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The Sarajevan Serb çarşi from 1918 to 1941.- between tradition and modernization

dc.contributor.advisorDimić, Ljubodrag
dc.contributor.otherRadojević, Mira
dc.contributor.otherŽivotić, Aleksandar
dc.contributor.otherRadić, Radmila
dc.creatorDujmović, Sonja M.
dc.description.abstractRad u prvom dijelu predstavlja pokušaj da se definiše sociološko-politička društvena grupa čaršija, jedna tradicionalna neformalna zajednica, oblikovana u okvirima tradicionalnog društva. U toj namjeri analizirana je u prvom redu takođe tradicionalna privredna i društvena organizacija esnaf, koji je činila okosnicu formiranja čaršije. Takođe, mnoge odlike srpske crkveno-školske opštine sa svojim organizacionom i društvenom ulogom za srpsku pravoslavnu zajednicu bile su značajne za uspostavljanje i održavanje društvene hijerarhije. Isprepletenost članstva, funkcija, organizacija u ova dva dugovjeka tradicionalna foruma činili su temelje društvene strukture koja je odlučujuće uticala na dalje tokove ekonomskog, političkog i najznačajnije, društvenog razvoja Sarajeva. Pri tome, primjer sarajevske srpske čaršije ne posmatramo samo kao lokalni specifikum, nego kao model u kojem se može nazrijeti način izrastanja društvene, urbane hijerarhije na širem, jugoslovenskom prostoru, koji dijeli zajedničko civilizacijsko, privredno i društveno iskustvo. Ukratko su u uvodnom dijelu date i promjene koje je modelirale čaršiju tokom Osmanskog Carstva, ali i one koje su sa Austro-Ugarskom Monarhijom donijele modernizacijske pomake i izmjene u funkcionisanju čaršije, ali i uloge koju je čaršija preuzela u novim okolnostima, bez vlastite strukturalne modifikacije. Istinska izmjena uslova i društvenih zakonitosti došla je sa formiranjem prve zajedničke jugoslovenske države Kraljevine Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca. U periodu njenog istorijski kratkotrajnog postojanja došlo je do ruiniranja čaršije kao tradicionalne ustanove, a njeni članovi su iskusili duboke i trajne promjene, tradicionalni, patrijarhalni elementi sa svojim karakteristikama ograničene efikasnosti, kreativnosti, inercije i sporog prilagođavanja doveli su do njenog nužnog postepenog utapanja u novu društvenu strukturu, bez mogućnosti da u toj silini promjena, uslovljenosti i okolnosti bude nosilac i promotor pozitivnih, demokratskih, kulturih i privrednih vrijednosti koje je posjedovala i koje bi bile društveno funkcionalne. Pod pretpostavkom da se ovi procesi, pored društveno-političkog okvira koji je u radu ocrtan, trebaju sagledati i iz perspektive samog života, ponuđen je u dijelu rada metodološki obrazac studije slučaja preko primjera uspona dvije čaršijske porodice (Jeftanovići, Besarovići), života i djelatnosti njenih vodećih članova. Registrovana je njihova, kao i ostalih čaršijskih sinova, prisutnost u tijelima i institucijama od administrativnog, političkog privrednog i kulturnog značaja te učešće u organizacijama tradicionalnog nacionalnog predznaka. Privatni život je elaboriran u mjeri u kojoj su to izvršena istraživanja dozvolila, a tiče se promjene opštih društvenih kretanja i vrijednosti, pozicioniranje javne uloge žena iz čaršijskog kruga, a iz privatnog života prate se koraci načina sklapanja brakova, nasljednog prava, školovanja djece, izbora stanovanja i provođenju slobodnog vremena. U radu su na osnovu izvorne građe, pojmovnih određenja i prihvatljivih teoretskih modela kao relevantnih pokazatelja ponuđeni pokazatelji koji prate temeljne društvene procese, politički, ekonomski i kulturni kontekst, kao određujuće koordinate za učešće i djelatnost, kao i domete društvenog, ekonomskog i kulturnog uticaja čaršijskih ljudi, Srba, u međratnom periodu u Sarajevu. Obzirom na suočavanje sa neistraženim područjem izazov je prilikom obrade bio u intenzivnoj komunikaciji s rezultatima drugih društvenih nauka. Složena problematika nalagala je nužno korištenje prave kombinatorike u metodološkom smislu. U mnogim segmentima analize, pored klasične istorijske metodologije korišteni su modeli drugih društvenih nauka, jednom riječju interdisciplinarnost je bila nužna, poželjna i jedino prihvatljiva u cilju postizanja relevantnih rezultata te se čini da je to bio jedini izlaz za korektno prilaženje jednom tako višeslojnom i problematski složenom pitanju. Građanstvo u Sarajevu, kao modelu, nije oblikovano dugotrajnom, postepenom i kontinuiranom socijalnom transformacijom starih vodećih gradskih strukutra, a čaršija je činila to potencijalno jezgro, već naglom i agresivnom promjenom prouzrokovanom naglim prekidom uzlazne linije društvenog razvoja, skokom