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Dominant elements for employee development in production companies

dc.contributor.advisorMihailović, Dobrivoje
dc.contributor.otherMilosavljević, Gordana
dc.contributor.otherFilipović, Vinka
dc.contributor.otherRadović, Milić
dc.contributor.otherTrebješanin, Žarko
dc.creatorJečmenica, Dejan V.
dc.description.abstractpokretacka snaga svakog preduzeca koja doprinosi stvaranju odreene konkurentske prednosti. Podrucje razvoja zaposlenih u proizvodnim preduzecima postaje veoma važan segment poslovanja svakog preduzeca. Ova oblast doskora nije bila predmet strategije proizvodnih preduzeca, ali sa pocetkom tranzicije i prelaska na tržišne uslove privreivanja, poslodavci je sve više razumeju i prihvataju. Iz tih razloga proistice i potreba za daljim unapreenjem ove oblasti i razvoja zaposlenih u preduzecima. Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu definisan je sa aspekta dominantnih cinilaca razvoja u proizvodnim preduzecima, kao sistematske delatnosti i bitne pretpostavke daljeg naucnog, a time i sveopšteg razvoja. Uvidom u teorijske radove i posebno u prakticna svetska iskustva, kao i iskustva ucesnika u ovom istraživanju, predmet rada obuhvata i pokušaj utvrivanja mogucih rešenja osnovnog problema u domenu razvoja zaposlenih i dobijanja odgovora na prilicno rasprostranjenu upitanost „kako odgovoriti velikim izazovima ovog vremena”? Problem je usmeren na definisanje cinilaca koji direktno uticu na razvoj zaposlenih, a sve u cilju stvaranja konkurentske prednosti preduzeca na tržištima u kojima obavljaju svoju delatnost. Turbulentnost promena u sferi poslovanja preduzeca namece potrebu razvoja zaposlenih u pravcu što boljeg usvajanja i usavršavanja novih znanja, sposobnosti i veština zaposlenih u cilju postizanja boljih radnih rezultata pojedinaca i stvaranja konkurentske prednosti preduzeca.sr
dc.description.abstractEmployee development in manufacturing companies is the most important and basic element of development of the company. As such, it becomes crucial provision in which companies differ from each other in a market match. The employees and their development become the driving force for companies and contribute to creating a huge competitive advantage. The field of employee development in production companies is becoming a very important segment of business of each company. Until recently, this issue was not the subject of production companies strategy, but with the beginning of transition and a change to market economic conditions, this area is starting to be increasingly understood and accepted by the employers. Therefore, there is a need for further advancement of this field and employee development in companies.The research subject in this paper is defined in terms of the dominant factors of the employee development in manufacturing companies, as systematic activity and significant assumption in further scientific, and therefore the overall development. After examining the theoretical works, especially in the practical world experience and the experience of the participants in this study, the subject of this paper includes an attempt to determine the possible solutions to the basic problem in the area of employee development and response to fairly widespread questioning "how to respond to the great challenges of this time?" The problem is aimed at defining the factors that directly affect the development of employees, with the aim of creating a competitive advantage in the markets in which they perform their activities. Turbulent changes in the sphere of business enterprises, imposes the need for development of employees in the direction of better adoption and advancement of new knowledge and skills of employees. The target is to achieve better business results of employees and make the competitive advantage of companies.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет организационих наукаsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectrazvoj zaposlenihsr
dc.subjectemployees developmenten
dc.titleDominantni činioci razvoja zaposlenih u proizvodnim preduzećimasr
dc.titleDominant elements for employee development in production companiesen
dcterms.abstractМихаиловић, Добривоје; Милосављевић, Гордана; Филиповић, Винка; Радовић, Милић; Требјешанин, Жарко; Јечменица, Дејан В.; Доминантни чиниоци развоја запослених у производним предузећима; Доминантни чиниоци развоја запослених у производним предузећима;

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