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Intestinal and systematic immune effects of oral cadmium intake in rats

dc.contributor.advisorPopov-Aleksandrov, Aleksandra
dc.contributor.otherKataranovski, Milena
dc.contributor.otherMatović, Vesna
dc.contributor.otherPopov-Aleksandrov, Aleksandra
dc.contributor.otherKataranovski, Milena
dc.creatorNinkov, Marina M.
dc.description.abstractKadmijum (Cd) je teški metal koji se nalazi u svim delovima životne sredine, nema poznatu biološku funkciju i ima štetno dejstvo na žive sisteme. Najčešći put izloženosti Cd je oralni, preko kontaminirane vode i hrane, kada je primarna meta toksičnosti ovog metala gastrointestinalni trakt. Poznato je da Cd oštećuje tkivo creva i remeti funkciju epitelne barijere koja je neophodna za održavanje imunske homeostaze, međutim mehanizmi imunotoksičnosti u ovoj regiji nisu dovoljno ispitani. Dodatno, poznato je da toksični efekti Cd mogu da zavise i od genetske osnove / soja eksperimentalnih životinja, ali sojne razlike u intestinalnoj toksičnosti oralnog unosa Cd do sada nisu ispitane. Ova disertacija je imala za cilj karakterizaciju efekta subhronične oralne primene Cd na imunski sistem creva pacova. Pacovi su bili 30 dana oralno (u vodi za piće) izloženi Cd u obliku kadmijum hlorida (CdCl2) u koncentraciji 5 ppm (5 mg Cd/l) i 50 ppm (50 mg Cd/l) Cd, što odgovara dozama prisutnim u životnoj sredini. U okviru lokalnog imunomodulatornog efekta Cd ispitivani su osnovni parametri imunskog odgovora u duodenumu (kao mestu najveće apsorpcije Cd) i mezenteričnim limfnim čvorovima (MLČ) koji dreniraju intestinum. U duodenumu su ispitani pokazatelji tkivnog oštećenja, oksidativnog stresa i zapaljenskih promena, a u MLČ su ispitane osnovne fenotpiske karakteristike i parametri aktivnosti ćelija ovog limfnog tkiva (celularnost, proliferacija, citokinski odgovor, urođeno-imunska aktivnost ćelija). Pored lokalnog, ispitan je i sistemski odgovor na oralni unos Cd uključujući humoralne i ćelijske parametre zapaljenske reakcije u krvi (promene hematoloških parametara, prisustvo medijatora inflamacije i oksidativnog stresa), kao i oksidativni stres i osnovne karakteristike urođenog i adaptivnog imunskog odgovora u slezini, limfnom organu u kome se uspostavlja imunski odgovor na antigene iz
dc.description.abstractCadmium (Cd) is a heavy metal which is found in every part of the environment, it does not have any known biological function and has an adverse effect upon the living systems. The most common way of Cd exposure is orally, through contaminated water and food, where the prime target of this metal toxicity is the gastrointestinal tract. It is known that Cd causes damage to intestinal tissue and disrupts the epithelial barrier function which is necessary for maintaining immune homeostasis, however, the immunotoxicity mechanisms in this region have not been examined sufficiently. Additionally, it is known that Cd toxic effects may depend also on genetic background / strain of experimental animals, but the strain-dependent differences in intestinal toxicity of oral Cd intake have not been examined to date. This dissertation was aimed at characterization of the effect of subchronic oral Cd administration on rat’s intestinal immune system. Rats were, for 30 days, orally (in drinking water) exposed to Cd in the form of cadmium chloride (CdCl2) at concentration of 5 ppm (5 mg Cd/l) and 50 ppm and (50 mg Cd/l) of Cd, which corresponds to the doses present in the environment. Within the local immunomodulatory Cd effect, basic parameters of immune response in duodenum (region of greatest Cd absorption) and in mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) which drain intestine, were investigated. The indicators of tissue damage, oxidative stress and inflammatory changes were tested in duodenum, whereas in the MLN basic phenotype characteristics and parameters of this lymph tissue cells' activities (cellularity, proliferation, cytokine responses, and innate-immune cell activity) were tested. Besides the local, the systemic response to oral Cd intake was tested as well, including humoral and cellular parameters of the inflammatory reaction in blood (changes in hematological parameters, presence of inflammatory mediators and oxidative stress), as well as oxidative stress and basic characteristics of the innate and adaptive immune response in the spleen, a lymph organ in which immune response to blood borne antigens are generated...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Биолошки факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/173039/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectOralni unos kadmijumasr
dc.subjectoral cadmium administrationen
dc.subjectintestinal immune responseen
dc.subjectmesenteric lymph nodesen
dc.subjectDA and AO ratsen
dc.subjectstrain differencesen
dc.subjectintestinalni imunski odgovorsr
dc.subjectmezenterični limfni čvorovisr
dc.subjectDA i AO pacovisr
dc.subjectsojne razlikesr
dc.titleIntestinalni i sistemski imunski efekti oralnog unosa kadmijuma kod pacovasr
dc.title.alternativeIntestinal and systematic immune effects of oral cadmium intake in ratsen
dcterms.abstractПопов-Aлександров, Aлександра; Попов-Aлександров, Aлександра; Катарановски, Милена; Катарановски, Милена; Матовић, Весна; Нинков, Марина М.; Интестинални и системски имунски ефекти оралног уноса кадмијума код пацова; Интестинални и системски имунски ефекти оралног уноса кадмијума код пацова;

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