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Results of the treatment of diseases of the aortoiliac endovascular procedures and conventional surgical access

dc.contributor.advisorGrebeldinger, Slobodan
dc.contributor.advisorTill, Viktor
dc.contributor.otherPopović, Vladan
dc.contributor.otherManojlović, Vladimir
dc.contributor.otherSagić, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherNikolić, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherPasternak, Janko
dc.creatorMarković, Vladimir
dc.description.abstractUVOD: Uspešnost revaskularizacije aortoilijačne bolesti procenjuje se prohodnošću (patentnošću) nakon revaskularizacije i brojem komplikacija. Osnovni cilj ove studije je bio utvrditi da li postoji razlika u učestalosti komplikacija, prohodnosti (patentnosti) i uticaj prohodnosti arterija donjeg vaskularnog korita na rekonstrukcije aortoilijačne bolesti nakon lečenja endovaskularnim i klasičnim hirurškim pristupom. MATERIJAL I METODOLOGIJA: uzorak je činilo 229 bolesnika lečenih od aortoilijačne bolesti koji su pripadali TASC-u B i C a nakon procene prohodnosti femoropoplitealnog segmenta kao i broja prohodnih potkolenih arterija, bolesnici su stratifikovani u dve glavne grupe a svaka grupa od po tri podgrupe prema kvalitetu utočnog korita. Prvu grupu čine bolesnici sa jednoetažnom ili multiplim kraćim lezijama aortoilijačne signifikantne stenoze, sa ne signifikantnom aortoilijačnom stenozom i sa aortoilijačnom okluzijom. Drugu grupu čine bolesnici sa višeetažnom aortoilijačnom signifikantnom stenozom uz signifikantnu femoropoplitealnu stenozu i/ili popliteokruralnu stenozu. Studija je kreirana kao retrospektivna i prospektivna gde smo pratili rezultate revaskularizacije endovaskularnim procedurama i klasičnim hirurškim pristupom. REZULTATI: Računanjem Mahalanobisove distance između homogenost jednoetažne, multiplih kraćih lezija i višeetažne aortoilijačne bolesti kod ispitivanih bolesnika dobija se najmanje rastojanje između homogenost jednoetažne, multiplih kraćih lezija i višeetažne aortoilijačne bolesti zato smo se i rukovodili da jednoetažne lezije, multiple kraće lezije tretiramo endovaskularnim procedurama a višeetažne lezije klasičnim hirurškim pristupom. Nije bilo statističke značajne razlike među komplikacijama endovaskularnih procedura i klasičnog hirurškog pristupa p>0,1. U lečenju aortoilijačne bolesti endovakularne procedure imaju manji broj bolničkih dana, podjednaku primarnu asistiranu patentnost ali nešto slabiju primarnu patentnost u odnosu na klasični hirurški pristup dok je sekundarna patentnost neznatno lošija od klasičnog hirurškog pristupa. Da bi smo odreditli uticaj prohodnosti arterija donjeg vaskularnog korita na rekonstrukcije aortoilijačne bolesti kreirali smo matematički model kome smo dali obeležja prema kome bi mogli prognozirati smanjenje primarne patenosti nakon aortoilijačne revaskularizacije endovaskularnim procedurama i klasičnim hirurškim pristupom. Postojanjem značajnih razlika između stepena patentnosti u odnosu na obeležja faktora rizika, definisali smo funkciju razgraničenja svih mogućih kombinacija od dva stepena patentnosti. Na osnovu te funkicije (x) moguće je izvršiti prognozu kom stepenu patentnosti pripada (dobra,solidna, loša) za bolesnike koji nisu obuhvaćeni ovom studijom, kao i pouzdanost tom stepenu. ZAKLJUČAK: Aortoilijačna bolest je u većini slučajeva udružena sa bolešću donjeg vaskularnog korita. Bez obzira na ekstenzivnost aortoilijačne bolesti endovaskularne procedure su efektivna i bezbedna, adekvatna alternativa klasičnom hirurškom pristupu. Ova studija pokazuje da su endovaskularne procedure i klasični hirurški pristup u lečenju aortoilijačne bolesti komplementarne a ne komparativne
