Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji

Understanding of workplace bullying through analysis of perception of negative acts

dc.contributor.advisorČizmić, Svetlana
dc.contributor.otherPopadić, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherPetrović, Ivana
dc.contributor.otherTenjović, Lazar
dc.creatorVukelić, Milica B.
dc.description.abstractUprkos brojnim inostranim studijama koje omogućavaju značajan uvid u fenomen zlostavljanja na radu malo se zna o tome kako se doživljavaju negativni postupci koji čine okosnicu zlostavljanja, posebno u različitim kulturnim i radnim kontekstima. Koncept zlostavljanja na radu je danas ušao u novu fazu u kojoj se grade teorijski modeli, u kojoj se zlostavljanje razgraničava u odnosu na druge srodne koncepate, ali i u kojoj se preispituje način njegovog merenja. U kontekstu tih tendencija, ispitivanje načina doživljavanja negativnih postupaka predstavlja veoma važan korak. Cilj ove studije je bio da se ispita doživljaj prihvatljivosti negativnh postupaka u radnoj sredini, kao i doživljaj njihove lične težine i kontrolabilnosti. Takođe, cilj ove studije bio je i da se ispita uloga koju navedeni aspekti imaju na odnos između izloženosti negativnim postupcima, sa jedne strane i radnog ponašanja (namera da se napusti organizacija, percipirana produktivnost i zadovoljstvo poslom) i zdravstvenog statusa, sa druge strane. Različiti aspekti doživljavanja negativnih postupaka analizovani su u kontekstu različitih karakteristika zaposlenih, posla i radnih organizacija. Uzorak je činilo 329 zaposlenih mahom iz privatnih i državnih organizacija. Dizajn istraživanja je bio korelacioni. Za ispitivanje izloženosti negativnim postupcima korišćen je Revidirani upitnik o negativnim postupcima na radu (NAQ-R). Doživljavanje negativnih postupaka je takođe bilo procenjivano korišćenjem NAQ-R koji je posebno bio modifikovan za sva tri doživljajna aspekta (prihvatljivost, težinu i kontrolabilnost). Svi indikatori radnog ponašanja osim zadovoljstva poslom ispitivani su jednoajtemskim merama, dok je zadovoljstvo poslom ocenjivano preko šest ajtema. Jedan od glavnih nalaza ove studije je da se svi negativni postupci opažaju kao lično veoma teški, ali su pojedinci podeljeni u pogledu njihove prihvatljivosti i kontrolabilnosti. Rezultati ukazuju na to da zaposleni kao lično najteže, najmanje kontrolabilne i najmanje prihvatljive u radnoj sredini ocenjuju direktne napade na ličnost i fizički integritet. Zaposleni su bili podeljeni u pogledu doživljaja prihvatljivosti i kontrolabilnosti ponašanja kao što su: izolovanje, konstantno kritikovanje, davanje besmislenih zadataka i preopterećivanja poslom. Konačno, utvrđeno je da se ponašanja poput obavljanja poslova ispod nivoa stručnosti, širenje glasina i tračeva, vikanja i ignorisanja stavova i mišljenja u većem broju radnih sredina prihvataju, ali da ih većina zaposlenih kontroliše. Žene ocenjuju negativne postupke kao lično teže i slabije izlaze na kraj sa njima od muškaraca. Zaposleni iz manjih organizacija (11-50 zaposlenih) negativne postupke ocenjuju težim i prihvatljivijim u njihovim organizacijama od zaposlenih iz malih organizacija (do 10 zaposlenih), dok se u odnosu na zaposlene iz većih organizacija (51-250 zaposlenih i 251 i više zaposlenih) razlike nisu pokazale značajnim. U proizvodnim sektorima i državnoj upravi negativni postupci su prihvatljiviji u odnosu na sektor informacionih tehnologija i telekomunikacija. Zaposleni iz državnih i privatnih organizacija su jednako izloženi negativnim postupcima, iako su negativni postupci generalno prihvatljiviji u državnim organizacijama. Sledeći važan nalaz ove studije ukazuje na to da doživljaj prihvatljivosti negativnih postupaka ima značajnu medijatorsku ulogu u odnosu između izloženosti negativnim postupcima, sa jedne strane i namere da se napusti radna organizacija, zdravstvenog statusa i zadovoljstva poslom, sa druge strane. Doživljaj težine i kontrolabilnosti nisu imali značajnu medijatorsku ulogu u odnosu između izloženosti negativnim postupcima i njegovih posledica. Istraživanje ukazuje na to da je ispitivanje doživljaja negativnih postupaka veoma važno za razumevanje zlostavljanja i ima važne implikacije za razvoj postojeće metodologije. Takođe, predlaže se uključivanje organizacionih činilaca (npr. organizacione kulture i klime) u buduća istraživanja doživljavanja
