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Extraction and physico- chemical characterization of grape seed oils obtained from red grape varieties

dc.contributor.advisorRakić, Vesna
dc.contributor.otherAntić, Mališa
dc.contributor.otherŽižović, Irena
dc.contributor.otherRabrenovć, Biljana
dc.contributor.otherZorić, Dragica
dc.creatorMalićanin, Marko
dc.description.abstractUlje semenki groža predstavlja odlicnu alternativu tradicionalno korišcenim jestivim biljnim uljima, narocito u kontrolisanim režimima ishrane. Zdravstveno koristan aspekt, odnosno, funkcionalnost ovog ulja potice od njegovog sastava: ulje semenki groža je bogato nezasicenim masnim kiselinama (posebno linolnom) i ima izuzetno nizak sadržaj holesterola (Crews et al., 2006; Matthäus, 2008; Bail et al., 2008; Pardo et al., 2009). Pored toga ovo ulje sadrži prirodne antioksidante, kao što su polifenoli i tokoferoli koji imaju ulogu u zaštiti od slobodno radikalskih reakcija i oksidativnog stresa (Maier et al.,2009). Upravljanje velikim kolicinama organskog otpada koji nastaje u prehrambenoj industriji predstavlja ozbiljan ekološki problem. Zbog toga su u toku istraživanja koja bi omogucila nove procese za kontrolisano odlaganje otpada i njegovo prevoenje u druge biološki aktivne i iskoristljive proizvode. Ovakvi procesi bi rešili probleme zagaenja životne sredine i sa druge strane stvorili dodatne izvore prihoda. Dakle, iskorišcenje otpada od groža ukljucujuci i semenke izuzetno je važno sa dva aspekta: ekološkog i ekonomskog. S tim u vezi, u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji vršeno je izdvajanje ulja iz semenki crvenih sorti groža primenom razlicitih metoda ekstrakcije i fizicko-hemijska karakterizacija dobijenih ulja. U poglavlju 5.1 ovog rada je ispitivana mogucnost primene ultrazvuka u pospešivanju ekstrakcije ulja iz semenki groža, uz korišcenje male, ekološki prihvatljive kolicine n-heksana kao rastvaraca (odnos rastvaraca i uzorka 2:1). Vreme trajanja ultrazvucnog tretmana u ekstrakciji ulja iz semenki groža sorte Cabernet Sauvignon iz berbe 2012. je menjano od 15 do 135 minuta; dok su svi ostali parametri ekstrakcije (temperatura, odnos mase rastvaraca i uzorka semenke, snaga i frekfencija ultrazvuka) držani
dc.description.abstractGrape seed oil represents a suitable alternative to traditionally used edible vegetable oils, especially in controlled diets. Good health aspect or named more precisely, the functionality of this oil originates from its composition: grape seed oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids (especially linoleic) and it possesses very low amounts of cholesterol (Crews et al., 2006; Matthäus, 2008; Bail et al., 2008; Pardo et al., 2009). Besides, this oil contains natural antioxidants, such as poliphenols and tocopherols, which have their role in protection from free radical reactions and oxidative stress (Maier et al., 2009). Management of large amounts of organic waste from food industry could be a serious ecological problem. For that reasons, vast investigations are in progress, which should enable some new processes of controlling waste disposal and making it biologically active and useful products. Such processes would solve problems of the environment pollution, and, on the other side, they would bring an additional income. Therefore, the use of grape waste, including seeds, is very important from two aspects: ecological and economical. Having this in mind, in this work the oil was extracted from red grape variety using different extraction methods. The physico-chemical characterization of the obtained oils was done as well. In order to improve the extraction of oil from grape seeds, the possibility of ultrasound application while small amounts of n-hexane as a solvent were used (solvent to solid sample ratio 2:1) was estimated. The results are presented in the chapter 5.1. The oil was extracted from the grape seeds variety Cabernet Sauvignon (harvested in 2012). Duration of ultrasound treatment varied from 15 to 135 minutes; while all other extraction parameters of interest (temperature, solvent to seeds mass ratio, strength and frequency of ultrasound treatment) were kept constant...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Пољопривредни факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectulje semenke grožasr
dc.subjectgrape seed oilen
dc.subjectcold pressingen
dc.subjectn-hexane extraction by ultrasound treatmenten
dc.subjectphenol compoundsen
dc.subjectsupercritical extractionen
dc.subjectfatty acid contenten
dc.subjectantioxidative capacityen
dc.subjectoxidative stabilityen
dc.subjecthladno ceenjesr
dc.subjectekstrakcija n-heksanom uz tretman ultrazvukomsr
dc.subjectnatkriticna ekstrakcijasr
dc.subjectsastav masnih kiselinasr
dc.subjectfenolna jedinjenjasr
dc.subjectantioksidativni kapacitetsr
dc.subjectotpornost na oksidacijusr
dc.titleIzolovanje i fizičko-hemijska karakterizacija ulja iz semena crvenih sorti grožđasr
dc.titleExtraction and physico- chemical characterization of grape seed oils obtained from red grape varietiesen
dcterms.abstractРакић, Весна; Зорић, Драгица; Aнтић, Малиша; Жижовић, Ирена; Рабреновћ, Биљана; Малићанин, Марко; Изоловање и физичко-хемијска карактеризација уља из семена црвених сорти грожђа; Изоловање и физичко-хемијска карактеризација уља из семена црвених сорти грожђа;

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