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Citizen and pofessional journalism in the media of Republic of Serbia

dc.contributor.advisorVeljanovski, Rade
dc.contributor.otherTodorović, Neda
dc.contributor.otherBarović, Vladimir
dc.creatorJevtić, Milica B.
dc.description.abstractPredmet ovog rada je uticaj graĎanskog novinarstva na profesionalno izveštavanje u medijima u Srbiji, sa teţnjom da se odgovori na koji način informacije plasirane na društvenoj mreţi Tviter utiču na rad profesionalnih novinara. Istraţivanje nastoji da ustanovi koji to obrasci ponašanja vaţe za novinare u situacijama pojačane participacije graĎana i zbog čega do te participacije dolazi. Aktivizam graĎana i odgovor profesionalaca u ovom radu koreliraju u kontekstu novinarskih sloboda, budući da je osnovna pretpostavka da pojačani pritisci na novinare i suţavanje njihove profesionalne slobode jesu situacije u kojima jača participacija na društvenim mreţama, a samim tim i uticaj participanata na profesionalno izveštavanje. MeĎutim, teza je da je domet ovakvog aktivizma krajnje ograničen. Analiza, koja dolazi u jeku velikih teorijskih rasprava, naslanja se na stanovište socijalnog konstruktivizma, u posmatranju krize poverenja publike u medije, dok će po pitanju uticaja tehnologije na participaciju graĎana, teorijski koncept ovog istraţivanja balansirati izmeĎu tehnooptimista i tehnopesimista. Posmatranje aktivizma fokusirano je na Tviter, a uzorak obuhvata novinare iz 44 redakcije u Srbiji koji su pristupili izradi upitnika. U okviru ankete nalaze se i mini studije slučaja, dok se poslednji eksploratorni deo istraţivanja bazira na intervjuima sa urednicima kredibilnih medija u Srbiji. Rezultati istraţivanja potvrĎuju da novinari vrlo nisko ocenjuju novinarske slobode – 80 odsto njih vrednovalo je slobodu ocenama do 5 (na skali do 10). Istovremeno, gotovo svaki drugi ispitanik (55,4%) vidi direktnu korelaciju Tvitera i novinarskih sloboda. Situacije u kojima je Tviter doţiveo ekspanziju, a koje su navodili novinari, govore o njihovoj neretko nepovoljnoj poziciji. Novinari su, ipak, svesni nepouzdanosti informacija plasiranih putem društvenih mreţa i mogućnosti manipulacije u virtuelnoj zajednici, zbog čega su vrlo skeptični prema njihovoj upotrebi. Urednici, prema rezultatima ove analize, demistifikuju slobodarski karakter društvenih mreţa, smatrajući ih korisnom i brzom novom platformom, ali i izumom koji je već podlegao različitim uticajima interesnih grupasr
dc.description.abstractThe subject of this dissertation is the impact of citizen‘s journalism on professional reporting in Serbian media, more specifically it aims to assess the impact of the use of social network Twitter on professional journalism. The research aspires to address the ways enhanced civic activism affects the journalist behavior, and to find out the cause which aspire participation. Considering the major hypothesis/assumption that instances of pressure on journalists and narrowing of media freedom influence enhanced civic participation on Twitter, and subsequently affect professional reporting, the author finds that civic activism and journalist‘s response correlate to each other in the context of media freedom. However, author further claims that the reach of this kind of activism is fairly limited. The analysis of active audience and its participation in professional reporting, as a subject of important theoretical debates, has widely relied on social constructivism observing such a phenomena of mistrust between public and the media. On the other hand, the role of technology in the citizen‘s participation and its influence on professionals has been assessed through two theoretical concepts ―techno–optimism‖. Authors observation of citizen‘s activism has been focused on social media, more specifically Twitter. In order to conduct this research, author has used a mixed method, within the representative sample, 44 editorial boards of Serbian media have been surveyed, and analysis indicated specific media practice. As part of the exploratory part of the research, a survey was supplemented by the key informant interviews with editorial staff of the most prominent media in Serbia. The results confirm journalist‘s perception of a lack of freedom – 80% of journalists values freedom by the value of 5 (scale 1–10). At the same time 55,4% of respondents believes that there is a direct link between Twitter and media freedoms. Since the expansion of Twitter, journalists explained that they have often found themselves in specific, unfavorable position which affects professional reporting, but they are aware of the enhanced possibilities for manipulation in a virtual community, which force their skepticism towards using information from social networks. Further more, editors of leading newspapers and TV stations in Serbia, have tried to demystify ―libertarian‖ character of the new media, describing them as useful, speedy platform, however not resistant to different special interestsen
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет политичких наукаsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectgraĎansko novinarstvosr
dc.subjectcitizen journalismen
dc.subjectprofesionalno novinarstvosr
dc.subjectmedijske slobodesr
dc.subjectprofesionalna rutinasr
dc.subjectprofessional journalismen
dc.subjectfreedom of mediaen
dc.subjectprofessional routineen
dc.titleGrađansko i profesionalno novinarstvo u medijima u Republici Srbijisr
dc.title.alternativeCitizen and pofessional journalism in the media of Republic of Serbiaen
dcterms.abstractВељановски, Раде; Тодоровић, Неда; Баровић, Владимир; Јевтић, Милица Б.; Грађанско и професионално новинарство у медијима у Републици Србији; Грађанско и професионално новинарство у медијима у Републици Србији;

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