Приказ основних података о дисертацији

Effect of sodium bicarbonate and standard antidote on acid base status in raths acutely poisoned with malathion

dc.contributor.advisorMilovanović, Dragan
dc.creatorMarković, Miroslav D.
dc.description.abstractRazvoj efikasnih antidota u trovanju organofosfornim jedinjenjima predstavlja kostantan naučnoistraživački izazov već nekoliko decenija.terapija akutnih trovanja organofosfornim insekticidima, konvencionalno se bazira na primeni atropina, diazepama i oksima kao specifičnih i standardnih antidota.Iako je prošlo više od pola veka uvođenja prvog reaktivatora holinesteraze, stavovi o njegovoj upotrebi još nisu lečenja akutnih trovanja organofosfornim insekticidima, na eksperimentalnom i humanom, modelu premda na relativno malom broju pacijenata, proučavan je i infuzioni efekat natrijum bikarbonata kao suportivnog činioca.Rezultati ovih studija govore u prilog navedene infuzije natrijum bikarbonata u terapiji akutnog trovanja organofosfornim jedinjenjima, uz naučno objašnjenje da se endogeno pojačava hidroliza molekula organofosfata i njegova brža eliminacija urinom. Predloženi terapijski model primene natrijum bikarbonata u akutnim trovanjima organofosfornim insekticidima je originalan i ima za cilj da proveri uticaj primene natrijum bikarbonata i posledične alkalinizacije krvi na degradaciju i brzinu eliminacije organofosfornih insekticida , te reaktivaciju serumske i eritrocitne acetilholinesterazesr
dc.description.abstractDevelopment of efficient antidotes in organic phosphorus compounds has been representing a constant scientific and research challenge for few decades now. Treating the acute organic phosphorus insecticides poisonings is conventionally based on application of atropine, diazepam, and oxims as specific and standard antidotes. Although it has passed almost half a century since implementation of the first reactivate cholinesterase, the points of view on its use haven’ tbeen coordinated.None of the tested oxims can be considered to be as a universally acute organic phosphorus insecticides poisonings, other therapeutic modalities are searched for. As an alternate way of treating acute organic phosphorus insecticides poisonings, on experimental and humane, model which is rather a small number of patients, an infusion effect of sodium bicarbonates as a supportive article has been studied. The organic phosphorus insecticides poisonings, on experimental and humane, model which is rather a small number of patients, an infusion effect of sodium bicarbonates as a supportive article has been studied. The view on its use haven’t been coordinated.None of the tested oxims can be considered to be as a universally acute organic phosphorus insecticides poisonings , other therapeutic modalities are searched for. As an alternate way of treating acute phosphates is increasing endogenously and is urine elimination. Suggested therapeutic module of application of sodium bicarbonates in treating the acute organic phosphorus insecticides poisonings is original and it aims to check the influence of application of sodium bicarbonates and circumstantial blood alkalization to degradation and organic phosphorus insecticides elimination velocity, and serum reactivation serum and erythrocyte acethilcholinesterase.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Крагујевцу, Факултет медицинских наукаsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Крагујевцуsr
dc.subjectantidotska zaštitasr
dc.subjectantidotska zaštitaen
dc.subjectsodium bicarbonate natrijum bikarbonatsr
dc.titleUticaj natrijum bikarbonata i standardnih antidota na acido-bazni status pacova akutno trovanih malationomsr
dc.titleEffect of sodium bicarbonate and standard antidote on acid base status in raths acutely poisoned with malathionen
dcterms.abstractМиловановић, Драган; Марковић, Мирослав Д.; Утицај натријум бикарбоната и стандардних антидота на ацидо-базни статус пацова акутно трованих малатионом; Утицај натријум бикарбоната и стандардних антидота на ацидо-базни статус пацова акутно трованих малатионом;

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