Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji

Correlation between breast arterial calcification and severity of coronary artery disease quantified by SYNTAX score (BASS study)

dc.contributor.advisorBeleslin, Branko
dc.contributor.otherNedeljković, Milan
dc.contributor.otherĐorđević-Dikić, Ana
dc.contributor.otherTomašević, Miloje
dc.creatorRužičić, Dušan Z.
dc.description.abstractKako je koronarna bolest postala jedan od najznačajnijih problema kardiovaskularne patologije čovečanstva (u visoko i srednje razvijenim zemljama u poslednjih 30-40 godina), postoji interes za izučavanje njene etiologije, patogeneze, lečenja, a naročito prevencije i dijagnostike. Koronarna bolest, karcinom dojke, cerebrovaskularni insult su vodeći uzrok smrtnosti kod žena. Iako je napravaljen značajan progres na polju prevencije kardiovaskularnih oboljenja, prvi znak koronarne bolesti kod asimptomatskih žena može biti akutni infarkt miokarda ili naprasna srčana smrt. Neke studije ukazuju na lošiju prognozu za osobe ženskog pola kada je ishemijska bolest miokarda potvrđena. Postoji konsenzus da skrinig pacijenktinja na karcinom dojke mamografskim poregledima treba raditi na svake dve godine kod žena između 50-74 godine života, mada pojedini autori govore o potrebi skrining mamomgrafije svake godine, dok skrinig metod za kardiovaskularne bolesti još uvek nije definisan. Arterijske kalcifikacije dojke (BAC) koreliraju sa prisustvom fatalnih i nefatalnih neželjenih kardiovaskularnih događaja prema rezultatima mnogih studija. Pojedini autori pokazali su kvantitativnu korelaciju BAC i kalcifikacija na koronarnim krvnim sudovima. Još uvek nema podataka koji potvrđuju korelaciju između ozbiljnosti koronarne bolesti kvantifikovane SYNTAX skorom i BAC. Cilj: Cilj ove studije bio je pokazati korelaciju prisustva i ekstenzivnosti arterijskih kalcifikacija dojki i ozbiljnosti koronarne bolesti izražene SYNTAX skorom, kao i razvoj skora koji bi mogao prepoznati pacijentkinje sa BAC i povišenim rizikom za neželjene kardiovaskularne događaje. Materijal i metode: Studija predstavlja prospektivnu studiju preseka procene rizika pojave neželjenih kardiovaskularnih događaja na osnovu različitih nivoa SYNTAX skora (nizak, povišen ili visok nivo rizika) kod pacijentkinja kojima je urađena rutinska mamografija. Studija je obuhvatitila populaciju od 102 bolesinice starije od 45 godina kojima je urađena koronarna angiografija. Bolesnice su inicijalno stratifikovane u tri grupe prema vrednosti SYNTAX skora: 1) manji od 22, 2) 23-32, 3) 33 i viš
dc.description.abstractSince coronary artery disease became one of the most important problem of cardiovascular pathology there is great interest for the study of its of its etiology, pathogenesis, treatment, and in particular the diagnosis and prevention. Coronary artery disease (CAD), breast cancer (BC) and stroke are the leading cause of mortality in women. Although there is significant progress in field of prevention CAD, first sign CAD in the asymptomatic women can be acute myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death. Even more, some studies demonstrated that women had worse outcome compare to men when CAD had been confirmed. There is some consensus that women are screened for BC with mammography between 50 and 74 years old every second year, but many advocate yearly screening. Bearing in mind this we can say that the age range for screening mammography is the same age range as those who would benefit from preventive cardiology. Screening method for CAD has not be still defined. Breast arterial calcification (BAC) has been correlated with presence of fatal and non fatal cardiovascular adverse event, also some studies quantitatively shown that BAC are in correlation with coronary artery calcium (CAC). Severity of coronary artery disease was defined by SYNTAX score which has prognostic value for short and long-time MACCE (major adverse cardiovascular events) in this patients. There is no study which confirmed correlation between severity of coronary artery disease quantifying by SYNTAX score and BAC after coronary angiography. The Aim: The aim of this study was to demonstrate correlation between breast arterial calcification and severity of coronary artery disease, regarding to SYNTAX score. Material and methods: The study is prospective cross-sectional study of assessment of the risk of adverse cardiovascular events based on different levels SYNTAX score (level of low, medium and high risk) in patients who underwent screening mammography. The study was approved by the local Ethics committee General Hospital Valjevo. This trial will include 102 consecutive women older than 45 years old who already refer for coronary angiography. The patients will be stratified in three groups according to values of SYNTAX score (SYNTAX score ≤22, 22<SYNTAX≤32 and SYNTAX>32)...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Медицински факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectvaskularne kalcifikacije dojkisr
dc.subjectbreast arterial calcificationen
dc.subjectcoronary artery diseaseen
dc.subjectSYNTAX scoreen
dc.subjectkoronarna bolestsr
dc.subjectSYNTAX skorsr
dc.titlePovezanost stepena razvijenosti kalcifikata arterija dojki i stepena razvijenosti koronarne arterijske bolesti kvantifikovane SYNTAX skorom (BASS studija)sr
dc.title.alternativeCorrelation between breast arterial calcification and severity of coronary artery disease quantified by SYNTAX score (BASS study)en
dcterms.abstractБелеслин, Бранко; Ђорђевић-Дикић, Aна; Томашевић, Милоје; Недељковић, Милан; Ружичић, Душан З.;

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