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History and politics in the novels of Nadine Gordimer; История и политика в романах Надин Гордимер

dc.contributor.advisorVukčević, Radojka
dc.contributor.otherLopičić, Vesna
dc.contributor.otherJovanović, Aleksandra
dc.creatorLičen, Branislava
dc.description.abstractPredmet istraživanja disertacije pod nazivom „Istorija i politika u romanima Nejdin Gordimer“, jeste ispitivanje uticaja istorije i politike na književno delo Nejdin Gordimer (1923), južnoafričke književnice, dobitnice Nobelove nagrade za književnost, kao i mnogih drugih književnih nagrada i akademskih priznanja. Savremena književna kritika svrstava je među najznačajnije svetske književnice zahvaljujući kako bogatom korpusu dela tako i plodnim savremenim književnim postupcima koje primenjuje u svom delu. Njena poetika može se grubo definisati kao plodan spoj postkolonijalne književnosti i realizma u kome se mogu prepoznati i tragovi romantizma. Disertacija će se fokusirati na osam njenih ključnih romana: Dani laži, Burgerova kćerka, Džulijevi ljudi, Priča mog sina, Niko ne ide sa mnom, Slučajni susret, Dođi sebi i Nikad kao sada. Ova studija bavi se uticajem istorijskih i političkih okolnosti u Južnoafričkoj Republici na život književnice, koja je i sama bila aktivna učesnica u važnim istorijskim događajima i članica Afričkog nacionalnog kongresa, ali pre svega, studija razmatra način na koji pomenute okolnosti oblikuju lične istorije junaka dela ove književnice. Studija, stoga, pojmove istorije i politike posmatra dvojako, definišući ih, sa jedne strane, kao događaje koji su se odigrali u stvarnom, objektivnom svetu i imali uticaja na stvarne ljude, i sa druge strane, kao događaje koji su fiktivni konstrukt istorijskih i političkih okolnosti u Južnoafričkoj Republici i kao takvi predstavljaju uzrok moralnih i psiholoških tenzija junaka prelomljenih kroz književnu prizmu Nejdin Gordimer. Upravo o tom prelamanju i pretakanju objektivne istorije u fikciju i o odosu između stvarnog života i pisanja i odgovronosti pisca prema svom narodu i nacionalnoj istoriji govori Nejdin Gordimer u svojoj knjizi objedinjenih predavanja i eseja književne kritike sa Univerziteta Harvard, pod nazivom Pisanje i bivstvovanje (Writing and Being, 1993). Stoga će se uvodni deo ove disertacije, oslanjajući se, između ostalog i na ovaj izvor, baviti okolnostima u kojima su nastajali romani Nejdin Gordimer, kao i njenim književnim uzorima (Tolstoj, Dostojevski, Borhes, Vulf, Ačebe, Kuci), filozofskim osnovama i njenim ličnim odnosom prema...sr
dc.description.abstractThe goal of the doctoral dissertation entitled „History and Politics in the Novels of Nadine Gordimer“ is to understand the impact of history and politics on the literary oeuvre of Nadine Gordimer (1923), a South African writer, the winner of the Nobel Prize for literature, as well as many other literary awards and honorable academic titles. Contemporary literary criticism sees her as one of the most influential world authors, owning that to both her prolific work, as well as to literary methods used in her novels and stories. Her poetics can roughly be defined as a fruitful combination of postcolonial literature and realism interwoven with traces of romanticism. The dissertation will focus on eight of her most successful novels: The Lying Days, Burger’s Daughter, July’s People, My Son’s Story, None to Accompany Me, The Pickup, Get a Life and No Time Like the Present. This study examines the influence of historical and political circumstances in South Africa on the life of the author, who was an active participant in important historical events and a member of The African National Congress, but before all, the study examines the way in which the mentioned circumstances shape private histories of Nadine Gordimer’s literary protagonists. Therefore, the study looks at the terms of history and politics in two distinct ways, defining them, on the one hand, as events that happened in real, objective world, influencing real people, and on the other hand, as events which are a fictional construct of history and politics in South Africa and as such present the cause for moral and psychological tensions of characters seen through the literary prism of Nadine Gordimer. It is this interaction between ’objective’ history and fiction and the relationship between real life, writing and responsibility that a writer has towards her people and nation that Nadine Gordimer writes about in a study called Writing and Being (1993) which summarises the lectures she gave at the Harvard University. Consulting this study as well as other sources, the introduction section of this dissertation will, therefore, examine the circumstances in which Nadine Gordimer’s novels were written, as well as her literary role-models (Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Borges, Wolf, Achebe, Coetzee), her philosophical foundations and her personal relationship towards reality and writing, the poetics which is the topic of her numerous essays and interviews...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филолошки факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectNejdin Gordimersr
dc.subjectNadine Gordimeren
dc.subjectJužnoafrička Republikasr
dc.subjectSouth Africaen
dc.titleIstorija i politika u romanima Nejdin Gordimersr
dc.titleHistory and politics in the novels of Nadine Gordimer; История и политика в романах Надин Гордимерen
dcterms.abstractВукчевић, Радојка; Јовановић, Aлександра; Лопичић, Весна; Личен, Бранислава; History and politics in the novels of Nadine Gordimer; Istoriя i politika v romanah Nadin Gordimer; Историја и политика у романима Нејдин Гордимер; Историја и политика у романима Нејдин Гордимер;

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