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Expression of minichromosome maintenance proteins in keratinocytic intraepidermal neoplasia and invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the skin

dc.contributor.advisorBrašanac, Dimitrije
dc.contributor.otherMedenica, Ljiljana
dc.contributor.otherNikolić, Miloš
dc.contributor.otherTomanović, Nada
dc.contributor.otherTiodorović, Danica
dc.creatorStojković-Filipović, Jelena
dc.description.abstractAktinična keratoza (AK) predstavlja proliferaciju neoplastično transformisanih keratinocita ograničenih na deo epiderma i smatra se inicijalnom kliničkom manifestacijom bolesti koja može da progredira do planocelularnog tj. skvamocelularnog karcinoma (engl. squamous cell carcinoma, SCC), ranim stadijumom u biološkom spektru SCC. Iz tog raloga, a prema konceptu progresije u evoluciji AK, predložena je nova nomenklatura za AK, keratinocitna intraepidermalna neoplazija (engl. keratinocyte intraepidermal neoplasia, KIN), prema anlanogiji sa cervikalnom intraepidermalnom neoplazijom. Skvamocelularni karcinom kože in situ (engl. squamous cell carcinoma in situ - SCCIS) ili Bowenova bolest (engl. Bowen disease, BD) je maligna neoplazma ograničena na epiderm, kod koga se neoplastično tranformisani keratinociti nalaze čitavom debljinom epiderma, bez znakova dermalne invazije. Kutani SCC je drugi najčešći maligni tumor kože, koji se manifestuje različitim promenama od lako izlečivih, superficijalno invazivnih kancera do veoma infiltrovanih tumora koji metastaziraju dovodeći do smrtnog ishoda. Može nastati de novo, ali češće nastaje iz prekursorskih lezija, AK i SCCIS, koje, kao što je već pomenuto, prema pojedinim autorima predstavljaju SCC u ranijim evolutivnim fazama. Iako AK, SCCIS i SCC mozemo smatrati različitim stadijumima iste bolesti, ne progrediraju sve lezije u SCC. Molekularni mehanizmi ove progresije još uvek nisu u potpunosti razjašnjeni. Proteini održavanja minihromozoma (engl. minichromosome maintenance proteins, MCM) predstavljaju kompleks proteina koji ima ključnu ulogu u regulaciji replikacije DNK tokom ćelijskog ciklusa. MCM grupa jedarnih proteina učestvuje u započinjanju i održavanju replikacije DNK molekula. Usklađenost funkcionalne interakcije između MCM proteina i drugih komponenti, posredstvom protein kinaza koje učestvuju u regulaciji ćelijskog ciklusa, omogućava početak sinteze DNK molekula samo jednom tokom ćelijskog ciklusa, održavanjući, na taj način stabilnost genoma ćelije. MCM proteini eksprimovani su u ćelijama u kojima je ćelijski ciklus u toku, dok se u ćelijama koje su u stanju mirovanja i diferencijacije njihova ekspresija gubi, pa predstavljaju potencijalno korisne markere proliferacije ćelija, posebno u
dc.description.abstractActinic keratosis (AK) is proliferation of a neoplastic transformed keratinocytes confined to the epidermis and is considered as part of the initial clinical manifestation of the disease which can progress to squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), early stage in the biological spectrum SCC. The concept of progression with three possible steps in evolution from AK towards SCC is defined as a keratinocyte intraepidermal neoplasia (KIN), according to the level of epidermal involvement, analogous to cervical intraepithelial neoplasm (CIN). Squamous cell skin carcinoma in situ (SCCIS) or Bowen's disease (BD) is a malignant neoplasm confined to the epidermis, with fullthicknes keratinocyte atypia, but no signs of dermal invasion. Cutaneous SCC is the second most common malignant tumor of the skin, which is manifested as broad spectrum of lesions, from easily curable superficial to invasive and very infiltrated tumors that metastasize, leading to death. Although it can arise de novo, SCC, however, often arises from precursor lesions, AK and BD, which, as already mentioned, according to some authors actually represent SCC in earlier evolutionary stages. Although AK, SCCIS and SCC can be considered as different stages of the same disease not all the lesions progressed in SCC. Molecular mechanisms of progression have not yet been fully understood and explained. Minichromosome maintenance proteins (MCM) represent a complex of proteins that play a key role in the regulation of DNA replication during the cell cycle. MCM are group of the nuclear proteins involved in initiation and maintenance of DNA replication. Functional interactions between the MCM proteins and other components, by means of protein kinases which are involved in regulation of cell cycle, allows the DNA synthesis initiation, complete and accurate DNA replication to once per cell cycle, maintaining the genome stability. Expressed in cells in which the cell cycle is in progress, with lost of expression in quiescent and differentiated cells, MCM proteins represent potentially useful markers of cell proliferation, particularly in cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate MCM 2, 5 and 7 expression in AK, BD and invasive SCC, analysis of expression in situ lesions classified as keratinocyte intraepidermal neoplasia (KIN), comparison MCM 2, MCM5 and MCM7 expression and prognostic parameters of SCC such as size, depth of invasion, thickness and tumor grade...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Медицински факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectaktinična keratozasr
dc.subjectactinic keratosisen
dc.subjectplanocelularni karcinom kožesr
dc.subjectproteini održavanja minihromozomasr
dc.subjectsquamous cell carcinoma of the skinen
dc.subjectminichromosome maintenance proteinsen
dc.titleEkspresija proteina održavanja minihromozoma u keratinocitnoj intraepidermalnoj neoplaziji i invazivnom planocelularnom karcinomu kožesr
dc.title.alternativeExpression of minichromosome maintenance proteins in keratinocytic intraepidermal neoplasia and invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the skinen
dcterms.abstractБрашанац, Димитрије; Томановић, Нада; Меденица, Љиљана; Николић, Милош; Тиодоровић, Даница; Стојковић-Филиповић, Јелена; Експресија протеина одржавања минихромозома у кератиноцитној интраепидермалној неоплазији и инвазивном планоцелуларном карциному коже; Експресија протеина одржавања минихромозома у кератиноцитној интраепидермалној неоплазији и инвазивном планоцелуларном карциному коже;

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