Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji

A triangulation approach to insurance transformation through modern technologies

dc.contributor.advisorMilosavljević, Miloš
dc.contributor.otherBenković, Slađana
dc.contributor.otherStarčević, Dušan
dc.contributor.otherBarać, Dušan
dc.contributor.otherStančić, Predrag
dc.creatorMilanović, Nemanja B.
dc.description.abstractRazvoj i primena novih tehnologija oduvek su menjali način na koji organizacije kreiraju i isporučuju vrednost, ali i principe funkcionisanja poslovnog sektora i društva u celini. Ni industrija finansijskih usluga nije izuzetak, a poslednjih nekoliko godina posebnu pažnju naučne i stručne javnosti zaokuplja ekosistem insurtech-a, odnosno transformacija usluga osiguranja pod uticajem savremenih tehnologija. Zbog složenosti, ovaj ekosistem je u disertaciji suženo posmatran na primeru transformacije usluga osiguranja od autoodgovornosti. Uvažavajući da je reč o relativno novoj i nedovoljno istraženoj temi u akademskoj i stručnoj javnosti, u disertaciji je razvijen triangulacioni pristup koji razmatra predmet istraživanja iz tri perspektive: 1) naučno-istraživačke, 2) korisničke i 3) menadžerske. Prva perspektiva je utemeljena na bibliometrijskoj analizi i analizi sadržaja naučno-istraživačkog autputa u poslednje dve decenije. Utvrđeno je da mobilne tehnologije, internet inteligentnih uređaja, big dejta, veštačka inteligencija, računarstvo u „oblaku“ i blokčejn čine skup tehnologija koje najsnažnije utiču na transformaciju usluga osiguranja od autoodgovornosti. Među njima su po zastupljenosti i značaju posebno izdvojeni telematski sistemi u vozilima kao tehnološka osnova za uvođenje savremenih modela osiguranja zasnovanog na korišćenju. Korisnička perspektiva je ispitala kako vozači u svojstvu osiguranika reaguju na nove tehnologije i da li su i pod kojim uslovima spremni da usvoje telematske sisteme u vozilima u svrhe prelaska sa konvencionalnog modela osiguranja od autoodgovornosti na model osiguranja zasnovanog na korišćenju. Na osnovu Objedinjene teorije usvajanja i korišćenja tehnologije – UTAUT, kreirano je empirijsko istraživanje koje je obuhvatilo 502 ispitanika. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da zabrinutost za privatnost ličnih podataka bitno utiče na nameru korišćenja novih tehnologija u osiguranju od autoodgovornosti. U okviru treće perspektive triangulacionog pristupa sprovedeno je kvalitativno istraživanje putem otvorenog strukturiranog intervjua sa predstavnicima upravljačkih struktura osiguravajućih društava koja se bave poslovima osiguranja od autoodgovornosti u Srbiji. Rezultati istraživanja su otkrili kakav je opšti stav i strateški odgovor osiguravajućih društava na globalne promene u industriji izazvane insurtech-om. Koristeći pristup zasnovan na resursima, utvrđeno je da, prema mišljenju njihovih rukovodilaca, osiguravajuća društva raspolažu tehnološkim, ljudskim i organizacionim resursima koji su neophodni za uspešnu transformaciju. I pored toga, stepen transformacije zasnovane na savremenim tehnologijama i dalje znatno zaostaje za razvijenim tržištima, prvenstveno zbog regulatornih ograničenja i usporene liberalizacije tržišta osiguranja od autoodgovornosti u Srbiji. Rezultati disertacije doprinose uvećanju relativno skromnog fonda znanja o mogućnostima transformacije ove vrste osiguranja na slabije razvijenim tržištima. Razvijeni triangulacioni pristup transformaciji usluga osiguranja zasnovanoj na savremenim tehnologijama može da posluži kao okvir za buduća istraživanja relativno novijih, kompleksnih istraživačkih problema i u drugim oblastima finansijskih tehnologija, a koji zahtevaju tumačenje iz više različitih uglova
dc.description.abstractThe development and application of new technologies has always changed the way organizations create and deliver value, but also the very principles of functioning of the business sector, as well as society as a whole. The financial services industry is no exception, and in the last few years, the attention of the scientific and professional public has been preoccupied by the ecosystem of insurtech, i.e., the transformation of insurance services under the influence of modern technologies. Due to its complexity, this ecosystem is in this dissertation narrowly observed through the example of the transformation of motor third-party liability insurance. Recognizing that this is a relatively new and insufficiently researched topic, both in scholarship and practice, this dissertation develops a triangulational approach that considers the subject of research from three perspectives. Namely, through the lenses of 1) scientific research, 2) the user, and 3) the managerial perspective. The first perspective is based on bibliometric and content analysis of scientific-research output over the last two decades. It has been determined that mobile technology, the Internet of things, big data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and blockchain are the set of technologies that exert the strongest impact on the transformation of motor third-party liability insurance. Among them, in terms of representation and importance, vehicle telematics have been singled out as the technological basis for the introduction of modern usage-based insurance models. The user perspective examined how drivers, as the insured party, react to new technologies and whether, and under what conditions, they are ready to adopt vehicle telematics for the purpose of switching from the traditional motor third-party liability insurance model to the usage-based insurance model. Based on the Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology - UTAUT, one of the most prominent theories in the field of user adoption of new technologies, an empirical study, which included 502 respondents, was created. The obtained results indicate that data privacy concerns significantly affect the intention to use new technologies in motor third-party liability insurance. Within the scope of the third perspective of the triangulation approach, qualitative research was conducted through structured interviews with representatives of management of insurance companies engaged in motor third-party liability insurance in Serbia. The results of the research revealed the general attitude and strategic response of insurance companies to global changes in the industry caused by insurtech. Using the resource-based view, it was determined that, in the opinion of their managers, insurance companies have the technological, human, and organizational resources necessary for successful transformation. Nevertheless, the degree of transformation based on modern technologies still lags far behind developed markets, primarily due to regulatory constraints and the slow liberalization of the motor third-party liability insurance market in Serbia. The results of the dissertation contribute to expanding relatively modest fund of knowledge about potential for insurance digital transformation in less developed markets. The developed triangulational approach can be used as a framework for future studies on relatively newer and complex research problem in other fields of financial technologies which require interpretation from several different perspectives.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет организационих наукаsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectosiguranje, triangulacija, insurtech, savremene tehnologije, transformacijasr
dc.subjectinsurance, triangulation, insurtech, modern technologies, transformationen
dc.titleTriangulacioni pristup transformaciji usluga osiguranja zasnovanoj na savremenim tehnologijamasr
dc.title.alternativeA triangulation approach to insurance transformation through modern technologiesen

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