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Welfare quality assessment on diary farms

dc.contributor.advisorHristov, Slavča
dc.contributor.otherVučinić, Marijana
dc.contributor.otherPerišić, Predrag
dc.contributor.otherPantelić, Vlada
dc.contributor.otherNovaković, Željko
dc.creatorOstojić-Andrić, Dušica
dc.description.abstractU današnje vreme, uzimajući u obzir težinu i izloženost uticajima koji ugrožavaju dobrobit kao i broj gajenih životinja, problem dobrobiti mlečnih krava jedan je od najizraženijih u Evropi. Zaštita dobrobiti mlečnih krava je izuzetno kompleksno pitanje, koje uključuje različite aspekte i zahteva korenite promene u odgajivačkim programima i sistemima menandžmenta. Pitanje dobrobiti najviše okupira one koji su direktno ili indirektno uključeni u proizvodnju hrane - potrošače i proizvođače animalnih proizvoda. Pored toga, zaštita dobrobiti mlečnih krava povezana je i sa pitanjima zaštite životne sredine, održivog razvoja, i čitavog niza zdravstvenih, higijenskih, ekonomskih i socijalnih problema jednog društva. Osnovni cilj ovog rada bio je utvrđivanje nivoa kvaliteta dobrobiti na farmama mlečnih krava kao i sagledavanje razlika u kvalitetu dobrobiti između farmi sa različitim sistemom držanja i farmi različitog kapaciteta. Procena relevantnosti pojedinih indikatora u okviru kriterijuma i principa, kao i bliže definisanje najznačajnijih problema dobrobiti na farmama mlečnih krava u našoj zemlji, utvrđivanje međusobnih odnosa kvaliteta dobrobiti, proizvodnje mleka, nekih reproduktivnih pokazatelja i sezone gajenja takođe su određeni kao ciljevi disertacije. Za ocenu stanja dobrobiti na farmama mlečnih krava korišćen je Protokol za ocenu kvaliteta dobrobiti goveda (Wefare Quality® Assessment Protocol for Cattle, 2009) čija je specifičnost ocena odgovarajućih pokazatelja dobrobiti posmatrano iz ugla same životinje. Protokol uključuje 29 indikatora koji se koriste za utvrđivanje 12 kriterijuma: odsustva dugotrajne gladi i žeđi, komfora u držanju, termalnog komfora, slobode pokreta, odsustva povreda i bolesti, odsustva bola usled mutilacija, izražavanja socijalnih i ostalih oblika ponašanja, dobrog odnosa čovek - životinja i pozitivnog emocionalnog
dc.description.abstractToday, taking into consideration the gravity and exposure to influences that threaten the welfare and the number of farmed animals, welfare problem of dairy cows is one of the most dominant in Europe. Protecting the welfare of dairy cows is an extremely complex issue that involves different aspects and requires fundamental changes in the breeding programs and management systems. The question of animal welfare is mainly occupying those who are directly or indirectly involved in the production of food - consumers and producers of animal products. In addition, the protection of the welfare of dairy cows is associated with environmental issues, sustainable development, and a range of medical, hygienic, economic and social problems of the society. The main objective of this study was to determine the quality of the welfare of dairy cows on farms as well as understanding the difference in the quality of welfare among farms with different housing systems and farms of different capacities. Assessment of the relevance of certain indicators within the criteria and principles, as well as clarification of the major welfare problem in dairy cattle farms in the country, establishing mutual relationship between animal welfare quality, milk production, reproductive indices and some of the breeding season, were also determined as objectives of the dissertation. For the assessment of animal welfare on dairy farms the Protocol to assess the quality of welfare of cattle was used (Welfare Quality ® Assessment Protocol for Cattle, 2009), whose specific feature is the assessment of appropriate animal welfare indicators from the viewpoint of the animals themselves. The protocol includes 29 indicators used to determine the 12 criteria: the absence of long-term hunger and thirst, keeping of comfort, thermal comfort, freedom of movement, lack of injuries and illness, absence of pain due to mutilation, expression of social behaviour and other forms of behaviour, a good relationship man - animal and positive emotional state...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Пољопривредни факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectmlečne kravesr
dc.subjectsistem držanjasr
dc.subjectdairy cowsen
dc.subjecthousing systemen
dc.titleOcena kvaliteta dobrobiti na farmama mlečnih kravasr
dc.titleWelfare quality assessment on diary farmsen
dcterms.abstractХристов, Славча; Вучинић, Маријана; Перишић, Предраг; Новаковић, Жељко; Пантелић, Влада; Остојић-Aндрић, Душица; Оцена квалитета добробити на фармама млечних крава; Оцена квалитета добробити на фармама млечних крава;

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