Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji

Тhe interaction of dietary fibres with structural dough components in the process of making decrease energy bakery products

dc.contributor.advisorPopov, Stevan
dc.contributor.otherPsodorov, Đorđe
dc.contributor.otherVeljković, Vladimir
dc.contributor.otherPopov, Stevan
dc.creatorFilipović, Jelena
dc.description.abstractU radu je ispitana interakcija tri vrste komercijalnih prehrambenih vlakana (Fibrex, inulin HPX i inulin GR) sa strukturnim komponentama hlebnog testa. Na različitim pH vrednostima (pH 7, pH 5, pH 4 i pH 3) ispitane su fizikohemijske osobine vlakana, pri čemu Fibrex ima najveći kapacitet zadržavanja vode od 421% dok inulin GR najmanji od svega 4.2%. Na osnovu reološke osobina testa sa vlaknima u količini od 5 i 10% dobijen je uvid u interakciju vlakana sa proteinskim kompleksom i klajsterisanim skrobom. Reološke osobine hlebnog testa zavise od količine i vrste inkorporiranih vlakana  dok pH vrednost vode za zames ima mali uticaj na ove pokazatelje. Dodatkom 5 i 10% fibrex-a i inulina HPX dobija se hleb dobrog kvaliteta, sa značajnim padom svarljivih ugljenih hidrata i promenjenog nutritivnog sastava koji ima osobine funkcionalne hrane pri čemu fibrex tamni boju a inulin HPX i GR vizuelno ne menja boju hleba u odnosu na hleb bez vlakana. Statistička obrada podataka je potvrdila pozitivan uticaj vlakana na testa u zamrznutom stanju. Koeficijenti diskriminacije pokazuju da je najveći uticaj vlakana na završnu fermentaciju testa je posle 1 dana (199.006 i 5.739), a pozitivan uticaj vlakana na zapreminu hleba izražen je posle 30 dana (9.416) a na kvalitet sredine posle 60 dana (.841). Termodinamičkim merenjima kinetike zamrzavanja/odmrzavanja testa sa vlaknima utvrđeno je da inulina GR doprinosi skraćenju postupka što potvrđuje koeficient determinacije R2 (0.966 i 0.981) dok testo sa fibrexom ima najmanji koeficijent determinacije R2 (0.939 i 0.951) što pokazuje da ovo vlakno najlošije utiče na kinetiku zamrzavanja/odmrzavanja. Kinetika zamrzavanja/odmrzavanja može se definisati matematičkim modelom koja odgovara jednačini sa kvadratnim polinom , odnosno jednačini za nestacionarni temperaturni profil sa kvadratnim članom Y= b0+b1*X +b2*
dc.description.abstractThe interaction of three different commercial fibers (Fibrex, inulin HPX and inulin GR) with structural elements of bread dough was tested. Physico/chemical fiber characteristics at different pH values point that the greatest water binding capacity (421%) is attributed to fibrex, contrary to the value of 4,2% experienced for inulin GR. Rheology of dough containing 0 to 10% of either fiber type proved the insight in the interaction between fibers and proteins and also fibers and starch gels. Dough rheology is influenced the most by fiber characteristics and incorporated quantity, contrary to pH value of water at mixing stage. Statistical data interpretation proved the positive contribution of fibers on dough at freezing Discrimination coefficients are confirming that, on the whole, the greatest influence fibers have on final proof after1 day of freezing (199.006 and 5.739) and their beneficial influence is experienced after 30 and 60 days of freezing on bread volume (9.416) and bread crumb quality (0.841), respectively. Thermodynamic measuring of freezing/thawing kinetics of dough containing fibers point that inulin GR is beneficial in shortening the procedure, confirmed by values for determination coefficient R² (0.966 and 0.981), contrary to the contribution of Fibrex where the smallest values for those coefficients were experienced, R² (0.939 and 0.951 proving that fibrex is not contributing to the freezing/thawing kinetics. Freezing/thawing kinetics can be adequately defined by the mathematical model of square polynomial, i.e. equation for the non stationary temperature profile with square Y= b0+b1*X +b2*X2. Data presented in this thesis show that, understanding interactions between fibers and dough structure, by the addition of 5 or 10% of either Fibrex or inulin HPX, high quality bread attributed with a significant decrease of digestible carbohydrates and modified nutritive pattern accompanied with attributes of functional food can be made, while Fibrex is adversly contributing to crumb colour contrary to inulin HPX and GR.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Технолошки факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectbread qualityen
dc.subjectkvalitet hlebasr
dc.titleInterakcija prehrambenih vlakana sa gradivnim materijama testa u postupku izrade pekarskih proizvoda snižene energijesr
dc.title.alternativeТhe interaction of dietary fibres with structural dough components in the process of making decrease energy bakery productsen
dcterms.abstractПопов, Стеван; Псодоров, Ђорђе; Попов, Стеван; Вељковић, Владимир; Филиповић, Јелена; Интеракција прехрамбених влакана са градивним материјама теста у поступку израде пекарских производа снижене енергије; Интеракција прехрамбених влакана са градивним материјама теста у поступку израде пекарских производа снижене енергије;

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