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Influence of condotions of vinification on the antioxidant capacity of fruit wines

dc.contributor.advisorNikićević, Ninoslav
dc.contributor.otherPetrović, Aleksandar
dc.contributor.otherVeličković, Milovan
dc.contributor.otherNikšić, Miomir
dc.contributor.otherTešević, Vele
dc.creatorĐorđević, Radovan
dc.description.abstractU ovom radu su ispitivani uticaji uslova fermentacije na sadrţaj ukupnih polifenola i antioksidativna svojstva vošnih vina. Istraţivanje je sprovedeno u cilju utvrŤivanja i definisanja najoptimalnijih uslova proizvodnje, koji bi ujedno obezbedili i maksimalan sadrţaj ukupnih polifenolnih jedinjenja u vošnim vinima. TakoŤe, utvrŤeni su potencijali koje imaju odreŤene sorte maline i kupine za proizvodnju vošnih vina. Koriššeni su plodovi dve sorte gajene maline (vilamet i miker), dve sorte gajene kupine (ţaţanska bestrna i tornfri) i plodovi divlje kupine. Fermentacija uzoraka obavljena je pod strogo definisanim uslovima a ogledi su postavljeni tako da je mogao da se prati pojedinaţni i kombinovani uticaj svakog od uslova fermentacije na sadrţaj ukupnih polifenola i antioksidativna svojstva vošnih vina. Ispitivani su uticaji sledeših faktora: temperature fermentacije, sulfitisanje kljuka i uticaj korištenog soja kvasca. Tokom ferementacije pod razliţitim uslovima, prašena je kinetika ekstrakcije polifenolnih jedinjenja i uticaj uslova fermentacije na tok ekstrakcije, a nakon završene fermentacije obavljena je fiziţko-hemijska analiza dobijenih uzoraka vina i kvantitativna LC/MS analiza sadrţaja polifenolnih jedinjenja. TakoŤe, ispitivana su antioksidativna svojstva uzoraka vina i utvrŤena je veza koja postoji izmeŤu sadrţaja ukupnih polifenola i antioksidativnog kapaciteta. Na osnovu rezultata fiziţko-hemijske i instrumentalne hemijske analize uzoraka, utvrŤene razlike koje su nastale usled uticaja razliţitih uslova fermentacije. Apsolutnu superiornost sa aspekta potencijala sorti za proizvodnju vošnih vina, sa aspekta parametara fiziţko-hemijske analize i sadrţaja ukupnih polifenolnih jedinjenja, pokazala je divlja kupina, zatim ţaţanska bestrna pa kupina tornfri a od sorti maline na prvom mestu je vilamet a zatim miker. Temperatura fermentacije ima najveši uticaj na kinetiku ekstrakcije i sadrţaj ukupnih polifenola u vošnim vinima. Na višim temperaturama fermentacije, primešen je raniji poţetak ekstrakcije polifenolnih jedinjenja dok je dalji tok ekstrakcije bio uslovljen kinetikom alkoholne fermentacije. Sadrţaj polifenolnih jedinjenja u uzorcima koji su fermentisali na višim temperaturama je bio statistiţki znaţajno viši u odnosu na sadrţaj u uzorcima koji su fermentisali na niţim
dc.description.abstractThe aims of this study were to determine and define the optimal fermentation conditions which would enable a maximal amount of phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity in the fruit wines. Furthermore, the potential that possess raspberry and blackbaerry cultivars which were used for this research for fruit wine production was determined and confirmed. Fruits of two raspberry cultivars (Willamette and Meeker), two blackberry cultivars (Ţaţanska bestrna and Thornfree) and wild blackberry (Rubus fruticosus L.) were used for experiments in this study. Fermentation of samples were carried out under strictly controled conditions in order to enable monitoring of effects of each factor and their combined effects on the total polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity. The examined factors of fermentation were as follows: fermentation temperature, sulfiting and yeast strain. Several fermentations probes were performed, each under different conditions, with aim to follow the polyphenolic compounds extraction kinetics and to establish the effect of fermentation conditions on the extraction. Fruit wines obtained at the end of fermentation were subjected to physico-chemical analysis and several types of phenolic compounds were quantitatively analyzed using LC/MS method. Antioxidative capacity of fruit wines was also tested as well as the correlation between total phenolic content and antioxidative capacity. Based on physico-chemical and instrumental chemical analysis of the samples, differences were determined as a consequence of the fermentation conditions. The best potential for fruit wine production, based on several aspects (physico-chemical parameters and the amount of total polyphenolic compounds) is expressed by wild blackberry. Ţaţanska bestrna appeared as the second best choice and on the last place was Thornfree cultivar. In case of raspberries Willamette was better than Meeker. Extraction kinetics and total polyphenol content are mostly affected by temperature of fermentation. Start of polyphenol compounds extraction is earlier under higher fermentation temperatures. Further extraction of polyphenolics was dependent on fermentation kinetics. Significantly higher amount of polyphenol compounds was measured in samples that fermented on higher temperatures...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Пољопривредни факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46010/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectvoćna vinasr
dc.subjectfruit winesen
dc.subjectalkoholna fermentacijasr
dc.subjectpolifenolna jedinjenjasr
dc.subjectantioksidativna svojstvasr
dc.subjectalcoholic fermentationen
dc.subjectpolyphenol compoundsen
dc.subjectantioxidative activityen
dc.titleUticaj načina vinifikacije na antioksidativni kapacitet voćnih vinasr
dc.title.alternativeInfluence of condotions of vinification on the antioxidant capacity of fruit winesen
dcterms.abstractНикићевић, Нинослав; Тешевић, Веле; Никшић, Миомир; Величковић, Милован; Петровић, Aлександар; Ђорђевић, Радован; Утицај начина винификације на антиоксидативни капацитет воћних вина; Утицај начина винификације на антиоксидативни капацитет воћних вина;

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