Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji

The influence of phthalates at environmental levels on certain metabolic disorders

dc.contributor.advisorMedić-Stojanoska, Milica
dc.contributor.otherKovačev Zavišić, Branka
dc.contributor.otherPopović Brkić, Vera
dc.contributor.otherMilić, Nataša
dc.contributor.otherĆurić, Nikola
dc.contributor.otherStokić, Edita
dc.creatorBosić-Živanović, Dragana
dc.description.abstractUvod. Ftalati su endokrini disruptori, široko se koriste kao plastifikatori, rastvarači i aditivi u mnogim potrošačkim proizvodima. Eksperimentalni podaci i humane studije sugerišu na povezanost ftalata sa gojaznošću i dijabetesom. Cilj. Utvrditi da li su i koji urinami metaboliti ftalata prisutni i da li postoje razlike u njihovim nivoima između bolesnika s tipom 2 šećeme bolesti, gojaznih i kontrolne grupe zdravih osoba; da li postoji povezanost između metabolita ftalata i gojaznosti, lipida i lipoproteina seruma, glikemije, insulinemije i insulinske rezistencije. Metode. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 305 ispitanika, podeljenih u 3 grupe: gojazni (n=104), dijabetesni bolesnici tip 2 (n=101) i zdrave osobe (n=100), oba pola. U svih ispitanika su izvršena antropometrijska merenja (BMI i obim struka), određivanje serumskih lipida (ukupni holesterol, trigliceidi, HDL i LDL holesterol), te glikemija, insulinemija i izračunat indeks insulinske rezistencije (HOMA IRI). U jutarnjem uzorku urina meren je nivo 10 ftalatnih metabolita: mono-metil ftalat (MMP), mono-etil ftalat (MEP), mono-n-butil ftalat (MnBP), mono- benzil ftalat (MBzP), mono-cikloheksil ftalat (MCHP), mono-n-propil ftalat (MPP), mono-n-amil ftalat (MnAP), mono-izo-amil ftalat (MiAP), mono- n-oktil ftalat (MOP), mono-2-etilheksil ftalat (MEHP). U odnosu na prisustvo ftalata u urinu svaka grupa je podeljena u podgrupe na one sa prisutnim ftalatima i one bez ftalata u urinu, odnosno na podgrupe MEP pozitivne, MEP negativne, MEHP pozitivne i MEHP negativne. Rezultati. Kod polovine ispitanika registrovali smo prisustvo u urinu pojedinih metabolita ftalata. Najčešći su bili MEHP i MEP. Najveća sličnost u nivou MEP-a i MEHP-a je bila između gojaznih i dijabetesnih ispitanika. U odnosu na antropometrij ske parametre uočena je pozitivna korelacija MEP-a sa BMI i obimom struka, a negativna korelacija MEHP-a sa BMI i obimom struka, ali su bile nesignifikantne. Samo kod MEHP pozitivnih kontrolne grupe uočena je statistički značajna pozitivna korelacija MEHP-a i obima struka. Utvrđena je statistički značajna negativna korelaciju MEP-a i HDL holesterola, a pozitivna korelacija MEP-a i triglicerida samo kod gojaznih. Samo u kontrolnoj grupi MEHP pozitivnih postojala je statistički značajna negativna korelacija sa HDL holesterolom. Postojala je pozitivna korelacija MEP-a i HOMA-IRI, a pozitivna korelacija MEHP-a sa glikemijom samo kod MEHP pozitivnih DM tip 2. Zaključak. Potvrđeno je da je kontaminacija ftalatima prisutna u našoj populaciji, a najčešće su prisutni MEHP i MEP, ukazujući na ekspoziciju DEHP i DEP. Indirektno smo stekli uvid da povećana izloženost DEP i DEHP može doprineti nastanku izvesnih poremećaja lipida i lipoproteina, insulinskoj rezistenciji kao i razvoju
dc.description.abstractIntroduction. Phthalates are endocrine disruptors, widely used as plasticizers, solvents and additives in a wide range of consumer products. Experimental data and human studies suggest that phthalate exposure is linked with obesity and diabetes. Aim. To determine whether urinary phthalate metabolites are present, which ones are present, whether there are differences between their levels among the patients with type 2 diabetes, obesity patients and a control group of healthy individuals; whether there is a link between phthalate metabolites and obesity, lipids, serum lipoproteins, glycemia, insulinemia and insulin resistance. Methods. The research included 305 participants divided into three groups: obesity patients (n=104), type 2 diabetes patients (n=101) and healthy individuals (n=100) in both sexes. Anthropometric measurements were taken from all participants (BMI and waist circumference), as well as measurement of serum lipids (total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL and LDL cholesterol), glycemia, insulinemia and a calculation of insulin resistance index (HOMA IRI). The levels of ten phthalate metabolites were measured in a morning sample of urine: Mono-methyl phthalate (MMP), Mono-ethyl phthalate (MEP), Mono-n-butyl phthalate (MnBP), Mono-benzyl phthalate (MBzP), Mono- cyclohexyl phthalate (MCHP), Mono-n-propyl phthalate (MPP), Mono-n-amyl phthalate (MnAP), Mono-iso-amyl phthalate (MiAP), Mono-n-octyl phthalate (MOP), Mono-2- ethylhexyl phthalate (MEHP). Regarding the presence of phthalates in urine, each group was divided into subgroups, containing phthalates and or not containing phthalates, i.e. subgroups MEP positive and MEP negative, MEHP positive and MEHP negative. Results. In a half of participants, we have registered the presence of certain phthalate metabolites in urine, most often MEHP and MEP. The highest similarity in the levels of MEHP and MEP was between obesity and diabetes participants. Regarding anthropometric measurements, positive correlation has been registered between MEP and BMI and waist circumference, while negative correlation has been registered between MEHP and BMI and waist circumference, but it was insignificant. Only in MEHP positive control group, statistically significant positive correlation between MEHP and waist circumference has been registered. Statistically significant negative correlation between MEP and HDL cholesterol has been registered, while positive correlation between MEP and triglycerides has been registered only in obesity patients group. Only in MEHP positive control group statistically significant negative correlation with HDL cholesterol has been registered. There has been a positive correlation between MEP and HOMA-IRI, while positive correlation between MEHP and glycemia has been registered only in MEHP positive DM type 2. Conclusion. It has been confirmed that our population is contaminated with phthalates, most commonly MEHP and MEP, indicating exposure to DEHP and DEP. Indirectly, we have realized that an increased exposure to DEHP and DEP can contribute to the development of certain lipid and lipoprotein disorders, insulin resistance, as well as the development of obesity.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Медицински факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectFtalne kiselinesr
dc.subjectPhthalic Acidsen
dc.subjectEndocrine Disruptorsen
dc.subjectDiethylhexyl Phthalateen
dc.subjectDiabetes Mellitus Type 2en
dc.subjectEnvironmental Pollutantsen
dc.subjectEndokrini disruptorisr
dc.subjectDietilheksil ftalatsr
dc.subjectDijabetes melitus tip 2sr
dc.subjectZagađivači okolinesr
dc.titleUticaj ftalata iz spoljašnje sredine na neke metaboličke poremećajesr
dc.titleThe influence of phthalates at environmental levels on certain metabolic disordersen
dcterms.abstractМедић-Стојаноска Милица; Ковачев Завишић Бранка; Поповић Бркић Вера; Милић Наташа; Ћурић Никола; Стокић Едита; Босић-Живановић Драгана; Утицај фталата из спољашње средине на неке метаболичке поремећаје; Утицај фталата из спољашње средине на неке метаболичке поремећаје;

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