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Regulations of banks and the banking crises

dc.contributor.advisorVuksanović, Emilija
dc.contributor.otherDugalić, Veroljub
dc.contributor.otherKrstić, Borko
dc.creatorTodorović, Violeta
dc.description.abstractKrize banaka čine sastavni deo razvoja bankarskih sistema u savremenom okruženju, koje se može okarakterisati kao kompleksno, dinamično, heterogeno, neizvesno i nepredvidivo. Problematika upravljanja bankarskim krizama, godinama unazad prisutna u stručnoj domaćoj i stranoj literaturi, aktuelizovana je pojavom svetske finansijske krize. Nesporna uloga banaka u očuvanju stabilnosti ukupnog privrednog sistema pretpostavlja, sasvim razumljivo, uspostavljanje adekvatne kontrole nad bankarskim aktivnostima od strane regulatornih institucija. Promene u globalnom konkurentnom okruženju uslovljavaju i česte regulatorne reforme, koje prate razvoj međunarodno aktivnih banaka i bankarskih holding kompanija. S tim u vezi, međunarodna konvergencija standarda poslovanja banaka predstavlja neumitnu posledicu globalizacije finansijskih tržišta. U skladu sa predmetom i ciljem istraživanja, postavljenim hipotezama i primenjenim metodama istraživanja, u disertaciji su analizirani svi relevantni činioci koji determinišu neophodnost regulisanja banaka i važnu ulogu regulative u upravljanju bankarskim krizama. Istraživanje je usmereno na analizu ključnih faktora i elemenata koji imaju preventivnu funkciju u sprečavanju nastanka kriza kako individualnih banaka tako i bankarskog sistema, uopšte. Na bazi toga je stvorena osnova za racionalnu i relevantnu verifikaciju efekata, nastalih po osnovu adekvatno uspostavljenih regulatornih okvira bankarskog poslovanja. Analiza svih bitnih aspekata bankarskog regulisanja u razvijenim zemljama predstavlja koristan konceptualni okvir za kreiranje adekvatnog bankarskog regulatornog okruženja u Srbiji. S tim u vezi, iskustvo i efekti primenjenih mera u koncipiranju regulatornih okvira u razvijenim zemljama mogu značajno doprineti povećanju efikasnosti regulatornog okvira u Srbiji u upravljanju bankarskim krizama i njegovoj usklađenosti sa međunarodnim bankarskim principima. U tome se sastoji i ključni doprinos disertacije.sr
dc.description.abstractThe banking crises make an integral part of the banking system development in the contemporary environment, which can be characterized as the complex, dynamic, heterogeneous, uncertain and unpredictable. The problem of managing the banking crises, which is present in academic domestic and foreign literature for some years past, has been actualized by emerging the world financial crisis. The uncontroversial role of the banks in maintaining the stability of the total economic system implies, completely understandable, the establishing an adequate control over the banking activities from the part of the regulatory institutions. The changes in the global competitive environment cause the often regulatory reforms, which follow the development of the international active banks and banking holding companies. In relation with this, the international convergence of the banking business standards represents the inevitable consequence of the financial markets globalization. In harmony with the subject and purpose of the research, the set hypotheses and applied research methods, in dissertation there are analysed all relevant elements determining the necessity of the bank regulation and the important role of the regulation in managing the banking crisis. The research directed toward to the analysis of the key factors and elements which have the preventive function in inhibiting the crisis appearance as well as individual banks so and banking system at all. On basis of this, it is created the base for the rational and relevant verification of the effects, emerged on basis of the adequate established regulatory frameworks of the banking business. The analysis of the all relevant aspects of the banking regulation in developed countries represents the useful conceptual framework for creating the adequate banking regulatory environment in Serbia. In relation with this, the experience and effects of the applied measures in outlining the regulatory framework in developed countries, may significantly contribute to the increase of the regulatory framework efficiency in Serbia in managing the banking crises and its harmonization with the international banking principles. This is the key contribution of the dissertation.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Крагујевцу, Економски факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Крагујевцуsr
dc.subjectregulativa banakaen
dc.subjectregulativa banakasr
dc.subjectbankarska krizasr
dc.subjectmeđunarodna konvergencijasr
dc.subjectBazelski sporazumsr
dc.titleRegulativa banaka i bankarske krizesr
dc.titleRegulations of banks and the banking crisesen
dcterms.abstractВуксановић, Емилија; Крстић, Борко; Дугалић, Верољуб; Тодоровић, Виолета; Регулатива банака и банкарске кризе; Регулатива банака и банкарске кризе;

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