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Degradation and protection of the imovable cultural heritage materials

dc.contributor.advisorRanogajec, Jonjaua
dc.contributor.otherLončar, Eva
dc.contributor.otherRanogajec, Jonjaua
dc.contributor.otherMarkov, Siniša
dc.contributor.otherPilić, Branka
dc.contributor.otherSever-Škapin, Andrijana
dc.creatorVučetić, Snežana
dc.description.abstractU okviru ove doktorske disertacije prikazan je holistiĉki pristup proučavanju objekata kulturnog nasleđa, koji je podrazumevao postavljanje metodologije ispitivanja originalnih istorijskih materijala, simulacije procesa degradacije na laboratorijski pripremljenim model supstratima, kao i razvoj novih materijala koji imaju funkciju čišćenja degradiranih struktura. Kroz multidisciplinaran istraživački rad je izvršena je detaljna dijagnostika stanja srednjevekovne tvrđave Bač, procesirani su (proizvedeni i veštački ostareni) model supstrati opeka tako da poseduju slične karakteristike kao i ispitivani istorijski materijali, razvijene su i primenjenje glinene pulpe i na bazi njih projektovani su bioaktivni sistemi za uklanjanje nitratnih soli. Ovi novorazvijeni sistemi predstavljaju kombinaciju glinenih pulpi srednje efikasnosti koje imaju ulogu nosača bakterijske kulture Pseudomonas stutzeri, koja povećava kapacitet čišćenja razvijenih glinenih pulpi. Rezultati ispitivanja efikasnosti bioaktivnih sistema pokazali su da upotreba suspenzije P.stutzeri (direktno naneta ili umešana u projektovane pulpe) dovodi do značajnog povećanja kapaciteta čišćenja polaznih pulpi, odnosno do formiranja sistema visoke efikasnosti za proces desalinacije nitratnih soli. Pored laboratorijske primene, novorazvijeni bioaktivni sistem primenjen je u realnim uslovima na severoistočnom bedemu Tvrđave Bač varijacijom procedura nanošenja (jednostepene, dvostepene i trostepene primene). Ovaj sistem pokazao je više pozitivnih performansi u realnim uslovima primene u odnosu na očekivanja bazirana na laboratorijskim istraživanjima. Na osnovu svih eksperimentalnih podataka dobijenih u okviru laboratorijskih istraživanja razvijen je algoritam (Matematičko modelovanje veštačkih neuronskih mreža). Ovaj algoritam bi u budućnosti svoju primenu mogao naći u predviđanju ponašanja razvijenih sistema na drugim supstratima čija je poroznost poznata, čime se skraćuje vreme projektovanja desalinacionih sistema za druge
dc.description.abstractThe research approach to cultural heritage degradation and protection, presented in this thesis is a holistic one. It involved establishment of methodology for the investigation of original historical materials, the simulation of the degradation processes on laboratory prepared model substrates, as well as the development of novel materials with cleaning function for degraded structures. The thesis encompasses a detailed diagnostics of the medieval Baĉ Fortress, processing (manufacturing and artificial weathering) of brick model substrates with the characteristics similar to the investigated historical materials, and finally, the development and application of clay poultices which were the basis for the design of bioactive systems for the reduction of nitrate salts. These newly developed systems present a combination of moderately efficient clay poultices that are used as a carrier for bacterial culture Pseudomonas stutzeri. These bacteria had a role of increasing the cleaning capacity of the developed clay poultices. The results of the investigation of the efficacy of the developed systems showed that the use of P. stutzeri suspension (directly applied or mixed in the designed poultices) leads to a significant increase of the cleaning capacity of the developed poultices and to the formation of highly efficient bioactive systems for desalination of nitrate salts. Apart from laboratory application, the most efficient newly developed bioactive system was applied in real environmental conditions on the north-eastern rampart of Baĉ fortress, by varying the application procedure (one-step, two-step and three-step application). This system showed more positive performances in real environmental conditions of application compared to the expectations based on laboratory investigations. Based on all the experimental data obtained within laboratory investigations, an algorithm (mathematical modelling of artificial neuron networks) was programed. The developed model could find its application in the assessment of the application parameters of the developed systems on other substrates with known porosity. This would greatly decrease the time needed for the design of desalination systems for other objects.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Технолошки факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectKulturno nasleđesr
dc.subjectCultural heritageen
dc.subjectbioaktivne pulpesr
dc.subjectbioactive poulticesen
dc.titleDegradacija i zaštita materijala nepokretnog kulturnog nasleđasr
dc.title.alternativeDegradation and protection of the imovable cultural heritage materialsen
dcterms.abstractРаногајец, Јоњауа; Марков, Синиша; Лончар, Ева; Пилић, Бранка; Север-Шкапин, Aндријана; Раногајец, Јоњауа; Вучетић, Снежана; Деградација и заштита материјала непокретног културног наслеђа; Деградација и заштита материјала непокретног културног наслеђа;

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