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Identity Structure and Mythological Poetics of Rastko Petrović

dc.contributor.advisorBošković, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherJerkov, Aleksandar
dc.contributor.otherTešić, Gojko
dc.creatorPetrović, Aleksandra M.
dc.description.abstractU radu Struktura identiteta i mitološka poetika Rastka Petrovića analitički i hermeneutički sagledavaju se problemi identiteta i mita u delu Rastka Petrovića. Postojeća literatura o književnom delu Rastka Petrovića pretežno istražuje sami fenomen Rastkove poetike, dok se pitanjem (de)konstrukcije identiteta i preinačenja mitskih obrazaca u stvaralaštvu avangardnog pesnika i pisca niko u celini nije bavio. S obzirom na to da do danas, dakle, nije napisana obuhvatna studija kojom bi bio sagledan način na koji se konstruiše, odnosno dekonstruiše identitet subjekta u Rastkovom književnom opusu, disertacija Struktura identiteta i mitološka poetika Rastka Petrovića otvara mogućnost potpunijeg vrednovanja neistraženih aspekata njegovog stvaralaštva. Uzimajući za predmet analize romane Rastka Petrovića Sa silama nemerljivim, Ljudi govori, Dan šesti, njegovu donekle zaboravljenu dramu Sabinjanke i putopisno ostvarenje Afrika, u radu će biti pokazan koncept dezintegrisanog identiteta subjekta, koji se gradio i unutar sebe razgrađivao, u igri čvrsto uspostavljenih i vladajućih ideoloških, psiholoških, socioloških, kuluroloških, rasnih i rodnih diskursa, još od istorijsko-humanističkog trenutka ranomodernističke načetosti identiteta, pa sve do poststrukturalističkog koncepta smrti. Sve te diskurzivne strategije konstituisanja identiteta ukazaće na necelovitost modernog subjekta u književnom delu Rastka Petrovića. Interpretacija diskurzivnih mehanizama i strukturalnog poretka, koji određuje vreme u kome je živeo i stvarao Rastko Petrović, ima nameru, dakle, da ukaže na značaj pitanja o prirodi subjektivnosti u okvirima zapadne kulture, odnosno na osnovu iz koje se, kroz književno delo, moderni subjekt, nakon iskustva Prvog svetskog rata, nužno dekonstruisao, naime, iz-sebe-izmestio. Problem dezintegrisanog identiteta subjekta biće preispitan i u kontekstu pesničke zbirke Otkrovenje, i to na planu: preinačenja tradicionalnih mitskih obrazaca i uspostavljanja individualnih mitova, smisla u kojem se reflektuje pojam funkcije duha, simbolike čulnog doživljaja sveta i jezika kao simptoma govora tela.sr
dc.description.abstractThe work Identity Structure and Mythological Poetics of Rastko Petrović considers, in analytical and hermeneutical terms, the problems of identity and myth in the opus of Rastko Petrović. The existing references to the literary works of Rastko Petrović are predominantly related to the complex manifestations of Rastko’s poetics, whereas the question of identity (de)construction and the transformation of mythical patterns in the creations of this avant-garde poet and writer has not been treated in its totality so far. With regard to the fact that up to this day no comprehensive study has been written that would take into consideration the manner in which identity of the subject is constructed and deconstructed in Rastko’s literary opus , the dissertation Identity Structure and Mythological Poetics of Rastko Petrović opens up a possibility of a fuller evaluation of those aspects of his creation that have not been researched before. The starting point is the analysis of Rastko Petrović's novels, ie. With Immeasurable Forces, People Speak, The Sixth Day, his somewhat forgotten drama The Sebane Women and his travel writing Africa. The work will represent the concept of the disintegrated identity of the subject which was composed and decomposed within itself in the game of the established and governing ideological, psychological, sociological, cultural, ratial and gender matrices, covering the time span from the hystorically-humanistic moment of the early modern identity crisis to the post-structuralist concept of its death. All these discursive strategies of identity establishment will indicate the lack of its totality in the modern subject in the literary opus of Rastko Petrović, its self-displacement that, amidst the complex impact of the recognisible disursive mechanisms, reveals itself as obligatory. The problem of the disintegrated identity of the subject will be re-examined in the context of his poetry collection Revelation and on the following plan at that: the transformation of the traditional mythical patterns and establishment of individual myths, the sense in which the concept of the spiritual function is reflected, the symbolism of the sensory experience of the world and the language as the symptom of body language.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Крагујевцуsr
dc.subjectRastko Petrovićsr
dc.subjectindividualna mitologizacijasr
dc.titleStruktura identiteta i mitološka poetika Rastka Petrovićasr
dc.titleIdentity Structure and Mythological Poetics of Rastko Petrovićen
dcterms.abstractБошковић, Драган; Јерков, Aлександар; Тешић, Гојко; Петровић, Aлександра М.; Структура идентитета и митолошка поетика Растка Петровића; Структура идентитета и митолошка поетика Растка Петровића;

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