Приказ основних података о дисертацији

Investigation of professional stress at emergency physicians and psychiatrists

dc.contributor.advisorJašović-Gašić, Miroslava
dc.contributor.otherJovanović, Aleksandar A.
dc.contributor.otherMilovanović, Aleksandar
dc.contributor.otherPejović, Mirko
dc.creatorVićentić, Sreten
dc.description.abstractFenomen stresa je komplikovan i sadrži različite definicije. Prve studije o stresu su se zasnivale na fiziologiji, ali su se sredinom prošlog veka pojavili i mnogi psihološki modeli. Reakcija na stres može da nastane ne samo kao reakcija na stvarne psihološke i fizičke događaje, nego i u njihovom očekivanju. Ovaj tip stresa se naziva „psihološki“ i smatra se najvažnijim u današnjem društvu kao glavni razlog hroničnog stresa. Profesionalni, radni ili stres vezan za profesiju, ima relativno kratku istoriju u naučnom razmatranju. Određene teorije ističu interakciju osobe i sredine. U poslednjih nekoliko godina pritisak na lekare porastao je u mnogim zemljama, kao rezultat različitih reformi zdravstvene zaštite koji utiču na autonomiju lekara, prestiž i prihode, što dovodi do većeg stresa na radu. Radni stres može dovesti do hroničnih reakcija, kao što su loše zdravlje, iscrpljenost i depresija. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitivanje i utvrđivanje nivoa profesionalnog stresa kod lekara urgentne medicine i psihijatara, kao i faktora koji utiču na njegov nastanak, razvoj i ispoljavanja (koja se u savremenoj medicinskoj literaturi označavaju kao tzv. „sindroma izgaranja“ , odnosno „burnout sindrom“ ili jednostavno „burnout“, a „burnout“ na engleskom znači sagorevanje ili izgaranje i kod nas se kao termin često koristi u stručnim krugovima) Istraživanje je koncipirano kao studija preseka. Ispitanici su bili lekari psihijatri i lekari urgentne medicine (prosečan broj radnih sati kod svih je bio veći od 35 nedeljno), i podeljeno je 330 upitnika. Ukupan broj popunjenih testova je bio 302 (152 lekara urgentne medicine i 150 psihijatara), što daje veoma visok procenat odgovora od 91,8%. Ispitivanje je urađeno pomoću upitnika koji se sastojao od šest celina i to: Sociodemografski upitnik, Opšti zdravstveni upitnik (General Health Questionairre – GHQ), Masleč inventar izgaranja (Maslach Burnout Inventory – MBI), Kvalitet života (Quality Of Life – QOL), Upitnik o zadovoljstvu zaposlenih (UZZ) i Profil indeks emocija - PIE (Emotions Profile Index). ..sr
dc.description.abstractThe phenomenon of stress is complicated and it contains many different definitions. The first studies on stress have been based on physiology, but in the middle of the last century many psychological models emerged. Stress reaction can occur not only as a response to a real psychological and physical events, but also in their expectation. This type of stress is called the “psychological” and it is considered as the most important in today’s society as the main cause of chronic stress. Professional, work or stress related to the profession, has a relatively short history in the scientific discussion. Certain theories emphasize people and the environment interact. In recent years, the pressure on physicians has increased in many countries, as a result of various health care reform affecting the autonomy of doctors, prestige and income, leading to more stress at work. Work stress can lead to chronic reactions, such as poor health, burnout and depression. The objective of this study was to investigate and determine the level of job stress for emergency medicine physicians and psychiatrists, as well as factors affecting its emergence, development and manifestation (in the actual medical literature called “burnout syndrome”, i.e. “burnout”). The study was designed as a cross sectional study. Respondents were emergency medicine physicians and psychiatrists (the average number of working hours at all was more than 35 per week), and 330 questionnaires were distributed. The total number of completed tests was 302 (152 emergency medicine physicians and 150 psychiatrists), which gives a very high response rate of 91.8%. The research was conducted through a questionnaire, which consisted of six segments, namely: socio-demographic questionnaire, the General Health Questionnaire - GHQ, Maslach Burnout Inventory - MBI, Quality of Life - QOL, Questionnaire of employee satisfaction (UZZ) and emotions profile index - PIE...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Медицински факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectkvalitet životasr
dc.subjectzadovoljstvo poslomsr
dc.subjectemocionalni profilsr
dc.subjectquality of lifeen
dc.subjectjob satisfactionen
dc.subjectemotional profileen
dc.titleIspitivanje profesionalnog stresa kod lekara urgentne medicine i psihijatarasr
dc.titleInvestigation of professional stress at emergency physicians and psychiatristsen
dcterms.abstractЈашовић-Гашић, Мирослава; Јовановић, Aлександар A.; Пејовић, Мирко; Миловановић, Aлександар; Вићентић, Сретен; Испитивање професионалног стреса код лекара ургентне медицине и психијатара; Испитивање професионалног стреса код лекара ургентне медицине и психијатара;

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