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Symbolics of Roma’s Fine Arts and European System of Cultural Values

dc.contributor.advisorKoković, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherNovaković, Dragoljub
dc.contributor.otherĐorđević, Dragoljub
dc.contributor.otherNedeljković, Slobodan
dc.contributor.otherPopović, Živko
dc.contributor.otherKoković, Dragan
dc.creatorTairović, Zoran
dc.description.abstractProces tranzicije i projekti modernizacije u većini postsocijalističkih društava u Evropi, samim tim i na Balkanu, realizovani su u formi deformisane imitativne modernizacije ili kontramodernizacije. Romi su i dalje periferija, ali ovoga puta Evropske unije. Pred njima je neizvesna budućnost u liku alternativa: perspektiva postmodernog totalitarizma sa tehnokratskom diktaturom, ili formiranje čovečanstva kao zajednice ravnopravnih građana i naroda u duhu modela socijaldemokratske globalizacije sveta sa respektom bogatstva kulturnih različitosti sveta, sa globalizacijom razumevanja i solidarnosti među narodima Dakle, i na nama savremenicima je velika odgovornost kakav će oblik, lik i suštinu imati budućnost čovečanstva – da li će se ono razvijati u ključu humanizacije društva i emancipacije čoveka, ili pak novih oblika socijalnog, političkog i kulturnog porobljavanja. Upravo iz tog razloga, izučavanje specifičnosti stvaralaštva Roma u kontekstu evropskog sistema kulturnih vrednosti ima veliki značaj. U savremenom svetu, Romi kao etnička grupa sve češće postaju predmet interesovanja naučnih istraživanja. „Simbolika likovne umetnosti Roma i evropski sistem kulturnih vrednosti” pokazuje se u današnje vreme krajnje interesantnom temom istraživanja, s obzirom na njen teorijski i na praktični aspekt. Reč je o umetnostje u svojoj formalnosti dugo vremena bivala mimikrijska, zahvaljujući simboličkoj vrednosti njenih artefakata. Mi je multidisciplinarnim uvidom sagledavamo u obrisima. Likovna umetnost Roma ima svoj korpus koji je dugo bio zatočen u nacionalnim predstavama izbegavajući oznaku romski. Identitet Roma, kao i njihov imidž u Srbiji i Evropi, sveden je na ovu marginalizovanu dimenziju kulture, a kulturna tradicija Roma podvrgnuta je IRONIZACIJI I VULGARIZACIJI od strane većinske i drugih manjinskih zajednica. Romska kultura, artefakti, umetnici formalno su nevidljivi i nemaju prepoznatljivost u društvu. Ovaj rad je doprinos osvetljavanju aspekta valorizacije romskog kulturnog korpusa.sr
dc.description.abstractTransition processes and modernization projects in most post-socialist societies in Europe, including Balcans, have been realized in the form of deformed imitative modernization or counter-modernization. Roma people are still at periphery, but this time at the periphery of European Union. They are facing uncertain future, with alternatives of postmodern totalitarianism with technocratic dictature, or humanity as community of equal citizens and ethnic groups in the spirit of social-democratic globalization, with respect for cultural differences and understanding and solidarity among nations. Contemporaries bear responsibility for what form and essence the future of humanity will have – whether it will develop in the course of humanization of society and emancipation of people, or its develepment will be directed toward new forms of social, political and cultural oppression. Therefore, the researh of specificity of Roma’s creative work in the context of European system of cultural values is of great importance. In contemporary world, Roma people as ethnic group are becoming the subject of scientific research more and more frequently. „Symbolics of Roma’s fine arts and European system of cultural values“ turns out to be very interesting topic for studying, considering its theoretical and applied aspects. This thesis is interdisciplinary study with both theoretical and broader cultural relevance, for this topic yields the possibility for the analysis and dialog of different culturological value dimensions which are built in centuries-long history of Europe. Study deals with a „specific illumination“ of unlit aspects of Roma people and the field of fine arts, their possible history, developmental paths and actuality. Today, this issue is significant for plenty of reasons, since this problem is shadowed by many ephemeral studies which yielded modest results. This work is based on scientific analytical-synthetic paradigm. The main research problem addressed in this study is the question: whether the symbolics of Roma’s fine arts exists in the European system of cultural values, or whether symbolics of Roma’s art reflects in European culture. Descriptive, hermetical and comparative historical methods were used in the study under the framework of synchronic and diachronic approach. Because of the specificity of the research subject, thought experiment was used as well, as logical principle of aesthetical analysis. In this research, aesthetical discussion, evidence of visible and invisible Roma’s art has been developed, as well as evidence of elements of symbolics in the fine arts of Roma people in the context of European system of cultural values. Roma’s fine art has been mimicric for a long time, because of the symbolic value of its artefacts. Using multidisciplinary approach, we recognize its contours. Its corpus has been detained in national notions, by avoiding label Romani. Roma’s identity, as well as their image in Serbia and Europe, has been reduced to this marginalized cultural dimension, and Roma’s cultural tradition has been exposed to ironization and vulgarization by national majority and other national minorities. Roma’s culture, artefacts, artists are formaly invisible and unrecognized. This work contributes to illumination and valorization of Roma’s cultural corpus.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Студије при универзитетуsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectRoma peopleen
dc.subjectevropski sistemsr
dc.subjectEuropean systemen
dc.titleSimbolika likovne umetnosti Roma i evropski sistem kulturnih vrednostisr
dc.title.alternativeSymbolics of Roma’s Fine Arts and European System of Cultural Valuesen
dcterms.abstractКоковић, Драган; Ђорђевић, Драгољуб; Новаковић, Драгољуб; Недељковић, Слободан; Коковић, Драган; Поповић, Живко; Таировић, Зоран; Симболика ликовне уметности Рома и европски систем културних вредности; Симболика ликовне уметности Рома и европски систем културних вредности;

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