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Modeling of distribution and accessory elements during the process of melting of copper sulphide concentrates

dc.contributor.advisorŽivković, Živan
dc.contributor.otherMihajlović, Ivan
dc.contributor.otherKostov, Ana
dc.creatorĐorđević, Predrag B.
dc.description.abstractPredmet istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije predstavlja analizu uticaja veoma bitnih parametara procesa topljenja sulfidnih koncentrata bakra: sadržaja bakra u bakrencu, sastava šljake i baziciteta šljake, na distribuciju bakra i pratećih elemenata između šljake i bakrenca. Objašnjen je mehanizam gubitka bakra u šljaci, zajedno sa drugim obojenim, retkim i plemenitim metalima i izvršena je statistička analiza uticaja sastava šljake i sadržaja bakra u bakrencu na ukupne gubitke bakra u šljaci, na osnovu čega su razvijeni matematički modeli koji opisuju ove uticaje. U narednim poglavljima je na osnovu ekstremno visokih koncentracija SO2 i PM polutanata, izmerenih u urbanom delu grada Bora, kao posledice emisija topioničkih dimnjaka, izvršeno rangiranje lokacija na osnovu njihove zagađenosti i utvrđeno je da se najkritičnija zona nalazi u samom centru grada. Statistička obrada podataka je vršena primenom multivarijantnih i nelinearnih metoda u svrhu modelovanja procesa, dok je metoda višekriterijumskog odlučivanja primenjena u svrhu rangiranja lokacija po njihovoj zagađenosti. Za potrebe istraživanja korišćeni su podaci prikupljeni nakon opsežnog uzorkovanja kao i na osnovu posebno organizovanog eksperimenta, pri stabilnim industrijskim uslovima topljenja koncentrata bakra u plamenoj peći topionice RTB – Bor. Rezultati, predočeni u ovom radu, mogu biti od pomoći prilikom upravljanja ekonomskim i ekološkim aspektom proizvodnje bakra, omogućavajući bolje razumevanje faktora koji utiču na distribuciju metala odnosno gubitke bakra i ostalih korisnih elemenata u toku procesa topljenja bakarnih koncentratasr
dc.description.abstractThe subject of this dissertation is the analysis of the influence of very important parameters of the melting process of copper sulphide concentrates: copper content in matte, the composition of slag and slag basicity, on the distribution of copper and accessory elements between the slag and the matte. Mechanism of copper loss in the slag, together with other non-ferrous, rare and precious metals is explained and statistical analysis of the influence of the slag and the copper content in the matte on the total losses of the copper in the slag was performed, based on which mathematical models were developed which describe these effects. In the following chapters, based on the extremely high concentration of SO2 and PM pollutants measured in the urban part of the city of Bor, as a result of emissions of smelter stacks, ranking of locations was performed based on their contamination and the most critical zone was found to be located in the town center. Statistical analysis was performed using multivariate and nonlinear methods for processes modeling, while the method of multicriteria decision making was utilized for ranking locations according to their contamination. The data used in the research was collected after extensive sampling and from specially organized experiment, under the stable industrial conditions of smelting of copper concentrates in the reverberatory furnace of the RTB - Bor smelter. The results presented in this paper, can be helpful in managing the economic and environmental aspects of production of copper, allowing a better understanding of the factors that influence the distribution of metals or losses of the copper and other useful elements in the process of smelting of copper concentrates.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Технички факултет, Борsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectcopper lossesen
dc.subjectdistribution of metalen
dc.subjectslag basicityen
dc.subjectgubici bakrasr
dc.subjectdistribucija metalasr
dc.subjectbazicitet šljakesr
dc.titleModelovanje distribucije bakra i pratećih elemenata u procesu topljenja sulfidnih koncentrata bakrasr
dc.titleModeling of distribution and accessory elements during the process of melting of copper sulphide concentratesen
dcterms.abstractЖивковић, Живан; Костов, Aна.; Михајловић, Иван.; Ђорђевић, Предраг Б.; Моделовање дистрибуције бакра и пратећих елемената у процесу топљења сулфидних концентрата бакра; Моделовање дистрибуције бакра и пратећих елемената у процесу топљења сулфидних концентрата бакра;

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