Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji

Model adaptability and influence of reverse logistics onto the green supply chain competitiveness

dc.contributor.advisorAćimović, Slobodan
dc.contributor.otherBožić, Vladan
dc.contributor.otherJovanović Gavrilović, Biljana
dc.contributor.otherVasiljević, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherRajić, Vesna
dc.creatorMijušković, Veljko M.
dc.description.abstractSložena i dinamična poslovna filozofija upravljanja lancem snabdevanja predmet je preokupacije stručne i naučne javnosti od momenta njenog koncipiranja, tri decenije unazad. Dokaz plodotvornosti ove filozofije je mnoštvo poslovnih koncepata koji su razvijeni pod njenim okriljem, a zatim i uspešno primenjeni u praksi. Jedan od najaktuelnijih koncepata te vrste jeste koncept zelenog lanca snabdevanja. Bazirajući koncept zelenog lanca snabdevanja jednako na ekološkim, socijalnim i ekonomskim principima, usmerenost ka ostvarivanju konkurentnosti ovakvog lanca omogućena je putem aktivnosti njegove ključne dimenzije- povratne logistike. Utvrđivanje međuzavisnosti koncepta zelenog lanca snabdevanja i povratne logistike, kao njegove ključne dimenzije i faktora koji utiču na potencijal te veze, polazište je svih istraživanja u disertaciji. Celokupna disertacija podeljena je u tri glavne celine. U okviru prve celine tretiraju se pitanja vezana za promenu paradigme u lancu snabdevanja i prelazak sa tradicionalnog na zeleni lanac- glavni koncepti koji nastaju kao posledica te promene, globalni regulatorni okvir za odabrane zemlje koji se odnosi na ovo pitanje, osnovne dimenzije zelenog lanca snabdevanja i način ostvarivanja njegove konkurentnosti. Druga celina posvećena je analizi aktivnosti povratne logistike- njenom profilisanju, utvrđivanju povratnog logističkog procesa i njegovih entiteta, kao i razmatranju modela ključnih faktora primene povratne logistike. Konačno, poslednja celina vezana je za empirijsku proveru da li su globalno afirmisani modeli ključnih faktora primene povratne logistike adaptibilni uslovima srpske poslovne prakse, te od čega zavisi uticaj povratne logistike na konkurentnost zelenog lanca snabdevanja u srpskoj poslovnoj praksi i da li je taj uticaj uvek
dc.description.abstractA complex and dynamic business philosophy of supply chain management is the subject of preoccupation of the scientific and expert public since the moment of it's formation, three decades ago. The proof of the fruitfulness of this philosophy is a great number of business concepts which have been developed under it's wing, and then successfully implemented in practice. One of the newest concepts of that kind is the concept of green supply chain. Establishing the concept of green supply chain equally on ecologic, social and economic principles, the focus of achieving competitiveness of this chain is enabled by the activities of it's key dimension- reverse logistics. Determining the relationship between the concept of green supply chain and reverse logistics, as it's key dimension, as well as factors which influence the potential of this relationship, is the starting point of all research within the dissertation. The entire dissertation is divided into three main parts. Within the first part, issues connected with the supply chain paradigm change and the transfer from the traditional onto the green supply chain are discussed: main concepts derived as the consequence of the change, global regulatory framework for selected countries which refers to this issue, basic dimensions of the green supply chain, as well as the way of achieving it's competitiveness. The second part is dedicated to the analysis of reverse logistics activities- it's profiling, determining the reverse logistics process and it's entities, as well as the revision of reverse logistics key factors of implementation models. Finally, the last part is connected with the empirical analysis aimed to see whether the globally recognized models of reverse logistics key factors of implementation are adaptable to the conditions of Serbian business practice and what determines the influence of reverse logistics onto the competitiveness of the green supply chain in Serbian business practice and is that influence always the same.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Економски факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectodrživi lanac snabdevanjasr
dc.subjectsustainable supply chainen
dc.subjectclosed-loop supply chainen
dc.subjectgreen supply chainen
dc.subjectreverse logisticsen
dc.subjectlanac snabdevanja sa zatvorenom petljomsr
dc.subjectzeleni lanac snabdevanjasr
dc.subjectpovratna logistikasr
dc.titleAdaptibilnost modela i uticaj povratne logistike na konkurentnost zelenog lanca snabdevanjasr
dc.title.alternativeModel adaptability and influence of reverse logistics onto the green supply chain competitivenessen
dcterms.abstractAћимовић, Слободан; Божић, Владан; Васиљевић, Драган; Јовановић Гавриловић, Биљана; Рајић, Весна; Мијушковић, Вељко М.; Aдаптибилност модела и утицај повратне логистике на конкурентност зеленог ланца снабдевања; Aдаптибилност модела и утицај повратне логистике на конкурентност зеленог ланца снабдевања;

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