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Genetic diversity of red clover determined by morphological traits and SSR molecular markers

dc.contributor.advisorŠurlan-Momirović, Gordana
dc.contributor.otherŽivanović, Tomislav
dc.contributor.otherVasiljević, Sanja
dc.contributor.otherPerović, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherProdanović, Slaven
dc.creatorAhsyee, Ramadan Salem
dc.description.abstractCrvena detelina (Trifolium pratense L), predstavlja jednu od najvažnijih krmnih biljaka u tropima, koja se gaji u različitim uslovima sredine i čini glavni izvor stočne hrane. Genetika komponenti prinosa i kvalitativnih osobina crvene deteline nije dovoljno proučena zbog heterozigotne prirode vrste. Poznavanje genetičkog diverziteta bilo koje kulturne vrste pomaže oplemenjivaču pri izboru roditelja za ukrštanje u okviru oplemenjivačkog programa. Različiti genotipovi i linije se ukrštaju da bi se dobili superiorni hibridi sa otpornošću na abiotički i biotički stres. Postoji suštinska potreba da se postojeći genotipovi crvene deteline procene za nivo genetičkog diverziteta. Molekularni markeri predstavljaju moćnu metodu koja diferencira biljne varijetete na DNK nivou i korišćena je u brojnim studijama genetičkog diverziteta brojnih kulturnih vrsta. SSR markeri od svih ostalih molekularnih markera pokazuju visoku pouzdanost u studijama genetičkog diverziteta zbog specifične prirode i jednostavnosti izvođenja metode. Razumevanje molekularnog diverziteta dostupnih klonova Trifolium pratense L. će pomoći u proširivanju genetičke baze klonova crvene deteline za korišćenje u oplemenjivačkim programima. U ovom istraživanju 40 genotipova crvene deteline iz 17 različitih država sveta, dobijene iz Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtsrastvo, Novi Sad, je ispitano za nivo genetičkog diverziteta korišćenjem 13 morfoloških osobina i 15 SSR markera. Morfološke osobine su merene u eksperimentalnom ogledu izvedenom 2011 godine po potpuno sličajnom blok sistemu sa tri ponavljanja. Analiza varijanse je pokazala da su razlike između vrednosti kvantitativnih osobina bile značajne za sve osobine. Ovo je ukazalo na to da su i morfološke osobine dobar pokazatelj nivoa varijabilnosti genotipova crvene deteline. Broj internodija je bio genetički korelisan sa brojem ogranaka (r = 0,95**), dok je korelacija dijametra centralne lamine i broja ogranaka je bio neznačajan (r = 0,25ns). Analiza osnovnih komponenti (PCA) je primenjena za kvantitativne osobine da bi se utvrdila značajnost različitih
dc.description.abstractRed clover (Trifolium pratense L), is one of the most important forage crops in tropics and grown widely under diverse environmental conditions. It remains as the most reliable source of animal food. The genetics of various yield attributing and qualitative traits in red clover remains poorly understood because of the heterozygous nature of the crop. Knowledge on genetic diversity of any crop usually helps the breeder in choosing desirable parents for use in their breeding program. The diverse genotypes or accessions can be crossed to produce superior high yielding hybrids possessing resistance to various abiotic and biotic stresses. In the present scenario, there is an urgent need to evaluate the available red clover accessions for the extent of genetic diversity. Molecular markers are powerful tools, which help in differentiating plant varieties at the DNA level and have been widely used for genetic diversity studies in a number of crop species. Among the various molecular markers, the SSR markers are reliable due to their specific nature and its importance for the assessment of genetic diversity owing to their speed and simplicity. Understanding the molecular diversity of available clones of Trifolium pretense L will be helpful in widening the genetic base of available red clover clones for use in breeding programs. In the present investigation, 40 red clover genotypes from 17 different countries around the world obtained from Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad were screened for their genetic diversity using 13 morphological traits and 15 SSR markers. Morphological traits were recorded in the germplasm raised during 2011 sown the experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications Analysis of variance for the quantitative traits revealed that differences among accessions were significant for all traits. This indicated that morphological traits differed in amount of variation between red clover accessions studied, According to the correlations values of internodes had the strongest genetic correlation with number of branch (r = 0.95**) and Medium lamina diameter was in lowest correlation and non-significant with number of branch (r = 0.25ns). Principal component analysis (PCA) of the quantitative data was performed to investigate the importance of different traits...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Пољопривредни факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectcrvena detelinasr
dc.subjectred cloveren
dc.subjectmorfološke osobinesr
dc.subjectSSR markerisr
dc.subjectmorphological traitsen
dc.subjectSSR marksen
dc.titleGenetička divergentnost crvene deteline determinisane morfološkim osobinama i SSR molekularnim markerimasr
dc.titleGenetic diversity of red clover determined by morphological traits and SSR molecular markersen
dcterms.abstractШурлан-Момировић, Гордана; Продановић, Славен; Васиљевић, Сања; Живановић, Томислав; Перовић, Драган; Aхсyее, Рамадан Салем; Генетичка дивергентност црвене детелине детерминисане морфолошким особинама и ССР молекуларним маркерима; Генетичка дивергентност црвене детелине детерминисане морфолошким особинама и ССР молекуларним маркерима;

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