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Gender identities and interculturality: a critical analysis of affirmative action in higher education institutions in Serbia: 2000-2013.

dc.contributor.advisorSavić, Svenka
dc.contributor.advisorDuhaček, Gordana Daša
dc.contributor.otherAndevski, Milica
dc.contributor.otherZotović, Marija
dc.contributor.otherKomšić, Jovan
dc.contributor.otherDuhaček, Gordana Daša
dc.contributor.otherSavić, Svenka
dc.creatorDenić, Slavica
dc.description.abstractMere afirmativne akcije u oblasti obrazovanja se u Srbiji primenjuju od 2003. godine i njihov cilj je povećana dostupnost obrazovnih institucija pripadnicima romske nacionalne manjine i olakšani upis u srednje škole, na fakultete i visokoškolske ustanove ĉiji je osnivaĉ Republika Srbija. I ako one jesu deo sistema, nedostaje jasno i sveobuhvatno sistemsko rešenje njihove strukture, sprovoĊenja, praćenja i vrednovanja efikasnosti. Cilj rada je da popišem, sistematizujem i analiziram razliĉite oblike primene afirmativnih mera za upis i studiranje na visokoobrazovnim institucijama u Srbiji i da predloţim mere za poboljšanje istih u praksi. U istraţivanju obrazlaţem potrebu za njihovim detaljnijim ureĊenjem i to tako što se aktualizuju sve karike u lancu afirmativnih mera: poĉevši od mature, pripreme za prijemni ispit, sam prijemni ispit, dobijanja mesta u studentskom domu, finansijskih i motivacionih barijera, pre svega za romske studentkinje kao dvostruko marginalizovane u društvu. Analiza obuhvata i zakone, preporuke i druge dokumente kojima se reguliše primena afirmativnih mera u obrazovanju predstavnika romske populacije kod nas. Polustukturirani upitnik je osnova intervjua sa 80 studenata/kinja romske nacionalnosti koji studiraju na fakultetima i visokim školama na Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu (a upisani su na osnovne, master i doktorske studije), studentima koji su diplomirali u periodu od 2008-2013. godine na fakultetima i visokim školama na Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu, kao i studentima privatnih fakulteta u AP Vojvodini. Ispitujem i rad pedagoških asistenata u osnovnim školama u Vojvodini, koji su kao oblik afirmativne akcije, uvedeni od strane Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja. Polustrukturirani upitnik je osnova intervjua sa 15 pedagoških asistenata u osnovnim školama i predškolskim ustanovama u Vojvodini. Analiziram i rad koordinatora za romska pitanja u lokalnim samoupravama u Vojvodini, koji su kao deo programa za unapreĊenje poloţaja Roma uvedeni 2007. godine. Osnova analize je polustukturirani upitnik sa 13 koordinatora za romska pitanja u AP Vojvodini. Ispitujem i rad zdravstvenih medijatorki koje su uvedene od strane Ministarstva zdravlja Republike Srbije 2008. godine, kao program namenjen unapreĊenju zdravlja romske zajednice. Osnova analize su intervjui sa dve medijatorke, iz Novog Sada i iz opštine Ţabalj. Zakljuĉujem da su u većem broju ukljuĉene Romkinje nego Romi u visoko obrazovanje, kao i u rad institucija i implementaciju programa i projekata koji se sprovode na planu unapreĊenje poloţaja Roma. Zalaganje je da u budućnosti vladajući stavovi u afirmativnim merama vode raĉuna o rodnim i identitetskim (interkulturnim) osobinama romske populacije, pre svega
dc.description.abstractThe measures of affirmative actions thein field of education are applied in Serbia since 2003, and their goal is to increase the availability of educational institutions to the Roma national minority and to ease the enrollment in secondary schools, colleges and higher education institutions founded by the Republic of Serbia. Although they are part of the system, it lacks a clear and comprehensive system solution to their structure, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of effectiveness.The aim of this paper is to crawl, systematize and analyze various forms of the implementation of affirmative measures for enrollment and studying in higher education institutions in Serbia and to suggest measures to improve them in practice. In the study, I elaborate the need for their more detailed arrangement in a way that all the links in the chain of affirmative measures would be actualizated: starting from the graduation, preparation for the preliminary examination, enrollment exam, dorm room, financial and motivational barriers, especially for Roma female students who are double marginalized in the society. The analysis includes the laws, recommendations and other documents governing the use of the measures of affirmative action in education for the Roma population in Serbia.Semi-structured questionnaire is based on the interviews with 80 students / activists of Roma ethnicity who study at the faculties and colleges of the University of Novi Sad (and enrolled at the undergraduate, master's and doctoral studies), students who have graduated in the period from 2008 to 2013. at the faculties and colleges at the University of Novi Sad, as well as students private faculties in AP Vojvodina.I am exploring the work of teaching assistants in primary schools in Vojvodina, which are a form of affirmative action, introduced by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. Semi-structured questionnaire is based on the interviews with 15 teaching assistants in primary schools and kindergartens in.I'm analyzing the work of coordinators for Roma in local governments in Vojvodina, who as part of the program for improving the position of Roma were introduced in 2007. The basis of the analysis of the semi-structured questionnaire with 13 Coordinator for Roma issues in AP Vojvodina. I am exploring the work of health mediators that have been introduced by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia in 2008, as a program aimed at improving the health of the Roma community. The bases of the analysis are the interviews with two mediators from Novi Sad and the municipality Ţabalj. I conclude that the greater number of Roma women are involved in higher education than Roma men, as well as in the work of institutions and the implementation of programs and projects that are implemented in the area of improving the position of Roma. Commitment is that in the future, the dominant positions in to the affirmative measures take account of gender and identity (intercultural) characteristics of the Roma population, especially Roma women.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Студије при универзитетуsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectafirmativne meresr
dc.subjectkoordinatori za romska pitanjasr
dc.subjectpedagoški asistentisr
dc.subjectromska zajednicasr
dc.titleRodni identiteti i interkulturalnost: kritička analiza afirmativnih mera na visokoškolskim institucijama u Srbiji: 2000-2013. godinesr
dc.title.alternativeGender identities and interculturality: a critical analysis of affirmative action in higher education institutions in Serbia: 2000-2013.en
dcterms.abstractДаша Духачек, Гордана; Савић, Свенка; Aндевски, Милица; Зотовић, Марија; Комшић, Јован; Даша Духачек, Гордана; Савић, Свенка; Денић, Славица; Родни идентитети и интеркултуралност: критичка анализа афирмативних мера на високошколским институцијама у Србији: 2000-2013. године; Родни идентитети и интеркултуралност: критичка анализа афирмативних мера на високошколским институцијама у Србији: 2000-2013. године;

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