iz jednog u drugo društvo, potpomognutim ratnom destrukcijom, potpuno različitih ekonomskih, društvenih, političkih i vrijednosnih sistema. Ovaj diskontinuitet nije bio nikakav izuzetak na jugoslovenskom prostoru, jednostavno, nije evolutivnim procesom stvoren srednji društveni sloj koji bi u društvu obezbjednio stabilnost i trajnost. Tako da je stvaranje nove države bio jedan od potresa koji su poremetili ovaj u ne tako davnoj prošlosti započeti proces. Dodatno su ovaj tok onemogućili i drugi činioci – gubitak socijalnih i ekonomskih privilegija, nagli porast urbanog stanovništva i njegova izmjenjena politička pozicija, ekonomska kriza, tehnološka zaostalost, nedostajanje državne potpore, sudar kulturnih i političkih tradicija. Uvođenje novih društvenih vrijednosti, idejnih i sistematski provođenih, u koji se stara vodeća društvena struktura nije uklapala, dovela je do disfukcije i tradicionalne društvene grupe čaršije. Njena uloga u provođenju organizacije i integracije društva postala je suvišna i nepotrebna.sr
dc.description.abstractThe failure of the first Yugoslav state can, among other things, be explained by the inherent social structure of the society and by the characteristics of a political elite which was not capable to endure the great organizational tasks and the governing of a complex state formed after the Great War. The different ways and the level of building of the citizenry layer and the formed elites in the unified states furthermore complicated the integration of space and interest, strengthening of the state, formation of the unison leadership of a largely agrarian society and disabled the domination of a entire scale of significant factors which separated areas and communities thereby causing the appearance of additional political and economic particularisms, as well as national and cultural exclusiveness. In absence of efforts to primarily achieve political rapprochement, a division on all levels was formalized, which essentially guaranteed failure. This paper is directed towards the elaboration, extraction and definition of the proto-elitist social forum shaped within the frames of a traditional society – the Sarajevan Serb Çarşı. Its founding, structure, functioning, influence within the Sarajevan and Bosnian and Herzegovinian framework, as well as the causes of its disappearance within Yugoslav frames are the subject of interest and a possible research model of other similar social groups. With this intention, the analysis included its traditional origins – the economic and social organization – guild and Serb church-school municipality whose traditional organization characteristics and the social role were crucial for the Çarşı profile. An additional foundation has been offered by the interweaving of the membership, functions, and organizations of these two long-lasting traditional forums which influenced the courses of the economic, political and social life of the Serb community in Sarajevo and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Thereby, the example of the Sarajevan Serb Çarşı was not only considered as locally specific, but also as a model for detection of the development of urban hierarchy and elite on a wider Yugoslav area which shared a common civilization, economic and social experience. We mentioned social and economic circumstances which modelled the Serb Çarşı in the period of the Ottoman Empire, but also those which, with the arrival of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, brought modernization advancement and changes in the functioning of the Çarşı, then its growth into an urban aristocracy and which, without structural modification but with historical necessity, imposed a new role on it – that of national leadership. A significant change of conditions and socio-economic rules came with the formation of the first common Yugoslav state in 1918, welcomed by the Sarajevan Serb Çarşı as „Serb national liberation“ and understood as a beginning of active participation in government. However, the Çarşı was then in a new, broader, more complex and more compound political and economic space for which the traditional parameters of acting and behaving could not function any longer. In the period of historically short existence of the Kingdom, further modernization of society brought to rapid social, political and economical flows and the formation of power centres from within the state structures which ruined the Çarşı as a traditional institution and its members went trough deep and permanent changes. Traditional, patriarchal elements of the Çarşı with its characteristics