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Influence of weather conditions, soil and genotype combination on maize hybrid seed features

dc.contributor.advisorGlamočlija, Đorđe
dc.contributor.otherSabovljević, Radovan
dc.contributor.otherPavlov, Milovan
dc.contributor.otherLekić, Slavoljub
dc.contributor.otherJovanović, Života
dc.creatorTabaković, Marijenka J.
dc.description.abstractU radu prouĉavan je uticaj agroekoloških uslova lokaliteta i zemljišta u periodu od pet godina na morfološke i fiziološke osobine genotipskih kombinacija hibrida kukuruza i njihove interakcije. Predmet prouĉavanja bilo je hibridno seme F1 generacije ĉetiri single cross kombinacije. Ovim semenskim materijalom postavljeni su makroogledi na pet lokaliteta, na kojima je ispitivan uticaj vremenskih i zemljišnih uslova na morfološke i fiziološke osobine semena. Za laboratorijska ispitivanja uzimani su radni uzorci iz naturalnog semena iz koga je izdvojena jedna frakcija prema krupnoći. Posle odreĊivanja procentualnog udela semena na klipu na laboratorijskim ureĊajima za doradu semena, na dobijenim radnim uzorcima odreĊene su njegove morfoloiške i fiziološke osobine. Najvaţnije osobine, apolutna masa (masa 1000 semena), energija klijanja i ukupna klijavost semena, uraĊene su sa ĉetiri ponavljanja za svaku varijantu. Apsolutna masa izmerena je merenjem 10 x 100 semena na laboratorijskoj vagi. Energija klijanja i ukupna klijavost odreĊena je naklijavanjem semena pri temperaturi: t1=20/300C (naizmeniĉno 16/8 ĉasova) i u ĉetiri ponavljanja po ISTA meĊunarodnim i domaćim metodama regulisanim Pravilnikom o kvalitetu semena. Eksperimentalni podaci obraĊeni su na srednju vrednost i ukupnu varijabilnost (x, Sx i C.V.) za sve osobine semena i svaku varijantu istraţivanja. Dvofaktorijalna analiza varijanse (hibridna kombinacija – lokalitet) uraĊena je za sve prouĉavane osobine semena, a to su apsolutna masa, energija klijanja, ukupna klijavost i randman semena. Korelativni odnosi uticaja ispoljanja prouĉavanih osobina semena analizirani su primenom jednaĉine višestruke korelacije i regresije. Za ocenu agroekoloških uslova na lokalitetima proizvodnje i agrohemijskih osobina zemljišta, korišćeni su rezultati lokalnih hidrometeroloških sluţbi, kao i rezultati laboratorijskih analiza zemljišta. Analizom srednjih vrednosti i varijanse osobina hibridnog semena kukuruza doneti su zakljuĉci o stabilnosti u ispoljavanju osobina pod uticajem posmatranih
dc.description.abstractImpact of local agro-ecological conditions and soil, in five-year period, on morphological and physiological features of genotype combinations of maize hybrids and their interaction was observed in the present study. The study object was F1 generation hybrid seeds of four single cross combinations. These seeds were used in macro experiments at five locations where was tested the influence of weather and soil conditions on the morphological and physiological features of seeds. From raw seed one fraction was separated by coarseness from which the samples were taken for the laboratory tests. After determining percentage ratio of kernels on a cob using laboratory equipment for seed processing, the morphological and physiological traits were tested on the obtained samples. The most important features, 1000-kernel weight, vigour of emergence and total germination of seeds, were observed on four replications for each variant. The 1000-kernel weight was gained measuring 10 x 100 seeds on laboratory scale. Vigour and germination of seeds were tested at temperatures: t1=20/300C (alternately 16/8 hours) in four repetitions by ISTA international and national methods stipulated by Rules on the quality of seeds. Experimental data was calculated on the mean value and total variability (x, Sx i C.V.) for all seed traits and each variant of the research. Two factorial analysis of variance (hybrid combination – location) was performed for all studied traits of seed, which are the 1000-kernel weight, vigour of emergence, total germination, and shelling percentage. Correlation of the effects of studied seed traits were analyzed using the eqation of multiple correlation and regression. The results of local hydro-meteorological services, as well as the results of laboratory analysis of soil, were used for the evaluation of agro-ecological conditions and agro-chemical properties of soil at trail locations. Conclusions on the stability of the expression of traits influenced by observed factors were gained by the analysis of mean values and variance of the traits of hybrid seed. This influence is shown through two factorial analysis of variance...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Пољопривредни факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjecthibridno semesr
dc.subjectagroekološki uslovisr
dc.subjecthybrid seeden
dc.subjectagro-ecological conditionsen
dc.titleUticaj vremenskih uslova, zemljišta i genotipske kombinacije na osobine hibridnog semena kukuruzasr
dc.titleInfluence of weather conditions, soil and genotype combination on maize hybrid seed featuresen
dcterms.abstractГламочлија, Ђорђе; Павлов, Милован; Јовановић, Живота; Лекић, Славољуб; Сабовљевић, Радован; Табаковић, Маријенка Ј.; Утицај временских услова, земљишта и генотипске комбинације на особине хибридног семена кукуруза; Утицај временских услова, земљишта и генотипске комбинације на особине хибридног семена кукуруза;

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