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The ecophysiological characteristics of various woody plant species and their potential for revitalising fly ash deposits at thermoelectric power plants

dc.contributor.advisorKnežević, Milan
dc.contributor.otherPavlović, Pavle
dc.contributor.otherCvjetićanin, Rade
dc.contributor.otherMitrović, Miroslava
dc.contributor.otherKošanin, Olivera
dc.creatorKostić, Olga A.
dc.description.abstractRevitalizacija deponija pepela zasnivanjem biljnog pokrivača predstavlja postupak kojim se najbolje može umanjiti rizik za životnu sredinu i zdravlje ljudi. Uspostavljanje biljnog pokrivača, setvom zeljastih i sadnjom drvenastih vrsta biljaka, obezbeđuje fizičku i hemijsku stabilizaciju pepela, sprečava eroziju vetrom i smanjuje disperziju toksičnih hemijskih elemenata u životnu sredinu. Selekcija biljnih vrsta u tom smislu je važan faktor koji determiniše efikasnost postupka revitalizacije deponije. Istraživanja koja su predmet ove teze, sprovedena su na deponiji pepela termoelektrane ‘Nikola Tesla A’ u Obrenovcu (‘TENT A’), koja zauzima 382 ha plodnog obradivog zemljišta, na desnoj obali reke Save i to: na aktivnoj laguni (L0) u koju se mešavina pepela i vode (1:10) hidraulički doprema i na dve pasivne lagune, L1 starosti tri godine i L2 starosti jedanaest godina, na kojima se sprovodi proces privremenog-kratkotrajnog biološkog obnavljanja pasivnih laguna deponije. Cilj istraživanja bio je definisanje abiotičkih faktora koji limitiraju opstanak i rast biljaka biljaka na lagunama deponije pepela različite starosti, kao i ispitivanje ekofizioloških, biohemijskih i morfoloških karakteristika i proučavanje adaptivnog odgovora drvenastih vrsta biljaka na efekte multipnog stresa. Istraživanjima su obuhvaćene dve sađene vrste, tamariks (Tamarix tetrandra Pall.) i bagrem (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) i dve spontano kolonizovane vrste, bagrenac (Amorpha fruticosa L.) i bela topola (Populus alba L.), koje su na prostor deponije dospele sa okolnih staništa. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata procenjen je njihov kapacitet za opstanak u uslovima deponije i potencijal za sadnju u svrhu revitalizacije ovakvih staništa. Utvrđeno je da limitirajuće faktore za opstanak i rast biljaka na deponiji pepela ‘TENT A’, predstavljaju nepovoljne fizičke i hemijke karakteristike pepela (peskovit mehanički sastav koji uslovljava mali sadržaj vode dostupne biljkama, fina tekstura i obrazovanje cementnih slojeva koji ometaju ukorenjavanje biljaka, povišen salinitet i alkalnost, toksičnost As, B, Cu, Mo, Se, Cr i Ni i deficit C, N, P, Mn i Zn). Deponovanje pepela u vlažnim lagunama i njegova izloženost atmosferskim prilikama (weathered ash), njegova biorekultivacija i spontano naseljavanje biljaka, pozitivno su se odrazili na promenu početnih, veoma nepovoljnih fizičkih i hemijskih
dc.description.abstractThe revitalisation of fly ash deposits through the formation of a plant cover is a practice which can best reduce the risk to the environment and human health. Establishing a plant cover through sowing herbaceous plants and planting woody species ensures the physical and chemical stabilisation of the ash, prevents wind erosion, and reduces the dispersal of toxic, chemical elements into the environment. The choice of plant species for this purpose is an important factor which determines how effective the revitalisation of the ash deposit site will be. The research that is the subject of this study was carried out at the fly ash deposits at the 'Nikola Tesla A' thermoelectric power plant in Obrenovac ('TENT A'), which covers an area of 382 ha of fertile cultivated land on the right bank of the River Sava. More specifically, it focussed on an active lagoon (L0), into which a pulp of ash and water (1:10) is sluiced, and two passive lagoons - L1, weathered for three years, and L2, weathered for 11 years, where the process of the temporary, short-term biological restoration of these inactive ash deposit lagoons is being carried out. The aim of the research was to define the abiotic factors which limit the survival and growth of plants at fly ash deposit lagoons weathered for different lengths of time, as well as to investigate ecophysiological, biochemical and morphological characteristics, and to study the adaptive responses of woody plant species to the effects of multiple stress. The study focussed on two planted species, tamarisk (Tamarix tetrandra Pall.) and black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) and two naturally colonized species false indigo (Amorpha fruticosa L.) and white poplar (Populus alba L.), which colonized the ash deposit sites from surrounding habitats. On the basis of the results obtained, these species’ capacity for survival in the conditions encountered at a fly ash deposit site and their potential for being planted with the aim of revitalising this type of habitat were assessed. It was established that the limiting factors for plant survival and growth at the ‘TENT A’ fly ash deposits were the unfavourable physical and chemical characteristics of the ash (its sandy composition which results in a low water content available to plants; its fine texture and the formation of cemented layers in the ash that hinder the rooting of plants; increased salinity and alkalinity; As, B, Cu, Mo, Se, Cr and Ni toxicity; and C, N, P, Mn and Zn deficiency)...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Шумарски факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/173018/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectdeponije pepelasr
dc.subjectash depositen
dc.subjectmultiple stressen
dc.subjectmacro and microelementsen
dc.subjectoxidative stressen
dc.subjectadaptive potentialen
dc.subjectmultipni stressr
dc.subjectmakro i mikroelementisr
dc.subjectoksidativni stressr
dc.subjectadaptivni potencijalsr
dc.titleEkofiziološke karakteristike nekih drvenastih vrsta biljaka i njihov potencijal za revitalizaciju deponije pepela termoelektranasr
dc.titleThe ecophysiological characteristics of various woody plant species and their potential for revitalising fly ash deposits at thermoelectric power plantsen
dcterms.abstractКнежевић, Милан; Павловић, Павле; Цвјетићанин, Раде; Митровић, Мирослава; Кошанин, Оливера; Костић, Олга A.; Екофизиолошке карактеристике неких дрвенастих врста биљака и њихов потенцијал за ревитализацију депоније пепела термоелектрана; Екофизиолошке карактеристике неких дрвенастих врста биљака и њихов потенцијал за ревитализацију депоније пепела термоелектрана;

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