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The effect of the addition of linseed oil in the food tochange the content of fatty acids in the muscle tissueof the carp

dc.contributor.advisorĆirković, Miroslav
dc.contributor.advisorĐorđević, Vesna
dc.contributor.otherBogut, Ivan
dc.contributor.otherRogan, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherNovakov, Nikolina
dc.creatorŽupan, Boris
dc.description.abstractCilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi u kojoj meri dodavanje lanenog ulja u peletirane krmne smješe i ishrana tovnog šarana tako obogaćenom hranom utječe na količinu masti i kompoziciju masnih kiselina u mesu ribe. Krmne smješe u svim grupama istraživanja su bile istog sirovinskog sastava, osim dodatka lanenog ulja koje se menjalo (2,0; 3,0; 4,0; 5,0% i 6% u drugom ogledu) i masti (Magnapac) koja je smanjivana za istu postotnu vrednost dodatkom lanenog ulja. Većim delom istraživanog razdoblja fizičko-hemijski parametri vode su u svim ekspermentalnim ribnjacima varirali u pogodnim vrednostima za uzgoj toplovodnih riba. Udio C18:1 cis-9 statistički je značajno najniži u kontrolnoj grupi i iznosi 35,43%. Povećanjem vrednosti lanenog ulja povećava se i udio C18:1 cis-9. Statistički najviša vrednost C20:0 je kod uzoraka hranjenih s dodatkom 5% lanenog ulja. Najniža vrednost C20:3 ω-3 je u kontrolnoj grupi i iznosi 0,22% a značajno najviša u grupi koja se hrani s dodatkom 5% lanenog ulja. S obzirom na dodatak lanenog ulja u hrani, nema značajnih razlika kod ukupnih zasićenih, mononezasićenih, polinezasićenih i omega-6 masnih kiselina. Najveći udio ω-3 masnih kiselina utvrđen je u uzorcima šarana kojima je u hranu dodano 5% lanenog ulja (5,41%) U drugom ogledu utvrđena je opravdanost upotrebe lanenog ulja u hrani za ribe u odnosu na efekte koji su dobijeni u mesu. Omjer ω-3/ω-6 masnih kiselina značajno se povećao u grupama kojima je u hranu dodat veći dio lanenog ulja (0,21 u kontrolnoj grupi do 0,30% u grupi s dodatkom 5% lanenog ulja). Vrednostiholesterola se nisu značajno menjale dodavanjem lanenog ulja u ishrani š
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to determine to what extent adding flaxseed oil to pellet diet and fattening carp so enriched food affects the amount of fat and the composition of fatty acids in fish meat. Feed mixtures in all the studied groups were the same composition, except for the addition of linseed oil to be changed (2.0; 3.0; 4.0; 5.0% and 6%) and fat (Magnapac), which was reduced by the same percentage value addition linseed oil. During substantial period of research physico-chemical parameters of water in all experimental ponds ranged in values suitable for the cultivation of warm-water fish. Share C18:1 cis-9 was statistically significantly lowest in the control group and amounted 35.43%. By increasing the value of flaxseed oil increases the proportion of C18:1 cis-9. Statistical highest value of C20:0 in the samples fed with the addition of 5% linseed oil. The lowest value of C20:3 ω-3 in the control group is 0.22% and significantly highest in the group that feeds supplemented with 5% linseed oil. Due to the addition of linseed oil in the food, there is no significant difference in total saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acids. The largest proportion of ω-3 fatty acids found in samples of carp which was in food supplemented with 5% linseed oil (5.41%). The experimental results of the second experiment show the usefulleness of using of linseed oil in fish food regearging the meat quality. The ratio ω-3/ω-6 fatty acid increased significantly in the group that is added to food in a higher proportion of linseed oil (0.21 in the control group to 0.30% in the group with addition of 5% linseed oil). The value of cholesterol was not significantly changed by adding linseed oil to the diet of carp. Accepted on Senate on: ASen
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Пољопривредни факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectšaran (Cyprinus carpio)sr
dc.subjectcarp (Cyprinus carpio)en
dc.subjectlinseed oilen
dc.subjectfatty acid compositionen
dc.subjectthe ratio of ω-3/ω-6en
dc.subjectlaneno uljesr
dc.subjectsastavmasnih kiselinasr
dc.subjectodnos ω-3/ω-6sr
dc.titleUticaj dodatka lanenog ulja u hrani na promenu sadržaja masnih kiselina u mišićnom tkivu šaranasr
dc.title.alternativeThe effect of the addition of linseed oil in the food tochange the content of fatty acids in the muscle tissueof the carpen
dcterms.abstractЋирковић, Мирослав; Ђорђевић, Весна; Богут, Иван; Роган, Драган; Новаков, Николина; Жупан, Борис; Утицај додатка ланеног уља у храни на промену садржаја масних киселина у мишићном ткиву шарана; Утицај додатка ланеног уља у храни на промену садржаја масних киселина у мишићном ткиву шарана;

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