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Phenotypic and genetic variability of quality traits of pig carcass sides and meat

dc.contributor.advisorPetrović, Milica
dc.contributor.otherRadojković, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherRadović, Ivan
dc.creatorRadović, Čedomir R.
dc.description.abstractOvo istraživanje je imalo za cilj da se utvrdi fenotipska i genetska varijabilnost osobina kvaliteta trupa i mesa potomaka tri čiste rase očeva (ŠL-švedski landras, VJveliki jorkšir i P-pijetren), kao i pouzdanost ocene udela mesa u polutki primenom dve metode (prema Pravilniku i parcijalnom disekcijom). Krmače–majke su parene sa nerastima-očevima tri rase, tako da su dobijeni potomci bili: čista rasa (ŠL); dvorasni melezi sa udelom roditeljskih rasa 50:50 (genotip VJ x ŠL i P x ŠL); dvorasni melezi sa 75% rase oca (ŠL ili VJ, genotip ŠL x (VJxŠL) i VJ x (VJxŠL)) i trorasni melezi (genotip P x (VJxŠL)). Ukupno je za 536 potomka ispitivano deset sobina porasta i kvaliteta polutke odnosno 442 potomka za osobine debljina slanine na grebenu, krstima (I i III mera) i dužine polutke oba pola (muška kastrirana i ženska grla). Vrednost pH (pH45 - 45 minuta i pH24 - 24 časa post mortem) m.longissimus-a i m.semimenbranosus-a utvrđena je pH-metrom sa ubodnom elektrodom (Hanna, HI 83141) kod 410 potomaka. Od ukupnog broja potomaka (536 grla) kvalitet trupa disekcijom (u skladu sa odgovarajućim propisima EU (EC No 3127/94, 1994, EC No 1197/06, 2006; Walstra i Merkus, 1996) ispitan je kod 201 potomka ispitivanih očeva (108 muških kastriranih grla i 93 ženskih grla). Uzorci za utvrđivanje kvaliteta mesa su uzeti sa dugog leđnog mišića musculus longissimus (ML), u visini između 13. i 14. rebra. Uzorci m.longissimus potiču od 50 potomaka dve plodne rase očeva, švedskog landrasa (29 uzoraka) i velikog jorkšira (21 uzorak). Obrada podataka obavljena je primenom odgovarajućeg računarskog paketa "LSMLMW and MIXMDL, PC-2 VERSION" (Harvey, 1990) odnosno upotrebom procedure metoda najmanjih kvadrata u cilju determinisanja signifikantnosti (P<0,05) sistematskih uticaja na osobine prirasta, kvaliteta polutki i mesa. U modele su uključeni: rasa oca, očevi, genotip grla, pol, masa polutki (linearni uticaj) ili uzrast pri klanju (linearni uticaj). Fenotipska povezanost utvrđena je izračunavanjem koeficijenata korelacije. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da su najmlađi pri klanju bili potomci nerasta rase pijetren (194,57 dana) a najstariji nerasta rase veliki jorkšir (209,15 dana) i da je rasa oca uticala statistički visoko značajno (P<0,01) na variranje uzrasta pri klanju
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to determine the phenotypic and genetic variability of carcass and meat quality traits in offspring of three purebred sires (SL-Swedish Landrace, LW-Large White and P-Pietrain) and the reliability of the evaluation of share of meat in the carcass side by using two methods (according to Regulation and partial dissection). Sow dams were mated with boar sires of three breeds, and the following progeny was obtained: pure breed (SL); two-breed crosses with share of parental breeds 50:50 (genotype LW x SL and P x SL); two-breed crosses with 75% of sire breed (SL or LW, genotype SL x (LWxSL) and LW x (LWxSL)) and three-breed crosses (genotype P x (LWxSL)). On total of 536 progeny, ten growth and carcass side quality traits were studied, i.e. in 442 progeny the back fat thickness on withers and rump (measures I and III) and length of carcass sides of both genders/sexes (male and female animals). The pH values (pH45 - 45 minutes and pH24 - 24 hours post mortem) of m.longissimus and m.semimenbranosus were determined using the pH-meter with probing electrode (Hanna, HI 83141) in 410 progeny animals. Of total number of progeny (536 animals), the quality of carcass was studied by dissection (consistent with adequate regulations EU (EC No 3127/94, 1994, EC No 1197/06, 2006; Walstra and Merkus, 1996) in 201 progeny animals of studied sires (108 male castrated animals and 93 female animals). Samples used for determination of the quality of meat were taken from the long back muscle musculus longissimus (ML), between the 13th and 14th rib. Samples of m.longissimus were taken from 50 animals progeny of two fertile sire breeds of Swedish Landrace (29 samples) and Large White (21 samples). Data was processed by applying the adequate software package "LSMLMW and MIXMDL, PC-2 VERSION" (Harvey, 1990), i.e. by using the procedure of the Least Square Method in order to determine the significance (P<0,05) of systematic influences on traits of gain, carcass side quality and meat quality. Models included: sire breed, genotype of the individual animal, sex/gender, carcass side mass (linear effect) or age at slaughter (linear effect)...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Пољопривредни факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectrasa ocasr
dc.subjectsire breeden
dc.subjectkvalitet polutkesr
dc.subjectkvalitet mesasr
dc.subjectmetod procene mesnatostisr
dc.subjectpovezanost osobinasr
dc.subjectcarcass qualityen
dc.subjectmeat qualityen
dc.subjectleanness evaluation methoden
dc.subjectcorrelation propertiesen
dc.titleFenotipska i genetska varijabilnost osobina kvaliteta polutki i mesa svinjasr
dc.titlePhenotypic and genetic variability of quality traits of pig carcass sides and meaten
dcterms.abstractПетровић, Милица; Радојковић, Драган; Радовић, Иван; Радовић, Чедомир Р.; Фенотипска и генетска варијабилност особина квалитета полутки и меса свиња; Фенотипска и генетска варијабилност особина квалитета полутки и меса свиња;

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