dc.description.abstractBACKGROUND. The effectiveness of revascularization aortoiliac occlusive disease is the estimated patency after revascularization and is connected to the number of complications. The main objective of this study was to determine whether there is a difference in the incidence of complications and patency of lower artery vascular tree on the reconstruction aortoiliac occlusive disease after treatment of endovascular and conventional surgical approach. MATERIAL AND METHODOLOGY: The sample consisted of 229 patients treated for the aortoiliac occlusive disease who belonged in TASC B and C after a mobility assessment of the femoropopliteal segment and the number of walk-on below knee arteries, patients were stratified into two groups and each group of three subgroups according to the quality of the inflow. The first group consists of patients with one storey or multiple shorter lesions, and aortoiliac significant stenosis with aortoiliac not as significant stenosis and occlusion aortoiliac. The second group consists of patients with multi-floor aortoiliac significant stenosis with a significant femoropopliteal stenosis and/or popliteocrural stenosis. The study was designed as a retrospective and prospective study, where we track the results of endovascular revascularization procedures and compare to the conventional surgical approach. RESULTS: By calculating the Mahalanobis distance between the homogeneity of one story, multiple lesions and multi-storey short aortoiliac occlusive disease the studied patients received a minimum distance between the homogeneity of one story, multiple lesions and multi-storey short aortoiliac disease, multiple lesions treated fewer endovascular procedures and multi-storey lesions than a classical surgical approach. There were no statistically significant differences among the complications of endovascular procedures and classic surgical approach p> 0.1. The patients treated with aortoiliac (endovascular) procedure have fewer hospital days, equal-assisted primary patent protection or slightly less primary patent protection compared to a traditional surgical approach while secondary patent protection is slightly worse than the classic surgical approach. In order to determine the impact of vascular patency of the arteries of the lower stories to the reconstruction treatment of aortoiliac occlusive diseases, we have created a mathematical model to which we gave the characteristics by with which it could predict the reduction of primary patency of aortoiliac revascularization after endovascular procedures and the conventional surgical approach. The existence of significant differences between the degree of patent protection in relation to the characteristics of the risk factors, we have defined the function of the demarcation of all possible combinations of two degrees of patent protection. Based on this function of (x) it is possible to forecast to what extent patent protection belongs (good, solid‚ bad) for patients who are not included in this study, as well as the reliability of this level. CONCLUSION: the aortoiliac occlusive disease is in most cases associated with vascular disease of the lower artery vascular tree. Regardless of the extensiveness of the disease, aortoiliac occlusive disease endovascular procedures are safe and effective, an adequate alternative to the conventional surgical approach. This study shows that endovascular procedures and the conventional surgical approach in the treatment of aortoiliac occlusive diseases with a complementary rather than competitive method.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Медицински факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectilijačna arterijasr
dc.subjectIliac Arteryen
dc.subjectArterial Occlusive Diseasesen
dc.subjectEndovascular Proceduresen
dc.subjectVascular Surgical Proceduresen
dc.subjectVascular Patencyen
dc.subjectPostoperative Complicationsen
dc.subjectarterijske okluzivne bolestisr
dc.subjectendovaskularne proceduresr
dc.subjectvaskularne hirurške metodesr
dc.subjectvaskularna prohodnostsr
dc.subjectpostoperativne komplikacijesr
dc.titleRezultati lečenja aortoilijačne bolesti endovaskularnim procedurama i klasičnim hirurškim pristupomsr
dc.title.alternativeResults of the treatment of diseases of the aortoiliac endovascular procedures and conventional surgical accessen
dcterms.abstractГребелдингер, Слободан; Тилл, Виктор; Поповић, Владан; Манојловић, Владимир; Сагић, Драган; Николић, Драган; Пастернак, Јанко; Марковић, Владимир; Резултати лечења аортоилијачне болести ендоваскуларним процедурама и класичним хируршким приступом; Резултати лечења аортоилијачне болести ендоваскуларним процедурама и класичним хируршким приступом;

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