of rationality and tolerance, but also limited efficiency, inertia and slow adjustment in the time of national conservatism and growing radical internationalism resulted in its inevitable and gradual sinking into a new social structure, without the possibility to be in such intensive change, conditioning and circumstances the bearer and promoter of positive economic and civilization values which it possessed and which would socially function. Pressured by these circumstances and discouraged they saw an exit in de-politicization, withdrawing economically into the tradition of Bosnian and Herzegovinian regionalism, confirming their new, peripheral role. These processes, beside the socio-political framework depicted in the work, were also observed from a micro-historical perspective, using a methodological pattern of a case study through examples of the rise of two Çarşı families (Jeftanovići, Besarovići), and the life and activities of their prominent members. We have registered their presence, as well as of other Çarşı sons, in the bodies and institutions of an administrative, political, economical and cultural importance, as well as their involvement in the traditional and national organizations. The private life was elaborated to an extent that the scarce archival materials allowed it, and chiefly concerns changes of general social movements and values, positioning of the role of women from the Çarşı circles, and from the private life we have traced the steps in which marriages were arranged, inheritance law, education of children, choice of dwelling and how people chose to spend their free time. The paper follows the fundamental social processes on the basis of source materials, terminological definitions and acceptable theoretical models. We have outlined the political, economical and cultural context, which have all defined the coordinates for the involvement and activities of Serbs from Sarajevo, as well as the range of the social, economical and cultural influence of the Çarşı people. The Serb citizenry of the inter-war period in Sarajevo was not shaped by a long-lasting, gradual and continued social transformation of old leading city structures, and Çarşı made that potential core, but rather through the changes caused by a sudden break of the upward line of social development, aided by war destruction, via a leap from one society to another which had completely different economical, social, political and value systems, whereby an important change of city oligarchy took place, which made it completely dependent on the unreliable political influences. The creation of a new state was just one of the quakes which shook this process which was started not so long ago. This discontinuity was not an exception in the Yugoslav area. Simply stated, the middle social layer was not created through an evolutional process and thus could not provide the society with stability and endurance. This flow was additionally prevented by other factors as well – the loss of social and economical privileges, the sudden rise of the city population, but not of a traditionally tolerant urbane culture, its changed political position, the economical crisis, technological backwardness, the lack of state support, the clash of political and cultural traditions on a state level. The introduction of new social values, ideological, political and cultural, which were implemented systematically, and into which the old social structures could not fit, made the Sarajevan Serb Çarşı dysfunctional as a traditional social group. Its potential role in the implementation of organization and integration of the city’s society, of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the influence in the Kingdom became superfluous and unacceptable, which was consequentially also the reason for its demise.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филозофски факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectsrpska čaršijasr
dc.subjectKraljevina SHS/Jugoslavijasr
dc.subjectcrkveno-školska opštinasr
dc.subjectSerb Çarşıen
dc.subjectKingdom of SCS/Yugoslaviaen
dc.subjectSerb church-school municipalityen
dc.titleSarajevska srpska čaršija 1918-1941. : između tradicije i modernizacijesr
dc.titleThe Sarajevan Serb çarşi from 1918 to 1941.- between tradition and modernizationen
dcterms.abstractДимић, Љубодраг; Животић, Aлександар; Радојевић, Мира; Радић, Радмила; Дујмовић, Соња М.; Сарајевска српска чаршија 1918-1941. : између традиције и модернизације; Сарајевска српска чаршија 1918-1941. : између традиције и модернизације;

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