Приказ основних података о дисертацији

The impact of lameness on milk yield of Simmental cows

dc.contributor.advisorHristov, Slavča
dc.contributor.otherPerišić, Predrag
dc.contributor.otherVučinić, Marijana
dc.contributor.otherStanković, Branislav
dc.contributor.otherCincović, Marko
dc.creatorZlatanović, Zvonko V.
dc.description.abstractSisteme smeštaja i držanja životinja u intenzivnoj proizvodnji karakteriše visoka upotreba mehanizacije, velika gustina životinja i veliko opterećenje organizma. U takvim sistemima nije uvek moguće zadovoljiti osnovne potrebe životinja i one se tada teško prilagođavaju životnoj sredini. U sistemu zatvorenog stajskog držanja (staje sa sistemom vezanog držanja ili staje sa boksevima u kojima se sprovodi slobodan sistem držanja krava) posebno je važno voditi računa o zdravstvenom stanju papaka. . Zdravi ekstremiteti i dobra pokretljivost su od suštinske važnosti za dobrobit i dobru produktivnost goveda, posebno muznih krava. Ako se papci ne neguju na odgovarajući način nastaju brojna oboljenja lokomotornog aparata. Imajući u vidu učestalost pojave, ekonomski gubici uslovljeni raznolikom patologijom lokomotornog aparata su veoma značajni. Oni se ogledaju u preranom isključivanju krava iz proizvodnje, smanjenju proizvodnje mleka i troškovima lečenja. Problem šepavosti mlečnih krava može se izjednačiti sa problemom bolesti papaka, jer su upravo bolesti papaka najznačajniji uzrok šepavosti u intenzivnom držanju ovih životinja. Danas se smatra da bolesti papaka obuhvataju infektivne bolesti, bolesti interdigitalnog prostora i rožine papka i, kao poseban problem, pojavu laminitisa. U naučnoj literaturi u svetu postoje brojni podaci koji ukazuju da kod šepavosti nastaje znatno smanjenje količine mleka. Međutim, podaci koji se odnose na sastav mleka kod šepavosti, zastupljeni su u znatno manjem obimu. U našoj zemlji nema dovoljno novijih naučnih saznanja o učestalosti pojave šepavosti i njenom uticaju na osobine mlečnosti krava, kao i o najznačajnijim uzrocima i predisponirajućim faktorima šepavosti na našim farmama. Pri koncipiranju programa i postavljanju ciljeva istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije pošlo se od osnovne hipoteze da pojava šepavosti može znatno uticati na proizvodnju mleka, kao i da je izraženost šepavosti krava u korelaciji sa smanjenom količinom mleka krava simentalske rase...sr
dc.description.abstractThe systems of keeping and housing of animals in an intensive production are characterized by a high use of mechanization, a high density of animals and a great strain on the body of the animals. In such systems, it is not always possible to satisfy the basic needs of the animals so they can have a difficult time adapting to the living environment. In a closed livestock rearing system (stables that use a system where the cattle is tied up or stables with holding pens which use the free system of rearing it is especially important to take into account the health condition of the hooves Lameness is directly related to the system of cattle rearing and is influenced by environmental conditions. The problems of the increased incidence of lameness are a result of increased restrictions of movement and the increase of the herd size. Healthy limbs and good mobility are essential for the well-being and good productivity of cattle, especially dairy cows. If the hooves are not given the proper care it can lead to the development of a number of locomotor system diseases. Taking into account the frequency of occurrence, the economic losses which are conditioned by the diverse pathology of the locomotor apparatus, are very important. They are reflected in the premature exclusion of cattle from production, reduction in production and costs of treatment. The problem of lameness of dairy cows can be equated with the problem of hoof diseases because hoof diseases are the most important lameness problem in the intensive keeping of these animals. Today it is considered that the hoof diseases include infectious hoof diseases, diseases of the interdigital space and hoof horn, and as a special problem laminitis. In the scientific literature of the world there is a lot of data that indicates that lameness causes a significant reduction in milk production. However, the data relating to the composition of milk in lameness is represented on a much smaller scale. In our country, there is no recent data in the scientific literature on the incidence of lameness and its impact on milk traits of cows and on the most important causes and predisposing factors for lameness in dairy cows on our farms. When designing the program and setting the goals and objectives of the study, it was started from the basic hypothesis that the occurrence of lameness can significantly affect the amount of milk produced, and that the severity of lameness in cows is in correlation with the reduced amount of milk...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Пољопривредни факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectfree rearing hoof diseasesen
dc.subjectmilk productionen
dc.subjectmilk contenten
dc.subjectslobodno držanjesr
dc.subjectbolesti papakasr
dc.subjectproizvodnja mlekasr
dc.subjectsastav mlekasr
dc.titleUticaj šepavosti na mlečnost krava simentalske rasesr
dc.titleThe impact of lameness on milk yield of Simmental cowsen
dcterms.abstractХристов, Славча; Перишић, Предраг; Вучинић, Маријана; Станковић, Бранислав; Цинцовић, Марко; Златановић, Звонко В.; Утицај шепавости на млечност крава сименталске расе; Утицај шепавости на млечност крава сименталске расе;

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