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Corporeal and Spatial Metaphors in the Novels of Sarah Waters

dc.contributor.advisorGordić-Petković, Vladislava
dc.contributor.otherLuburić-Cvijanović, Arijana
dc.contributor.otherGrujić, Marija
dc.contributor.otherĐurić-Paunović, Ivana
dc.contributor.otherGordić-Petković, Vladislava
dc.creatorКромбхолц, Викторија
dc.description.abstractPredmet istraţivanja ove doktorske disertacije jesu metafore tela i prostora u stvaralaštvu savremene velške spisateljice Sare Voters. Istraţivanje se usredsreĊuje na prvih pet romana iz njenog opusa, objavljenih u periodu od 1998. do 2009. godine. Romani Usne od somota, Srodne duše i Dţeparoš spadaju u neoviktorijansku prozu, dok su romani Noćna straţa i Mali stranac smešteni u period za vreme i nakon Drugog svetskog rata. Uloga protagoniste u njenim romanima najĉešće se dodeljuje lezbejskim likovima, pa se njeno stvaralaštvo moţe shvatiti kao pokušaj da se navedene istorijske epohe rekonstruišu tako da se omogući predstavljanje lezbejskih likova i lezbejske seksualnosti. Istovremeno, njeni romani doprinose širem predstavljanju lezbejske tematike u savremenoj knjiţevnoj produkciji. Osnovni cilj istraţivanja jeste da se ispita uloga telesnih i prostornih metafora u obradi teme istopolne ljubavi, ali i znaĉaj ovih metafora za ĉitav niz drugih tema. Istraţivanja tela i prostora predstavljaju izuzetno plodnu i dinamiĉnu oblast savremene kritiĉke teorije. Ovi pojmovi dospevaju u ţiţu kritiĉkog interesovanja u drugoj polovini dvadesetog veka, mada je njihovo prisustvo u oblastima nauĉnih istraţivanja znatno duţe, pa rasprave o telu i telesnosti nalazimo još u klasiĉnoj filozofiji. Prostor je pak sve do druge polovine dvadesetog veka prevashodno bio predmet matematiĉkih i geografskih istraţivanja, dok je u humanistiĉkoj tradiciji bio shvaćen tek kao pasivna i statiĉna pozadina istorijskih dogaĊaja. Istraţivanje polazi od istorijskog pregleda kljuĉnih teorijskih pristupa telu, poĉev od platonistiĉke dualistiĉke tradicije, preko kartezijanskog dualizma, sve do savremenih poststrukturalistiĉkih teorija, a teorijsko uporište analize telesnih metafora ĉine teorije Mišela Fukoa i Dţudit Batler. Analiza romana se usredsreĊuje na motiv transodevanja, metaforu duha, ali i na skup konkretnih telesnih slika kojima se spisateljica iznova vraća. Potom se razmatraju savremena teorijska poimanja prostora, pri ĉemu se istraţivanje oslanja i na relevantna istorijska, knjiţevnoistorijska i sociološka istraţivanja. Ovaj teorijski okvir sluţi da se ispitaju predstave kuće, zatvora, ludnice i britanske prestonice, te interakcija lezbejskih likova s ovim lokalitetima  sr
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this doctoral thesis is to explore the corporeal and spatial metaphors in the fiction of Sarah Waters, a contemporary Welsh novelist. The critical focus of the thesis is on Waters‟s first five novels, published between 1998 and 2009. Tipping the Velvet, Affinity and Fingersmith belong to the neo-Victorian genre, while Night Watch and The Little Stranger are set in the period during and after the Second World War. In Waters‟s fiction, the role of protagonist is mostly reserved for lesbian characters and her oeuvre can be perceived as an attempt to rewrite the chosen historical periods in ways which provide for the representation of lesbian characters and lesbian sexuality. In addition, her novels make a significant contribution towards wider literary representation of lesbian issues in the contemporary context. The main goal of this research is to analyze the role of corporeal and spatial metaphors in the portrayal of same-sex relationships, class tensions and other relevant themes in Waters‟s work. The issues of body and space are undoubtedly at the centre of contemporary critical interest and theoretical debates that surround them are diverse and wide-ranging. However, while the history of theoretical interest in the body dates back to the classical tradition, spatiality only came to prominence in the second half of the twentieth century, when a surge of critical interest can be observed marking the beginning of the so-called spatial turn. The thesis therefore starts by providing a brief historical overview of the key theoretical approaches to the body, including the mind/body debate in the classical Platonic tradition, Cartesian dualism and contemporary poststructuralist theory. The theories of Michel Foucault and Judith Butler are then used as the main theoretical framework for the analysis of corporeal metaphors, which focuses on the motif of cross-dressing, the spectral metaphor, as well as a range of recurrent corporeal images in Waters‟s writing. In the following chapters, the focus shifts to contemporary theoretical approaches to spatiality and relevant sociological, cultural and historical research, which are used to explore the representations of home, prison, asylum and urban space, as well as the interaction between the lesbian protagonists and their surroundings.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Филозофски факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectneo-Victorian fictionen
dc.subjectSarah Watersen
dc.subjectneoviktorijanska prozasr
dc.subjectSara Voterssr
dc.titleMetafore tela i prostora u romanima Sare Voterssr
dc.title.alternativeCorporeal and Spatial Metaphors in the Novels of Sarah Watersen
dcterms.abstractГордић-Петковић, Владислава; Лубурић-Цвијановић, Aријана; Грујић, Марија; Ђурић-Пауновић, Ивана; Гордић-Петковић, Владислава; Krombholc, Viktorija; Метафоре тела и простора у романима Саре Вотерс; Метафоре тела и простора у романима Саре Вотерс;

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