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Understanding of art in the critical essays and the presentation of art in the fiction of Oscar Wilde

dc.contributor.advisorLoma, Miodrag
dc.creatorMirčetić, Predrag S.
dc.description.abstractPredmet istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije je Vajldovo shvatanje umetnosti, njene prirode i funkcije, izloženo u njegovim kritičkim ogledima u knjizi Namere (1891), esejima Duša čovekova u socijalizmu (1891) i De profundis (1905), i „Predgovoru“ za roman Slika Dorijana Greja (1891), kao i prikazivanje umetnosti i uloge umetničkih dela u njegovoj prozi: romanu Slika Dorijana Greja (1891), zbirci pripovedaka Zločin lorda Artura Sevila i druge priče (1891) i dvema zbirkama bajki Srećni princ i druge priče (1888) i Kuća narova (1891). U uvodnom poglavlju odredili smo termine “shvatanje umetnosti” i “prikazivanje umetnosti”. Pod shvatanjem umetnosti podrazumevamo stavove koje je Vajld u vezi sa književnošću i umetnošću, njihovom prirodom i funkcijom, izložio u svojim esejima i „Predgovoru“, a pod prikazivanjem umetnosti podrazumevamo kakvu ulogu imaju umetnička dela u Vajldovoj prozi, kao i stavove o umetnosti koje iznose likovi u njegovom jedinom romanu, pripovetkama i bajkama. U drugom poglavlju predstavili smo istorijski pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja Vajldovog shvatanja umetnosti i književnosti. Počeli smo sa prvim anonimnim prikazima zbirke Namere u časopisima Pall Mall Gazette (List Pal Mal) i Athenaeum (Ateneum) i studijom Artura Rensoma (Arthur Ransome); potom smo skrenuli pažnju na studije iz druge polovine XX veka autora kao što su Džordž Vudkok (George Woodcock), San Žuan Epifanio (San Juan Epifanio) i Ričard Elman (Richard Ellmann). Osim toga, predstavili smo i tekstove biografske prirode Džejmsa Lejvera (James Laver), Martin Fajdoua (Martin Fido) i Džona Stouksa (John Stokes). Na kraju ovog poglavlja, predstavili smo Vajldovo shvatanje umetnosti kako ga vide Džulija Pruit Braun (Julia Prewitt Brown) i Heder Markovič (Heather Marcovitch)
dc.description.abstractThe research topic of this doctoral dissertation is Wilde's understanding of art, its nature and function, as presented in his critical essays from the book Intentions (1891), in the essays The Soul of Man Under Socialism (1891) and De Profundis (1905), and in the Preface to the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891), as well as the presentation of art and the role of works of art in his fiction: the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891), a short story collection Lord Arthur Sevile's Crime and Other Stories (1891), and two collections of fairy tales, The Happy Prince and Other Tales (1888) and A House of Pomegranates (1891). In the introductory chapter we defined the terms of “understanding of art” and “the presentation of art”. By understanding of art we mean opinions on literature and art, their nature and function, which Wilde provided in his essays and “The Preface”, and by the presentation of art we mean the role which works of art may have in Wilde's fiction, as well as opinions on art voiced by the characters in his only novel, his stories and fairy tales. In the second chapter we presented a historical survey of the previous research of Wilde's understanding of art and literature. We began with first anonymous reviews of the collection Intentions printed in the magazines The Pall Mall Gazette and Athenaeum, as well as Arthur Ransome's study; next, we shifted our focus to studies from the second half of the twentieth century, by authors like George Woodcock, San Juan Epifanio and Richard Ellmann. In addition, we also presented biographical texts by James Laver, Martin Fido and John Stokes. In the last part of this chapter, we presented Wilde's understanding of art as seen by Julia Prewitt Brown and Heather Marcovitch...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филолошки факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectOskar Vajldsr
dc.subjectOscar Wildeen
dc.subjectSlika Dorijana Grejasr
dc.subjectVajldovi ogledisr
dc.subjectVajldova prozasr
dc.subjectart for art's sakeen
dc.subjectThe Picture of Dorian Grayen
dc.subjectWilde's essaysen
dc.subjectWilde's fictionen
dc.titleShvatanje umetnosti u kritičkim ogledima i prikazivanje umetnosti u prozi Oskara Vajldasr
dc.titleUnderstanding of art in the critical essays and the presentation of art in the fiction of Oscar Wildeen
dcterms.abstractЛома, Миодраг; Мирчетић, Предраг С.; Схватање уметности у критичким огледима и приказивање уметности у прози Оскара Вајлда; Схватање уметности у критичким огледима и приказивање уметности у прози Оскара Вајлда;

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