Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji

Influence of airfield traffic complexity on sustainable airport development.

dc.contributor.advisorBabić, Obrad J.
dc.contributor.otherJanić, Milan M.
dc.contributor.otherKalić, Milica Đ.
dc.creatorKrstić Simić, Tatjana Ž.
dc.description.abstractPredmet istraživanja u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji predstavlja uticaj načina upravljanja saobraćajem na postojećim i/ili planiranim resursima aerodroma (poletno-sletnim, rulnim stazama, putanjama za prilaz, sletanje i odlet vazduhoplova), od strane kontrole letenja, na kompleksnost saobraćaja na aerodromu, kao i ocena uticaja kompleksnosti saobraćaja na mere performansi obavljanja saobraćaja na aerodromima, kao pokazatelja održivog razvoja aerodroma. Naime, za datu (trenutnu ili planiranu) saobraćajnu potražnju i konfiguraciju manevarskih površina aerodroma, primena različitih mera upravljanja saobraćajem od strane kontrole letenja može dovesti do generisanja saobraćajnih situacija različite kompleksnosti na aerodromu, što dalje može uticati na efikasnost funkcionisanja aerodroma, a time i na održivi razvoj aerodroma. Cilj istraživanja u disertaciji bio je da se ustanovi da li postoji i (ukoliko postoji) kakva je međusobna zavisnost između dinamičke kompleksnosti saobraćaja na aerodromu i mera neefikasnosti obavljanja saobraćaja, a u svrhu ocene održivog razvoja aerodroma. Takođe, cilj je bio i da se ustanovi da li se na osnovu promene dinamičke kompleksnosti saobraćaja na aerodromu, koja nastaje kao rezultat primene različitih načina upravljanja saobraćajem od strane kontrole letenja, promene intenziteta saobraćaja i/ili promene u aerodromskoj infrastrukturi (npr. izgradnja nove poletno-sletne i/ili rulnih staza), može oceniti i promena u efikasnosti obavljanja saobraćaja (sa aspekta odabranih mera neefikasnosti). Pored analize zavisnosti između dinamičke kompleksnosti i pojedinih mera neefikasnosti, analizirana je i međusobna zavisnost između samih mera neefikasnosti. U disertaciji je predložena metodologija za ocenu uticaja kompleksnosti saobraćaja na manevarskim površinama aerodroma na efikasnost obavljanja saobraćaja, a u
dc.description.abstractThis thesis deals with influence of different traffic and airport resources (runways, taxiways, arrival and departure routes) management, by air traffic control, onto airport traffic complexity; additionally, the thesis evaluates traffic complexity influence on airport traffic performance measures, as indicators of sustainable airport development. Namely, for a given (current or planned) traffic demand and airport airfield configuration, different air traffic management measures could result in different airport traffic complexity, influencing different airport efficiency and consequently affecting sustainable airport development. The objective of this thesis is to present the research on the relationship (if any) between airport traffic dynamic complexity and traffic inefficiency measures, in order to evaluate sustainable development of an airport. Another aim is to establish whether changes in the airport traffic dynamic complexity (resulting from various traffic management tactics applied by air traffic control, traffic intensity changes and/or airport infrastructure changes - such as construction of a new RWY and /or taxiway) may be used as a basis to evaluate changes in traffic inefficiencies (in terms of selected measures of inefficiency). In addition to dependencies between dynamic complexity and inefficiency measures, interdependence between the individual measures of inefficiency is also analyzed. The thesis proposes a methodology for evaluation of airport airfield traffic complexity influence on airport traffic efficiency in order to evaluate sustainable airport development. The proposed methodology analyzes the concept and measure of airport traffic complexity – called Dynamic Complexity, at airport airfields and in the airport vicinity. Complexity is observed as a measure of quantity and quality of traffic interactions on an airport and in the airport vicinity, under certain circumstances. In addition, so as to provide better understanding about the impacts of different ATM strategic and tactical measures tactics on the airport system performances, several flight...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Саобраћајни факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectUpravljanje vazdušnim saobraćajemsr
dc.subjectAir Traffic Managementen
dc.subjectTraffic Complexityen
dc.subjectSustainable developmenten
dc.subjectKompleksnost saobraćajasr
dc.subjectOdrživi razvojsr
dc.titleUticaj kompleksnosti saobraćaja na manevarskim površinama na održivi razvoj aerodromasr
dc.titleInfluence of airfield traffic complexity on sustainable airport development.en
dcterms.abstractБабић, Обрад Ј.; Калић, Милица Ђ.; Јанић, Милан М.; Крстић Симић, Татјана Ж.; Утицај комплексности саобраћаја на маневарским површинама на одрживи развој аеродрома; Утицај комплексности саобраћаја на маневарским површинама на одрживи развој аеродрома;

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