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Teaching the writing skill to undergraduate EFL learners by applying the communicative approach

dc.contributor.advisorBlagojević, Savka N.
dc.contributor.otherMišković-Luković, Mirjana
dc.contributor.otherJosifović-Elezović, Sanja
dc.creatorMilenković, Branka
dc.description.abstractDisertacija Komunikativni pristup u savladavanju veštine pisanja na engleskom jeziku kod studenata Anglistike na osnovnim akademskim studijama bavi se primenom komunikativnog pristupa u nastavi pisanja na engleskom kao stranom jeziku na nivou osnovnih akademskih studija. Tematski okvir i istraživanje koje je sprovedeno za potrebe ove disertacije svrstava je u oblast primenjene lingvistike. Disertacije je imala za cilj da, najpre, utvrdi stavove studenata pri pisanju eseja na engleskom jeziku kao stranom, a zatim da dođe do rezultata na osnovu primene modifikovanog nastavnog plana za potrebe savladavanja veštine pisanja na osnovnim akademskim studijama. U istraživanju smo primenili komunikativni model Konora i Mbeja (Connor & Mbaye 2002) koji smo prilagodili predmetu istraživanja i ispitanicima, što nam je omogućilo da analiziramo elemente višeg reda pisanja (Bean 1996), odnosno, komponente pisanja koje se odnose na svrhu pisanja i na postojanje svesti o ciljanom recipijentu. Prisutnost i evaluaciju ovih komunikativnih elemenata pisanja, koji su deo komunikativne kompetencije, vršili smo na korpusu koji su činili eseji studenata osnovnih studija Anglistike, tj. analizirali smo akademski diskurs koji ovi studenti koriste u okviru pisanja za akademske potrebe. Akcenat u istraživanju stavljen je na dve potkategorije komunikativne kompetencije – na diskursnu kompetenciju, u okviru koje smo ispitivali upotrebu koherencije i kohezije, i na stratešku kompetenciju, u okviru koje smo istraživali upotrebu metadiskursnih markera. Empirijsko istraživanje sprovedeno za potrebe ove disertacije podeljeno je na dva dela: na analizu opšteg uzorka koja je zasnovana na anketnoj obradi stavova studenata Anglistike C2 jezičkog nivoa, prema Zajedničkom evropskom referentnom okviru za žive jezike, na fakultetima filološke orijentacije u Republici Srbiji, i na analizu poduzorka zasnovanoj na kvantitativnoj i kvalitativnoj obradi početnog i završnog eseja kontrolne i eksperimentalne grupe studenata treće godine Anglistike na Filološko-umetničkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Kragujevcu. U okviru prvog dela empirijskog istraživanja, na osnovu analize ankete, došli smo do zaključka o trenutnom stanju u nastavi veštine pisanja na engleskom jeziku na fakultetima u Srbiji, i pokušali da definišemo pristup koji studenti imaju prema procesu pisanja. Zaključili smo da studenti C2 jezičkog nivoa ne pristupaju pisanju na adekvatan način koristeći elemente višeg reda pisanja, kao i da je za podizanje komunikativne svesti studenata neophodna eksplicitna nastava koja je zasnovana na učenju elemenata koherencije, kohezije i metadiskursa kako bi pisanje shvatili kao komunikativni čin između pisca i čitaoca. U drugom delu istraživanja, zasnovanom na eksperimentalnom postupku, analizirali smo upotrebu komunikativnih elemenata diskursne i strateške kompetencije studenata eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe, pre i posle primene modifikovanog nastavnog plana koji je sadržao eksplicitno objašnjenje i praktično uvežbavanje korišćenja komunikativnih elemenata u pisanju eseja. Rezultati istraživanja ukazali su da je eksperimentalna grupa pokazala napredak u vidu koherentnijeg načina pisanja, upotrebe kohezivnih sredstava, kao i češćeg korišćenja metadiskursnih markera. Rezultati su doveli i do zaključka da je korišćenje sredstva za intervenisanje i ostvarivanje interakcije izuzetno kognitivno zahtevno za studente prilikom pisanja na engleskom kao stranom jeziku, i da je usvajanje diskursne kompetencije u izvesnoj meri jednostavnije u odnosu na usvajanje strateške kompetencije. Opšti zaključak na osnovu analize oba eksperimentalna dela je da je kognitivni napor kod studenata dodatno povišen prilikom pisanja na stranom jeziku, te im je potrebno pružiti dodatnu podršku prilikom ovladavanja veštinom pisanja na stranom jeziku u vidu dobro osmišljenog nastavnog
