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The political consequences of migration caused by ecological disasters

dc.contributor.advisorNadić, Darko
dc.contributor.otherSimić, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherMiltojević, Vesna
dc.creatorNesseef, Layth
dc.description.abstractEkološke i klimatske promene na planeti postoje koliko i sama planeta, a čovek se od svog postanka prilagođavao ovim promenama. Jedan od načina adaptacije jesu migracije stanovništva u potrazi za hranom, boljim uslovima života i prijatnijim vremenskim uslovima za život. Posebnu pažnju u poslednjoj deceniji izazivaju takozvane ekološke izbeglice. Faktori sredine su oduvek pokretači ljudskih kretanja, a sa porastom svesti o promenama koje se dešavaju u prirodnoj sredini i aktuelnog problema klimatskih promena povećalo se interesovanje za moguće obrasce po kojima će se odvijati kretanja u budućnosti. U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji ćemo se baviti uzrocima nastanka ekoloških katastrofa, njihovim političkim, ali i drugim posledicama. Takođe ćemo proučiti migracije stanovništva koje nastaju pod uticajem ekoloških katastrofa. Uticaj čoveka na promenu uslova života vrlo je veliki, a stepen uticaja se povišavao zajedno sa razvojem civilizacije, kako u pozitivnom tako i u negativnom smislu. Čovek je uspeo da veliki deo prirode vremenom potčini svojim potrebama, što je dovelo i do kumulativnog efekta u vidu neželjenih posledica za životnu sredinu u formi prirodnih i tehnološki prouzrokovanih katastrofa. Uvodna razmatranja u doktorskoj disertaciji biće posvećena globalnom problemu zagađenja životne sredine, ekološkim katastrofama okvirno i problemu migracija, a u prvom delu će biti razrađen metodološki okvir po kojem će se odvijati istraživanje. Drugi deo teze odnosiće se na teorijski okvir istraživanja, sa akcentom na pojmovnom definisanju ekoloških katastrofa uopšte, njihovim potencijalnim uzrocima i posledicama kroz istoriju čovečanstva, kao i uticaju ekoloških katastrofa na pokretanje migracije stanovništva. Treći deo doktorske teze obuhvataće problem miigracija, teorijsko određenje, komparativnu analizu uslova pod kojima su nastale najveće migracije pokrenute ekološkim katastrofama u svetu, političke, socijalne, kulturalne i ekonomske posledice kakve su nastupile u zemljama koje su naselili ljudi izbegli sa tih područja. Četvrti deo ove teze odnosiće se na pripremljenost Evrope za slučaj iznenadne ekološke katastrofe, sa akcentom na empirijskom istraživanju uticaja trenutne krize sa izbeglicama iz severne Afrike, na Evropu kao krajnje odredište ljudi koji napuštaju svoje domove zbog nemogućih uslova za život, politiku koju sprovodi Evropska unija prema izbeglicama; nastale i očekivane političke, socijalne, ekonomske i kulturološke posledice ove tzv. “migrantske krize”. Dobijeni podaci će se analizirati i poslužiti u izvođenju zaključaka iz rezultata empirijskog istraživanja. U petom delu ćemo razmatrati uslove pod kojima može doći do pojave konflikta na teritoriji koju naseljavaju imigranti. Šesti deo će sadržati predlog modela za rešavanje tekuće migrantske krize, a sedmi će sadržati istraživanje o tome koliko je javnost uopšte upoznata sa terminologijom i problemima kojima se bavimo u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji, kao i odnosu javnosti prema trenutnoj situaciji sa migrantima. U osmom delu biće izneta sistematizovana zaključna razmatranja o onome što smo utvrdili i šta smo postigli izradom ove teze.sr
dc.description.abstractEnvironmental and climate change on the Earth is as old as the planet itself, but the man from its inception adapted to these changes. One way of adapting to these changes is the migration of people in search of food, better living conditions and pleasant weather circumstances for life. A special attention in the last decade has been devoted to so-called environmental refugees. Environmental factors have always triggered human movement, with increasing awareness of the changes that occur in the natural environment and the current problems of climate change, which has increased interest in possible patterns of movement that will take place in the future. In this doctoral thesis we deal with the causes of ecological disasters, but also their political and other consequences. We will also study the migration of population that occured under the influence of environmental disasters. The impact of man on the changing conditions of life is high and the degree of influence has evolved along with the development of civilization, both in a positive and in a negative way. The man managed to a large part of nature eventually submit to its needs, which led to a cumulative effect in the form of adverse consequences for the environment in the form of natural and technological disasters. Preliminary thoughts in this doctoral dissertation will be devoted to the global problem of environmental pollution, ecological disasters framework, and the problem of migration, and in part one the methodological framework will be worked out according to which the research will take place. The second part of the thesis refers to the theoretical framework of research with emphasis on the conceptual definition of ecological disasters in general, their potential causes, and consequences throughout the history of mankind, as well as the impact of environmental disasters on the launch of the migration of the population. The third part of the doctoral thesis will include migration problem, theoretical determination, a comparative analysis of the conditions under which they incurred the largest migration initiated environmental disasters in the world, political, social, cultural and economic consequences that followed in countries that are settled people fled from those areas. The fourth part of this thesis will relate to the preparation of Europe in case of sudden environmental disasters, with an emphasis on empirical study of the impact of the current crisis with refugees from the Northern Africa to Europe as the final destination of people who leave their homes because of the impossible conditions of life, the policy implemented by the European Union for refugees; incurred and expected political, social, economic and cultural consequences of this so-called "Migrant crisis". The data will be analyzed and used in the performance of drawing conclusions from the results of empirical research. In the fifth section, we discuss the conditions under which a conflict may occur on the territory inhabited by immigrants. The sixth part will contain a model for resolving the current crisis, migrant, a seventh part will include research abou how much the general public is familiar with the terminology and the problems we deal with in this dissertation, as well as public attitudes towards the current situation with migrants. In the eighth part there will be presented systematized concluding observations about what we have established and what we have achieved by doing this thesis.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет политичких наукаsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectekološke katastrofesr
dc.subjectklimatske promenesr
dc.subjectodrživi razvojsr
dc.subjectmigrantska krizasr
dc.subjectenvironmental disastersen
dc.subjectclimate changeen
dc.subjectsustainable developmenten
dc.subjectmigrant crisisen
dc.titleПолитичке последице миграција изазваних еколошким катастрофамаsr
dc.title.alternativeThe political consequences of migration caused by ecological disastersen
dcterms.abstractНадић, Дарко; Милтојевић, Весна; Симић, Драган; Нессееф, Лаyтх; Političke posledice migracija izazvanih ekološkim katastrofama;

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