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Evaluation of language knowledge and ability in English language teaching; Оценка языковых знаний и способностей в обучении английскому языку

dc.contributor.advisorTomović, Nenad
dc.creatorJanković, Nataša Z.
dc.identifier.uri /bdef:Izvestaj/download
dc.description.abstractOsnovni cilj uĉenja stranih jezika jeste osposobljavanje uĉenika da se jezikom koji uĉe sluţe dugoroĉno, u širem društvenom kontekstu. Na Uĉiteljskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu sprovedeno je empirijsko istraţivanje sa ciljem da se ustanovi koji je realan nivo znanja engleskog jezika sa kojim na ovaj fakultet dolaze bivši uĉenici srednjih škola. Uz to, cilj je bio da se proveri da li je školska ocena realan pokazatelj uĉeniĉkog znanja. Osim što su ispitani stavovi studenata o kvalitetu nastave engleskog jezika u srednjoj školi, sprovedeno je testiranje u oblasti jeziĉkih znanja i veština na poĉetku i na kraju školske godine. Konaĉni cilj u okviru istraţivanja bio je da se, nakon provere mišljenja nastavnika, predloţi uvoĊenje standardizovanog testa znanja iz engleskog jezika na kraju svakog obrazovnog ciklusa, kako bi se time uticalo na poboljšanje kvaliteta i ishoda nastave. Istraţivanje je zasnovano na analitiĉko-deskriptivnoj metodi, kao i na kauzalnokomparativnoj metodi, ĉiju polaznu osnovu ĉine ulazno i završno testiranje studenata (na poĉetku i kraju školske godine). Ispitivanje time dobija i karakter akcionog istraţivanja, jer je usmereno na istovremeno posmatranje i menjanje odreĊene pojave sa ciljem unapreĊenja nastavne prakse i razvoja kvalitetnijeg znanja. Prikupljanje, obrada i interpretacija podataka zasnovani su na deskriptivnoj, matematiĉkoj i statistiĉkoj metodi. Rezultati testiranja i njihovo poreĊenje sa ostalim varijablama u istraţivanju potvrdili su da se školska nastava još uvek oslanja na zastarele metode (u ĉijem centru paţnje su gramatika i prevod), zbog ĉega je nastava jeziĉkih veština zapostavljena. Školska ocena nije realan pokazatelj jeziĉkih znanja i sposobnosti i, kako statistika pokazuje, manje od 10% doprinosi u predviĊanju postignuća uĉenika na testu jeziĉkog znanja. Anketirani nastavnici rado prihvataju ideju o uvoĊenju standardizovanih testova na osnovu domaćeg nastavnog plana i programa. Na kraju rada ponuĊen je detaljan opis i okvirni plan aktivnosti koji bi vodio ka realizaciji ove
dc.description.abstractThe main aim of learning foreign languages is to develop the ability to use them in a broader social context for a long time. An empirical research was conducted at the Teacher Education Faculty of the University of Belgrade, with the aim to determine the exact level of the English language knowledge which former secondary school students gained prior to the enrolment at University. Another aim is to check whether the school mark is a true indicator of students‟ performance. As the first step in the survey, students evaluated the quality of the secondary school English language teaching. Next, their language knowledge and skills were tested and evaluated, both at the beginning and end of the academic year. The final questionnaire, conducted among teachers, was aimed at introducing standardized English language achievement tests at the end of every educational cycle, in order for the quality and outcomes of teaching to be improved. The research was based on a descriptive-analytic method, and a causal comparative method, which relied on the initial and final tests (at the beginning and end of the academic year). The survey, thus, gains the status of an action research, as its goal is simultaneous observation and change of a phenomenon, aimed at the improvement of teaching practice and the quality of learning. Collecting, processing and interpretation of the data are based on descriptive, mathematical and statistical methods. Test results and their comparison with the other variables in the survey have confirmed that language teaching in schools still relies on outdated methods (with grammar and translation still being in focus), due to which the teaching of language skills is neglected. The school mark is not a true indicator of language knowledge and ability, and, as statistics show, it accounts for less than 10% of variability in predicting students‟ language test achievement. Teachers gladly accept the idea of standardized tests being introduced on the basis of national syllabus. The dissertation ends with a detailed description and tentative plan of activities that would lead to the implementation of the idea proposed.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филолошки факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectjeziĉko znanjesr
dc.subjectjeziĉka sposobnostsr
dc.subjectjeziĉke veštinesr
dc.subjectelementi jeziĉke graĊesr
dc.subjectstandardizovani testsr
dc.subjectlanguage knowledgeen
dc.subjectlanguage abilityen
dc.subjectlanguage systems and skillsen
dc.subjectstandardized testsen
dc.titleVrednovanje jezičkih znanja i sposobnosti u nastavi engleskog jezikasr
dc.titleEvaluation of language knowledge and ability in English language teaching; Оценка языковых знаний и способностей в обучении английскому языкуen
dcterms.abstractТомовић, Ненад; Јанковић, Наташа З.; Evaluation of language knowledge and ability in English language teaching; Ocenka яzыkovыh znaniй i sposobnosteй v obučenii angliйskomu яzыku; Вредновање језичких знања и способности у настави енглеског језика; Вредновање језичких знања и способности у настави енглеског језика;

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