dc.description.abstractThe thesis Teaching the writing skill to undergraduate EFL learners by applying the communicative approach employs the communicative approach in teaching the skill of writing in EFL at the university level. Thematically, the research conducted in this thesis belongs to the field of Applied Linguistics. The aim of the thesis initially was to confirm the students’ attitude towards writing essays in EFL context and then to describe the results we reached upon applying the modified syllabus that revolved around teaching writing at the university level. In this research we applied the communicative model of Connor and Mbaye (2002) which was adapted according to the aim of our research as well as our research subjects. This adapted model allowed us to analyze higher-order-elements in writing (Bean 1996), which means, writing elements that tend to the purpose of writing and the anticipated reader. As an integral part of the communicative competence, these communicative elements of writing were analyzed and evaluated in terms of their presence on the corpus of student essays at the English department, that is, we analyzed academic discourse that the students use in academic writing. In the reserch we focused on the two subcategories of the communicative competence – the discourse competence, within which we analyzed the concept of coherence and cohesion, and the strategic competence, within which we analyzed the use of metadiscourse markers in writing. The empirical research in this thesis was divided into two sections: the analysis of the broader research sample and the analysis of the subsample. The broader research sample was based on the survey analysis of the English lananguage students’ attitudes towards writing, at the C2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and the survey was conducted at the faculties of philological orientation in Serbia. On the other hand, the subsample was based on the quantitative and qualitative data analysis of the pre-test and post-test of the control and experimental group of third year students at the Department of English language and literature, at the Faculty of Philology and Arts of the University of Kragujevac. Based on the first part of the empirical research the survey analysis provided us with the insight to the present state situation in the field of teaching writing in EFL at the different faculties in Serbia, which furthermore allowed us to define the approach students have towards the writing process. We were able to conclude that students at the C2 level do not approach the writing process adequately, using higher-order-elements of writing, which gave way to the conclusion that in order to raise the communicative awareness of students we need to supply them with explicit teaching based on the elements of coherence, cohesion and metadiscourse markers so that they can understand the process of writing as a communicative act between the writer and the reader. The second part of the empirical research was based on the experimental method of research and we analyzed the use of the communicative elements of the discourse competence and the stratagic competence of the students in the control and the experimental group, before and after the modified teaching input, which was composed of explicit description and practical use of the communicative elements in writing essays. Resarch results lead us to conclusions that the experimental group demonstrated progress in terms of a more coherent way of writing, increased use of cohesive devices, as well as frequent use of metadiscourse markers. The results also lead us to believe that using Interactional resources was cognitively more demanding for L2 students and that the acquisition of the discourse competence is to an extent more simplistic as opposing to the acquisition of the strategic competence. The general conclusion, based on both sections of the empirical research, is that the cognitive effort increases when students write in a foreign language and so we may infer that there is an increasing need to provide them with additional support in terms of a modified teaching input while acquiring the writing skill in a foreign language.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Крагујевцуsr
dc.subjectNastava pisanjasr
dc.subjectpisanje za akademske potrebesr
dc.subjectkomunikativni pristupsr
dc.subjectkomunikativna kompetencijasr
dc.subjectdiskursna kompetencijasr
dc.subjectstrateška kompetencijasr
dc.subjectmetadiskursni markerisr
dc.titleKomunikativni pristup u savladavanju veštine pisanja na engleskom jeziku kod studenata Anglistike na osnovnim akademskim studijamasr
dc.titleTeaching the writing skill to undergraduate EFL learners by applying the communicative approachen
dcterms.abstractБлагојевић, Савка Н.; Јосифовић-Елезовић, Сања; Мишковић-Луковић, Мирјана; Миленковић, Бранка; Комуникативни приступ у савладавању вештине писања на енглеском језику код студената Aнглистике на основним академским студијама; Комуникативни приступ у савладавању вештине писања на енглеском језику код студената Aнглистике на основним академским студијама;

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