Приказ основних података о дисертацији

Conduct problems and development of insecure attachment:the role of context in growing up of high risk children

dc.contributor.advisorRajović, Vera
dc.contributor.otherPopadić, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherRadulović, Danka
dc.contributor.otherMitić, Marija
dc.creatorRadojević, Branka T.
dc.description.abstractCilj istraživanja jeste ispitivanje povezanosti problema u ponašanju i nesigurnih obrazaca afektivne vezanosti - tačnije njihovog doprinosa nastanku teškoća u ponašanju i celokupnom emocionalno-socijalnom razvoju, na uzorku dece pod rizikom, iz razvojno-ekološke i holističke perspektive. Istraživanje je neeksperimentalno – ciljnu grupu činilo je 180 dece bez roditeljskog staranja odrasle u povoljnom Kontekstu 1 (38 dece stabilno smeštene u porodicu, pre navršene 1. godine – kontrolni uzorak), nepovoljnom Kontekstu 2 (89 dece - kasno izmeštene iz neadekvatnih uslova, sa više promena sredine) i ekstremno nepovoljnom Kontekstu 3 (uz česte promene sredine, iskusila su i zlostavljanje). Deca oba pola, ravnomerno su razvrstana u grupe po 60, u tri uzrasna raspona: 2-6; 7-12 i 13-18 godina. Pri obradi podataka korišćene su metode i postupci iz okvira deskriptivne statistike, kao i iz domena statistike zaključivanja - pored t-testa, hi-kvadrata i koeficijenta korelacije korišćen je F test, jedno i dvofaktorska univarijaciona analiza, hijerarhijska klaster analiza za nominalne varijable i multipla regresiona analiza (linearni model). Rezultati studije nedvosmisleno dokazuju toksično dejstvo zlostavljanja i zanemarivanja na celokupan razvoj, s obzirom da deca odrasla u nepovoljnim kontekstima imaju značajno više teškoća u: ponašanju, kontroli afekta, odnosima sa okruženjem i navikama. Otkrivena je i statistička značajnost interakcije konteksta i uzrasta, na način da na prisustvo ili odsustvo teškoća dominantno utiče kontekst odrastanja unutar istih uzrasta. Reakcije deteta na nesigurnu ili ugrožavajuću dijadu na ranim uzrastima difuzne su i ispoljavaju se u ponašanju i svim drugim oblastima emocionalnog razvoja, a sa odrastanjem, specifične varijable se razlikuju po sposobnosti za diskriminaciju. Na svim uzrastima, varijable unutar kontrole afekta (regulacija emocija), odnosa sa okruženjem (odnosa sa odgajateljima odraslima i vršnjacima) i teškoće u ponašanju, prave značajnu razliku, dok navike ishrane, sna i teškoće u aktivitetu i pažnji to čine samo na ranim uzrastima. Združeno prisustvo teškoća u navikama higijene (pre svega noćno mokrenje), aktivitetu/pažnji, uz postojanje autoerotskih, autoagresivnih radnji i erotizovanog ponašanja, i na ranim uzrastima, ali i kada su one razvojno neočekivane – u pubertetu i adolescenciji, karakteristično je za surovo zlostavljanu decu (Konteksta 3). Što je dete imalo nepovoljnije uslove razvoja, to su teškoće u ponašanju, ali i u celokupnom emocionalno-socijalnom razvoju izraženije. Rezultati obezbeđuju bolje razumevanje nastanka i usložnjavanja problema u ponašanju ranog tipa problema (koji predvidivo vodi ka delinkvenciji), dopunom četvorofaznog socijalno-interkativnog modela Patersona, Rajda i Dišona (Patterson, Reid, Dishon, 1992) sa uzrasnim klasterima teškoća koji proizilaze iz nesigurnih obrazaca afektivne vezanosti.sr
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the research was exploring the connection between conduct problems and insecure patterns of attachment - or more precisely their contribution to the development of challenging behavior and difficulties in entire emotional and social development, in the sample of high-risk children, from holistic, developmentally-ecological perspective. The study was non-experimental - the target group consisted of 180 children without parental care who grew up in an adequate Context 1 (38 children placed for permanence before the age of 1 year - control sample), unfavorable Contexts 2 (89 children –replaced with a significant delay from inadequate conditions, with frequent placement changes) and the most unfavorable Context 3 (besides frequent placement changes, they experienced abuse). Children of both genders were evenly divided into groups of 60 in three age ranges: 2-6; 7-12 and 13-18 years. In processing the data, the methods and procedures were used from the scope of both, the descriptive statistics and inferential statistics - t-test, chi-square, correlations, one-way ANOVA, two-factorial univariate analysis, hierarchical cluster analysis (Ward’s method) for nominal variables and multiple regression analysis (linear model). The study results clearly stressed out the toxic impact of abuse and neglect on the entire child’s development, considering that children raised in adverse contexts expressed significantly more difficulties in: behavior, regulation of affect, relationships with the adults and peers and in (feeding, sleeping and cleaning) habits. The statistical significance of the interaction between up-bringing context and the age has been proved, in the way that the context primarily influences presence or absence of difficulties within group of children of the same age. The reactions of the child to an unsafe or threatening dyad were diffused at early ages and they manifested in behavior and in overall emotional and social development. With growing up, specific variables were differentiated by their ability to discriminate. The following variables – emotional regulation, ability to form and preserve relationships (with adults and peers) and conduct problems made a significant difference at all ages, whereas eating habits, sleep, hyperactivity & attention deficit made a significant difference only at early ages. Joint presence of difficulties in cleaning habits (primarily enuresis nocturno), autoerotic, auto-aggressive actions, eroticized behavior and activity/attention disorder both, in the early years, and later on (when they are unexpected) - in puberty and adolescence, were characteristic for brutally abused children (Context 3). The tendency has been registered - if the child had less favorable development, its challenging behavour and the difficulties in the entire emotional and social development were more intense. The results provides a better understanding of the complexity of conduct problems developed by the early starters (which predictably leads to delinquency) and contributes to the social-interactive model of Patterson, Reid and Dishon (1992) by accompaning them with the age clusters of difficulties arising from insecure attachment patterns.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филозофски факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectproblemi u ponašanjusr
dc.subjectconduct problemsen
dc.subjectnesigurni obrasci afektivne vezanostisr
dc.subjectdeca bez adekvatnog roditeljskog staranja.sr
dc.subjectinsecure attachment patternsen
dc.subjectchildren without adequate parental careen
dc.titleProblemi u ponašanju i razvoj nesigurnih obrazaca vezivanja: uloga konteksta odrastanja dece pod rizikomsr
dc.titleConduct problems and development of insecure attachment:the role of context in growing up of high risk childrenen
dcterms.abstractРајовић, Вера; Митић, Марија; Попадић, Драган; Радуловић, Данка; Радојевић, Бранка Т.; Проблеми у понашању и развој несигурних образаца везивања: улога контекста одрастања деце под ризиком; Проблеми у понашању и развој несигурних образаца везивања: улога контекста одрастања деце под ризиком;

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