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Parasitological and molecular examination of genotypes and haplotypes of metacestoda Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato and epizootiological characteristics of hydatidosis in different species of animals

dc.contributor.advisorKulišić, Zoran
dc.contributor.otherRadojičić, Sonja
dc.contributor.otherTeodorović, Vlado
dc.contributor.otherIlić, Tamara
dc.contributor.otherDžamić, Aleksandar
dc.creatorDebeljak, Zoran R.
dc.description.abstractSprovedenim istraživanjima definisane su patomorfološke, morfometrijske, parazitološke karakteristike metacestoda Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato kao i epizootiološke karakteristike hidatidoze kod 96 životinja (49 domacih svinja, 2 divlje svinje, 25 goveda i 20 ovaca), poreklom sa teritorije razlicitih epizootioloških podrucja (20 opština) Republike Srbije. Molekularnim ispitivanjima pregledan je materijal poreklom od 52 životinje (15 goveda, 18 ovaca, 17 domacih i 2 divlje svinje). Karakteristike ustanovljenih hidatidnih cista u potpunosti su odgovarale nacinu gajenja i starosti pregledanih životinja. Fertilne ciste su ustanovljene kod 61,9% ovaca, 22,4% svinja i 8,0% goveda. Samo kod goveda sve fertilne ciste (100%) su bile vijabilne. Degenerativne ciste su ustanovljene kod svinja i ovaca, a kalcifikovane samo kod ovaca. Identifikacija vrste, genotipova i haplotipova metacestoda E. granulosus sensu lato, u uzorcima hidatidnih cista radena je analizom DNK sekvence mitohondrijalnog citohrom C-oksidaze 1 (cox1) gena. Korišcen je protokol MI-05 Evropske referentne laboratorije za parazite u Rimu (EU RFLP, 2010), a u okviru ispitivanja radene su: lancana reakcija polimeraze, sekvenciranje i haplotipizacija. U okviru E. granulosus s.l. determinisane su 2 vrste: E. granulosus s.s. i E. canadensis, 4 genotipa (G1, G2, G3 i G7) i 7 haplotipova (Hap 1 - Hap 7). Kod domacih svinja ustanovljen je E. canadensis, genotip G7, kod goveda 2 genotipa E. granulosus s.s., (G1 i G3) i 5 haplotipova, kod ovaca prisustvo sva tri genotipa E. granulosus s.s., (G1, G2 i G3) i 4 haplotipa (Hap 2, Hap 3, Hap 5 i Hap 7), a kod 2 ovce ustanovljena je mešovita infekcija, na nivou genotipa i haplotipa. Od 7 ustanovljenih haplotipova (Hap 1 - Hap 7), dva haplotipa (Hap 2 i Hap 5) su dominantni kod 40,4% životinja i zajednicki su za goveda i ovce. Sekvence dobijene kod goveda i ovaca (koje pripadaju haplotipu 5 - genotip G1), 100% su identicne sa haplotipom koji je globalno rasprostranjen u svetu. S obzirom na razlicite biološke i epizootiološke karakteristike pojedinih genotipova i haplotipova E. granulosus s.l., njihova identifikacija i definisanje prevalencije predstavljaju znacajan doprinos poznavanju epizootioloških i molekularnih karakteristika hidatidoze kod domacih životinja na širem prostoru Republike Srbije i važni su za razumevanje biološkog ciklusa parazita i predlog mera kontrole.sr
dc.description.abstractAccording to conducted researches we defined histological, morphometric and parasitological characteristics of metacestoda Ecchinococcus granulosus sensu lato as well as epizootiological characteristics of hydatiosis in 96 animals ( 49 domestic pigs, 2 wild boars, 25 cattle and 20 sheep) originating from the territory of different epizootiological areas ( 20 municipalities) of the Republic of Serbia. By molecular analysis, examined material originated from 52 animals (15 cattle, 18 sheep, 17 domestic pigs and 2 wild boars). The characteristics of established hydatid cysts completely fit the manner of cultivation and the age of examined animals. Fertile cysts are established in 61.9% of sheep, 22.4% of pigs and 0.8% of cattle. Only in cattle, all fertile cysts ( 100%) were viable. Degenerative cysts are established in pigs and sheep, while calcified are found only in sheep. Identification of the species, genotypes and haplotypes of metacestoda E. granulosus sensu lato in samples of hydatid cyst was performed by analyzing DNA sequence of mitochondrial cytochrome C- oxidase 1 (cox 1) gene. We used MI-05 protocol of European Reference Laboratory for Parasites in Rome (EU RFLP, 2010) and within examination we performed: polymerase chain reaction, sequencing and haplo standardization. Within the scope of E. granulosus s.l. we determined 2 species: E. granulosus s.s. and E. canadensis, 4 genotypes (G1, G2, G3 and G7) and 7 haplotypes (Hap1-Hap7). In domestic pigs we established E. canadensis, genotype G7; in cattle we established 2 genotypes E. granulosus s.s. (G1 and G3) and 4 haplotypes; in sheep there is a presence of all three genotypes: E. granulosus s.s. (G1,G2 and G3) and 4 haplotypes (Hap 2, Hap 3, Hap 5 and Hap 7). In two sheep we established mixed infections at the level of genotype and haplotype. From 7 established haplotypes (Hap1-Hap7), two haplotypes (Hap 2 and Hap 5) are dominant at 40,4% of animals and are common for both cattle and sheep. The sequences we got in cattle and sheep (that belong to haplotype 5 - genotype1) are 100% identical with the haplotype which is globally prevalent. Considering different biological and epizootiological characteristics of certain genotypes and haplotypes of E. granulosus s.l., their identification and definition of prevalence represent a significant contribution to the knowledge of epizootiological and molecular characteristics of hydatidosis in domestic animals in the wider area of the Republic of Serbia and are important for understanding the biological cycle of the parasite and proposed control measures.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет ветеринарске медицинеsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectEchinococcus granulosus sensu latosr
dc.subjectEchinococcus granulosus sensu latoen
dc.subjectmolecular epizootiologyen
dc.subjectRepublic of Serbiaen
dc.subjectmolekularna epizootiologijasr
dc.subjectRepublika Srbijasr
dc.titleParazitološka i molekularna ispitivanja genotipova i haplotipova metacestoda Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato i epizootiološke karakteristike hidatidoze kod različitih vrsta životinjasr
dc.title.alternativeParasitological and molecular examination of genotypes and haplotypes of metacestoda Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato and epizootiological characteristics of hydatidosis in different species of animalsen
dcterms.abstractКулишић, Зоран; Илић, Тамара; Радојичић, Соња; Теодоровић, Владо; Джамић, Aлександар; Дебељак, Зоран Р.; Паразитолошка и молекуларна испитивања генотипова и хаплотипова метацестода Ецхиноцоццус гранулосус сенсу лато и епизоотиолошке карактеристике хидатидозе код различитих врста животиња; Паразитолошка и молекуларна испитивања генотипова и хаплотипова метацестода Ецхиноцоццус гранулосус сенсу лато и епизоотиолошке карактеристике хидатидозе код различитих врста животиња;

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