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The effect of using ludic activities on learning English as a foreign language in tertiary education and students' attitudes concerning their usage ; Влияние игровой деятельности на изучение английского языка как иностранного на академическом уровне и позиции студентов об ее использовании

dc.contributor.advisorTomović, Nenad
dc.contributor.otherTrbojević-Milošević, Ivana
dc.contributor.otherVranješević, Jelena
dc.creatorVitaz, Milica
dc.description.abstractLudičke aktivnosti, to jest obrazovne ili didaktičke igre, bile su predmet rasprave još u vreme Platona. Mnogi filozofi, antropolozi i pedagozi bavili su se poreklom igre, njenim značajem i ulogom u obrazovanju. Kada je u pitanju nastava stranog jezika, ludičke aktivnosti primarno nalazimo u radu sa decom. Mi smatramo da ovakav vid nastave može biti veoma koristan i u radu sa odraslima. Predmet istraživanja u ovoj distertaciji jesu uticaj ludičkih aktivnosti na učenje engleskog jezika kao stranog i stavovi studenata o tim aktivnostima. Korišćene ludičke aktivnosti ticale su se ponavljanja gradiva iz gramatike i vokabulara. Učesnici u eksperimentu bili su studenti Filološkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu koji su pohađali kurs engleskog jezika kao stranog i kojima je to bila prva godina učenja ovog jezika na univerzitetskom nivou. Eksperiment je sproveden tokom drugog semestra 2014/2015. godine. Studenti su bili podeljeni u dve homogene grupe (kontrolnu i eksperimentalnu). Kontrolna grupa je ponavljala gramatiku i vokabular na tradicionalan način (kroz uobičajena vežbanja zaokruživanja tačnog odgovora, popunjavanje praznina, transformacije i slično). Eksperimentalna grupa bila je izložena ludičkim aktivnostima, od kojih je pet bilo u vezi sa ponavljanjem gramatike, a pet sa ponavljanjem vokabulara. Nakon svake od aktivnosti učenici su popunjavali kratak upitnik o tome koliko im se koja svidela, koliko je bila korisna i bili su zamoljeni da daju kraći komentar o svakoj. Po završetku kursa obe grupe su radile izlazni test višečlanog izbora na kome su se nalazila pitanja iz relevantnih oblasti gramatike i vokabulara. Posle statističke analize dobijenih podataka, ustanovljeno je da su studenti sa kojima su u radu korišćene ludičke aktivnosti ostvarili u proseku bolje rezultate na izlaznom testu od studenata sa kojima se radilo na tradicionalan način. Posmatrajući odvojeno rezultate izlaznog testa koji se tiču vokabulara, utvrdili smo da su studenti iz eksperimentalne grupe imali u proseku bolje rezultate od studenata iz kontrolne grupe. Međutim, kada su u pitanju rezultati u vezi sa gramatikom, razlika u uspehu između dve grupe nije statistički značajna. Komentari studenata eksperimentalne grupe o svakoj od aktivnosti pojedinačno mogu biti korisni za odabir odgovarajućih ludičkih aktivnosti i organizaciju ovakvog vida nastave na fakultetskom nivou.sr
dc.description.abstractLudic activities, also referred to as educational or didactic games, were the topic of discussion as early as the time of Plato. Many philosophers, anthropologists and educators have dealt with the origins of games, their significance and place in the educational setting. When it comes to English language learning, ludic activities are primarily used with children. We believe that this kind of teaching could be very significant when working with adults as well. The topic of the research presented in this PhD dissertation is the effect of ludic activities on learning English as a foreign language and students’ attitudes towards their usage. The ludic activities which were used were aimed at revising grammar and vocabulary units. The participants in this experiment were the students of the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, who had chosen to attend classes in English as a foreign language and to whom that was the first year of learning English at the faculty. The experiment was carried out during the second semester of 2014/15. During that time the students were divided into two homogenous groups (the control and the experimental group). The control group revised grammar and vocabulary units in the traditional way (through the usual exercises of circling the correct answer, filling in the gaps, transformations, etc.). The experimental group was exposed to ludic activities, five of which dealt with revising grammar, and the other five with revising vocabulary. After each activity the students would fill out a short questionnaire stating how much they liked the activity and how useful it was. They were also asked to write a short comment about each activity. At the end of the course both groups did a multiple choice test which contained questions about the relevant grammar and vocabulary units. After doing the statistical analysis of the obtained data it was determined that the students who were exposed to ludic activities on average had better results in the test compared to the students who worked in the traditional way. When the results for the vocabulary section of the test were analysed separately from those concerning the grammar section, it was determined that the experimental group on average had better results than the control group when it comes to vocabulary, but not when it comes to grammar. The difference in the results for the grammar section of the test was not statistically significant. The comments of the students from the experimental group about each of the activities could be useful for choosing the appropriate ludic activities and organising this kind of teaching at the tertiary level of education.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филолошки факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectludičke aktivnostisr
dc.subjectludic activitiesen
dc.subjectvisokoškolsko obrazovanjesr
dc.subjecttertiary educationen
dc.titleUticaj ludičkih aktivnosti na učenje engleskog jezika kao stranog na akademskom nivou i stavovi studenata o njihovom korišćenjusr
dc.title.alternativeThe effect of using ludic activities on learning English as a foreign language in tertiary education and students' attitudes concerning their usage ; Влияние игровой деятельности на изучение английского языка как иностранного на академическом уровне и позиции студентов об ее использованииen
dcterms.abstractТомовић, Ненад; Трбојевић-Милошевић, Ивана; Врањешевић, Јелена; Витаз, Милица; Утицај лудичких активности на учење енглеског језика као страног на академском нивоу и ставови студената о њиховом коришћењу; Утицај лудичких активности на учење енглеског језика као страног на академском нивоу и ставови студената о њиховом коришћењу;

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