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Investigating the possibility of applying the pelleted mixture of wheat and barley straw as litter in broiler production.

dc.contributor.advisorResanović, Radmila
dc.contributor.otherVučinić, Marijana
dc.contributor.otherJanković, Ljiljana
dc.contributor.otherMaslić-Strižak, Danka
dc.creatorAvdalović, Vladimir M.
dc.description.abstractZnačaj prostirke u industrijskom živinarstvu se može posmatrati iz ugla veterinarske medicine, dobrobiti životinja, očuvanja ekosisitema i ekonomičnosti proizvodnje. Traganje za novim materijalima koji bi zadovoljili sve preduslove dobre prostirke čija je upotreba i ekonomski opravdana je dug i zahtevan proces. U ovom radu je predmet ispitivanja bila mogućnost primene novog tipa materijala, peletirane ječmene i pšenične slame, koja se dobija specijalnim postupkom obrade pod visokim pritiskom i temperaturom, kao prostirke u objektima za tov brojlera. Ispitivanja su bila bazirana na praćenju direktnih i indirektnih parametara dobrobiti. Ispitivani su mikroklimat u objektu za odgoj brojlera praćenjem temperature i vlažnosti vazduha, koncentracije ugljen dioksida i amonijaka. Meren je procenat vlage u prostirci, kao i mikrobiološki sastav prostirke i količina proizvedenog đubriva na kraju turnusa, kao i svi proizvodni parametri. Praćena je pojava žuljeva na stopalima, grudnoj muskulaturi i tarzusu, krivljenje nogu, stepen hromosti, zaprljanost perja i procenat mortaliteta, kao i kvalitativna ocena ponašanja. Uočena je kasnija pojava žuljeva na stopalima i skočnim zglobovima, ranije krivljenje nogu i manja zaprljanost perja u grupi pilića gde je novi materijal korišćen kao stelja. Dobijeni razultati ukazuju na to da su procenat mortaliteta, kvalitet vazduha , procenat vlažnosti i kapacitet otpuštanja vode bili značajno bolji pri upotrebi novog materijala kao prostirke. Praćenjem kvalitativne ocene ponašanja ustanovljeno je da su pilići gajeni na peletiranoj slami bili značajno aktivniji. Mikrobiološka analiza je pokazala veći ukupan broj mikroorganizama i kvasaca i plesni kod neobrađene slame na samom početku ogleda, što je posledica termičke obrade u procesu peletiranja slame. Nakon toga, ukupni broj mikroorganizama, kao i kvasaca, plesni i E. coli postaje brojniji u prostirci s peletiranom slamom. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na mogućnost korišćenja peletirane ječmene i pšenične slame kao prostirke u tovu brojlera, ali i na potrebu za dodatnim ispitivanjima i usavršavanjem postojećeg materijala.sr
dc.description.abstractThe improtance of litter in poultry production is multiple, regarding animal health, welfare, preserving the environment, and also the economy. Searching for new materials that could satisfy all the premises for good and quality litter is often long and demanding process. The objective of this work was to investigate the possibility of using a new material, which is a pelleted mixture of wheat and barley straw, as a litter in broiler production. The pellet is produced in special process under high pressure and temperature. Investigations were based on monitoring direct and indirect parameters of animal welfare. The analysis of microclimate in experimental facilities has been carried out by measuring air temperature, relative humidity, and also concentrations of carbon dioxide and ammonia. All production parameters were calculated, as well as percentage of moisture and microbiological composition of litter at the end of experiment. As for direct indicators of animal welfare, the observation and scoring were conducted for foot-pad dermatitis, breast blisters, hock burns, leg disorders, walking ability, plumage dirtiness, qualitative behaviour assessment and mortality. Much later appearance has been observed for foot-pad dermatitis, hock burns and plumage dirtiness, but also earlier for leg disorders, in facility were new material was used as litter. The results obtained indicate that mortality, air quality, degree of moisture and releasing water capacity were all significantly better when new material was used. Broilers reared on pelleted straw showed more activity. In microbiological assay, total number of microorganisms per gram of litter, as well as number of yeasts and moulds, were much higher at the early beginning of the experiment in facility with unimproved wheat straw. That was the obvious consequence of heat treatment in the pellet production. Later on, total number of microorganisms, number of yeasts and moulds, and number of E. coli became higher in experimental house. Results obtained indicate on possibility of using pelleted mixture of wheat and barley straw as a litter in broiler production, but it also requires additional examinations for further improving of existing material.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет ветеринарске медицинеsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.titleIspitivanje mogućnosti primene peletirane mešavine pšenične i ječmene slame kao prostirke u proizvodnji brojlerasr
dc.title.alternativeInvestigating the possibility of applying the pelleted mixture of wheat and barley straw as litter in broiler production.en
dcterms.abstractРесановић, Радмила; Вучинић, Маријана; Јанковић, Љиљана; Маслић-Стрижак, Данка; Aвдаловић, Владимир М.; Испитивање могућности примене пелетиране мешавине пшеничне и јечмене сламе као простирке у производњи бројлера; Испитивање могућности примене пелетиране мешавине пшеничне и јечмене сламе као простирке у производњи бројлера;

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