dc.description.abstractDespite numerous studies that provide significant insight into the phenomenon of workplace bullying, little is known about the perception of negative acts that make the essence of workplace bullying, especially in different cultural and work contexts, and amongst different groups of employees. The concept of workplace bullying has entered a new era of research in which the theoretical models are built, in which bullying is analyzed with respect to other related concepts, and in which the ways of its measurement is evaluated. In the context of these tendencies, exploring the perception of negative acts is a very important step. The aim of this study was to examine the employees’ perception of acceptability of negative acts within their work context, as well as the perception of their intensity and controllability. In addition, the aim of this study was to investigate the role of these aspects in relation between exposure to negative acts on the one hand, and work behavior (intention to leave, perceived productivity and job satisfaction) and health status, on the other. Different aspects of perception of negative acts were analyzed in relation to specific characteristics of employees, jobs and organizations. The sample was comprised of 329 employees, mostly from private and public organizations. The study had a correlational research design. The Negative Acts Questionnaire - Revised (NAQ-R) was used for assessing the exposure to negative acts. The perception of negative acts was also evaluated using the NAQ-R, which was especially modified for all three aspects of perception (acceptability, intensity and controllability). All indicators of work behavior except job satisfaction were examined with one-item measures, while job satisfaction was evaluated with six items. One of the main findings of this study is that all the negative acts are perceived as personally very difficult, but at the same time employees are divided with respect to their acceptability and controllability. The results indicate that the employees perceived that the most intense, the least controllable and the least acceptable were direct attacks on personality and physical integrity. Employees were divided regarding the perception of acceptability and controllability of behaviors such as: isolation, persistent criticism, giving unreasonable or impossible tasks and unmanageable workload. Finally, it was found that behaviors such as giving the tasks below the level of competence, spreading rumors and gossips, shouting at someone and ignoring are generally acceptable in a large number of organizations, and controlled by the majority of employees. Women generally perceive negative acts as harder and less controllable than men. Employees from smaller organizations (11-50 employees) perceive negative acts as heavier and more acceptable in their organizations than employees from very small organizations (up to 10 employees). There were no significant differences in relation to intensity and controllability of negative acts between employees from these organizations (up to 10 and between 11-50) and larger organizations (51-250 employees and 251 and more employees). Negative acts are generally more acceptable in production and public administration sectors, than in IT and telecommunications sectors. There were no significant differences in exposure to negative acts between employees from public and private organizations, although the negative acts are more acceptable in public organizations. Another important finding of this study indicates that the exposure to negative acts has a significant indirect effect on the intention to leave, health status and job satisfaction through the acceptability of negative acts. The perception of intensity and controllability as mediators did not have a significant effect on the work behavior and health status. The research suggest that perception of negative acts is highly important in understanding of workplace bullying dynamics and it has valuable implications for development of existing methodology. The results also suggest the importance of inclusion of organizational factors (i.e. organizational culture and climate) in future research of workplace bullying perception.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филозофски факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179018/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectzlostavljanje na radusr
dc.subjectworkplace bullyingen
dc.subjectacceptability of negative actsen
dc.subjectintensity of negative actsen
dc.subjectcontrollability of negative actsen
dc.subjectprihvatljivost negativnih postupakasr
dc.subjecttežina negativnih postupakasr
dc.subjectkontrolabilnost negativnih postupakasr
dc.titleRazumevanje zlostavljanja na radu kroz analizu doživljavanja negativnih postupakasr
dc.titleUnderstanding of workplace bullying through analysis of perception of negative actsen
dcterms.abstractЧизмић, Светлана; Попадић, Драган; Петровић, Ивана; Тењовић, Лазар; Вукелић, Милица Б.; Разумевање злостављања на раду кроз анализу доживљавања негативних поступака; Разумевање злостављања на раду кроз анализу доживљавања негативних поступака;

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