Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji

dc.contributor.advisorArsovski, Zora
dc.contributor.otherPetrović, Slavica P.
dc.contributor.otherTumbas, Pere
dc.creatorRejman-Petrović, Dragana
dc.description.abstractThe challenge for organizations in continuous compe titive race is efficient management of supply chain performances. Typical issues emerge in supply chain performance measurement are strategy and measurement system gaps, financial indicators orien tation in measurement systems, isolated and incompatible indicators and supply chain integratio n inexistence. The subjects of this Phd research are: (1) Business processes in e- supply chain and ways of their improvement, as well as improvement of entire net o f business processes, (2) Models for business processes performances improvement in Web based e- supply chains and (3) Models for business processes performances measurement in e-supply chai n. The aim of this resurch is automotive e-supply chai n performance improvements model development based on the support of modern Web based ICT soluti on improvements of business processes key perfomances indicators (KPI). The result of the PhD resurch is a model for e- sup ply chain business processes improvement based on combined approach of two familiar models, GSCF and SCOR, as well as specifics coming out from the automotive industry standards. The improvement of conceptual models of processes in e- supply chain has been focused on interactions, control, an alysis and process optimization on supplier- organization- customer sequence level within automo tive supply chain. It has been developed a new bussines processes mapp ing approach in e- supply chain, capable to identify different types of supply chains and track KPIs of specific group of performance atributes, i n order to have gaps identification and take activiti es for efficient improvement of total supply chain performace. Also, this PhD research as a result has a model for business processes performance measurement in e- supply chain. Model for e- supply chain business pr ocesses improvement was based on integration of SCOR and BSC models, has providing an overall perfo rmance measurement framework on strategic, tactic and operative level. Another result of this PhD is development of multic riteria analizing AHP model, for evaluation, rank and supply chain comparation. The outcomes from the AHP model were incorporated in a database, connecting the developed management information sys tem for support and improvement e- supply chain bussines processes with the AHP model. In thi s way, enhanced management information system enables organization management in supply chain to identify, structure and solve semistructurized and unstructurized problems and choose among variety of alternatives. Developed management information system together with Wab based support makes horizontal information flow much easier, and as a decision making support system enables int egration between information used in different organization and management levels of different org anization within the supply chain. Thus, the developed system enables integration of information from a different subsystems for strategic decision making and contributes strategic planning and forec ast automatiozation on supply chain level.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Крагујевцу, Економски факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Крагујевцуsr
dc.subjectUpravljanje lancima snabdevanjasr
dc.subjectsupplay change managementen
dc.subjectbussines processesen
dc.subjectpe rformance managemnten
dc.subjectAHP modelen
dc.subjectmanagement information systemen
dc.subjectWeb environmenten
dc.subjectposlovni procesisr
dc.subjectmerenje performansisr
dc.subjectAHP modelsr
dc.subjectmenadžment informacioni sistemsr
dc.subjectWeb okruženjesr
dc.titleUnapređenje poslovnih procesa u e-lancima snabdevanjasr
dcterms.abstractAрсовски, Зора; Петровић, Славица П.; Тумбас, Пере; Рејман-Петровић, Драгана; Унапређење пословних процеса у е-ланцима снабдевања; Унапређење пословних процеса у е-ланцима снабдевања;

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