cogeneration technology in oil fields.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Технолошки факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectrastvoreni naftni gassr
dc.subjectnaftna poljasr
dc.subjectglobalno zagrevanjesr
dc.subjectenergetska efikasnostsr
dc.subjectassociated petroleum gasen
dc.subjectoil fieldsen
dc.subjectglobal warmingen
dc.subjectenergy efficiencyen
dc.titleEko-energetska analiza i simulacija kogenerativnih postrojenja na naftnim poljimasr
dc.title.alternativeEco-energetic analysis and simulation of cogeneration plants at oil fieldsen
dc.typeDoktorska disertacijasr
dcterms.abstractГоведарица, Драган; Бера, Оскар; Ђаковић, Дамир; Павличевић, Јелена; Говедарица, Драган; Бера, Оскар; Иконић, Бојана; Рајовић, Вук; Еко-енергетска анализа и симулација когенеративних постројења на нафтним пољима; Еко-енергетска анализа и симулација когенеративних постројења на нафтним пољима;

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